Tell the truth about the neuron writing (Neuron Writing) fade=3:40-4:05 1) guitar 2) guitar 2 3) vocal 1 4) vocal 2 (double) 5) bass 6) drums (brushes?) 2 verses of intro D A Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing D A Tell the truth about neuron writes D A F#m Tell the truth about the neuron writing D A Tell the truth about neuron writes 2 versus of intro Tell the truth about how you hear thoughts Tell the truth about hearing thoughts Tell the truth about how you hear thoughts Tell the truth about hearing thoughts Tell the truth about hearing thoughts interlude G6 F6 E6 D6 G6 F6 E6 D6 Tell the truth about how you see thought Tell how you see every thought Tell the truth about how you see thought Tell the truth about seeing thought Tell the truth about seeing thought Show everybody the truth Tell everyone the truth for free Teach the world neuron reading and writing and let everybody see and let everybody see interlude G6 Bb6 C6 E6 G6 Bb6 A6 Ab6 The truth about neuron writing Is something everybody should be shown The truth about neuron writing A E Is something everybody should know/Is something that should be known faster drums? triads A C# E B D# F# D F# A E G# B A A C# E B D# F# D A F# E B G# A (drums) (clap clap) C# D E (E chord) F# E D (D chord) alternate with C# D E F# G# A delayed-8th to 16th – like heatbreaker A B C# D E F# D E F# G# A B A A E D C# D E D B A G# F# F# A ============= Notes Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing guitar strummed like 60s Beatles – 3 strings, one at a time intro F F Bb Bb A G F G A Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing Start ratting about the neuron writing Its how people use particles to make neurons fire they can make you remember a face they can write an image that you see for a millisecond/send you a millisecond image and it can be a powerful suggestion They can remote move a muscle yes that neuron is connected to a muscle they can remotely make a muscle contract Your muscle contracting spasmotically? That's probably the neuron writing. (a Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing Start ratting about the neuron writing galvani did neuron writing galvani did neuron writing in 1791 Even Jan swammadaam did neuron writing in the 1600s Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing and maybe everybody will live/survive Let's have a neuron-burg for the neuron writers a neuron-burg for the first-strike violent neuron write It's like radio but we can just play our song into your head turn off that radio we'll just beam our song and write it onto yer head its like that obiwan – they neuron write: you will now eat a banana and the victim thinks – yes (guess what), I will now (feel like eating a banana) eat a banana -you will now kill an innocent person yes – I think I will go kill an innocent people you will now take off your clothes in public yes – for whatever reason – probably for god - I feel compelled to take my clothes off in public The screen in your mind is a big billboard these crappy elitist people see a square over your head with the images that you are thinking mostly the screen is blank – because most of the time people are thinking nothing those that think nothing are the perfect victim are they not? Because a blank screen appears like a good place to do neuron drawing how about the monsters – who have seen all the neuron writing abuse and still say nothing...i mean wow...ouch...that is gross...way to care about your fellow meet a special kind of quality person that does neuron writing. How else could people care nothing about Frank Sturgis the actual killer of JFK How else could people somehow openly ignore Thane Cesar (the actual killer of RFK) How else could people so obviously ignore the truth about 9/11 being controlled demolition? It's only possible through neuron writing It's all possible thru neuron writing there's never been a better time to fink about that stink tell about that bell dice la verdad sobre la escribando neurones Teach the violent bullies a lesson teach the neuron (writing) bullies a lesson teach the neuron muscle movers a lesson teach the neuron/violent bullies a lesson like radio ad: harmonize with 13th its the new video direct to neuron videos beamed directly to the/your brain theres no need for a screen anymore get windows directly to your eyes see a screen with the image people think over their heads hear people's thoughts – communicate directly through the sounds made by your mind now you can communicate directly through the audio that you think! Hear the thoughts of those around you! See the thought-images on the minds of those around you/of anybody on earth! Send a picture/jpeg directly to a friends eyes! send a sound mp3 directly to your friends ears! You/They dont need head phones at all! Go public with the neuron writing and then everybody can see go public with direct to neuron video its been 200 years since 1813/1810 I think 200 years is 200 too many/and make/let seeing be free/time to mend think about how many lives will be saved think about how many ppl will be helped bring us out of the 1200s/1700s (move us into the future tonight) start writing about the neuron write start talking about the neuron write/read/read and write tell the truth about how you (all) see thought tell everybody about how you hear thought start writing about neuron rights faster drum part like magical mystery tour transition here comes the sun kind of part with triads: A C# E B D# F# D F# A E G# B A A C# E B D# F# D A F# E B G# A (drums) (clap clap) C# D E (E chord) F# E D (D chord) alternate with C# D E F# G# A delayed-8th to 16th – like heatbreaker A B C# D E F# D E F# G# A B A A E D C# D E D B A G# F# F# A ---- updated/new version -more generic – more widespread appeal -more 60s beatles guitar sound Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing Start telling the truth about seeing thoughts Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing Start explaining how to/we can hear thoughts Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing Start telling the truth about seeing eyes/thoughts Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing Start explaining how to/we can hear thoughts/ears Start showing/telling how you all see thought (telling the truth about hearing thought/about how you see thought) Tell the Truth About Neuron Writing Start telling about how you see thought