"Thought seeing, hearing and writing devices" ("Remote neuron reading and writing", "Direct-To-Brain Windows")
Machines that can read and write images and sound ("thought-images" and "thought-sounds") from and to any brain and even move muscles remotely using micrometer-sized particle beam devices
Is it a massive secret segregation? Are there many humans denied Direct-to-Brain windows or is it just crazy talk?

Best evidence for remote neuron reading and writing
Benefits of remote neuron reading and writing (Direct-To-Brain Windows) being made public
Abuses of keeping neuron reading and writing a secret
How to See Neuron particle emissions
How to Hear Neuron particle emissions
How to Directly Make Neurons Fire
How to Remotely Make Neurons Fire
Music of the BIM (Brain Imaging Machine)
Keywords of the BIM (Brain Imaging Machine)
Differences between excluded and included people
How People Actually Look With D2B Windows

"Imagine if we could get windows with videos, the Internet, etc. particle beamed directly to our brain - to appear in front of our eyes - overlayed over what we normally see - without needing any LCD screen at all - wouldn't that be much more convenient?"
"You are probably one of two people, either you already know all about neuron reading and writing, or you know absolutely nothing about neuron reading and writing. If you don't see little video windows in front of your eyes right now, then you are in the "know nothing about neuron reading and writing group" and you are being excluded from receiving this simple technology interface and extremely abused by those who control remote neuron reading and writing."

"Is it so impossibly hard to believe that people figured out, long ago, how to see what the brain's eyes see from behind the head in infrared light but kept it a military secret for a wealthy minority?"

This is an image (published in the December 2008 science journal "Neuron") of what a person sees using fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) without ever having to touch the body:

Example 3D video of what direct-to-brain windows (Neuron Reading and Writing) might be like. A small millimeter flying device follows the person around by flying with light powered molecular motors transmitting and receiving particle information. The included person has several windows open in front of their eyes.
Typical windows might include: a clock, a live image of mate and newborn baby, and a video call from some friends. A direct-to-brain consumer can open a calendar using only their mind - by simply drawing the calendar to their thought-screen - the neuron reader/writer recognizes this image and so opens the calendar. Windows can be moved forward and backward too, in addition to left, right, up and down, and closed by a similar process of simply thinking of an image with the calendar not there.
A rarely seen view of light entering the eye - and how the eyeball is basically a pin-hole camera - but "what's a pin-hole camera?" - most excluded will probably ask in their thought-audio.

See my feature film: "Seeing, Hearing and Sending Images and Sounds Directly to and from Brains"

From the 2008 movie "W.A.L.L.E. - can you imagine one of the above people without a menu, that never heard or saw even the idea of a menu directly to your brain? That might be you!"

Possible dust-sized hovering-flying microphone-camera-neuron reader/writer radio transmitter-receiver

Salt crystal - 127um cube
Video of seeing inside eyes from National Geographic
get file

I thought this was a video from the back of a human head, but it is an image from an opthalmoscope, from National Geographic, "The Incredible Machine (1975). So that is disappointing, there goes what I thought was the best piece of evidence that seeing what a brain sees is possible, although Michael Pupin studied directly under the inventor of the opthalmoscope, Hemholtz, and it seems clear that Hemholtz was probably secretly involved, not only in secret camera nets, but this bioscience of trying to figure out what people think. Now perhaps it falls to the video of Yang Dan below, the 1937 Andre Maurois book, in addition to the JFK and Sagan quotes.

Does anybody have any excellent evidence that what the brain of any species sees can be seen? Do you share my excitment and curiosity? Think of the secrecy and dishonesty of millions of humans that use these machines every day. Has there ever been such a secret cult of dishonest humans?

Brain Imaging Machine Song!

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See ULSF for more detailed timeline:
Earliest possible remote neuron reading. (from William Byrd's 1589 song, and from the prevenlence of "10" relating to neuron reading.


William Byrd's "Songs of Sundrie Natures" is the earliest evidence I have yet found for neuron reading.
Byrd writes: "Your minde is light", and "the Sunne with his beames", "we were out and he was in"
Byrd's song ends with "Two dayes before it was begoonne" which may imply that two centuries before 1589 - which would be 1389 is the origin of remote neuron reading- that is seeing eye and thought-images in infrared and/or radio light. But also - the understanding that everything is made of light. This song also contains the word "gravitie" 100 years before Newton.

One version
Music of song
Another version with typos
All I can say is that it becomes somewhat easier over time to recognize the language of those who receive direct-to-brain windows- even though the excluded never actually hear it out loud. 1500 or even 1200 for that matter seem like a ridiculously long time ago, and are viewed as a stone age to most people - but knowing that remote neuron reading and writing is easily 200 years old - you can see that wealthy people who developed this technology could have simply kept it to themselves - and viewed poor and middle-income people (those who must work for money) with very little concern. Now, in the 2000s, clearly many poor people receive direct-to-brain windows but the poor may have been excluded for centuries- and most poor, middle and even some wealthy humans still are completely unaware and may fill some sadistic, abusive, and highly sexually pleasing entertainment purpose for those who do distribute and receive direct-to-brain windows.

1678 CE
AD Isaac Newton uses word "Spectrum" to describe the image on the wall from light passed through a prism. (Specter is latin for ghost, what Newton thought the blurry image looked like).
1678 CE

Jan Swammerdam contracts a frog leg muscle using two different metals.

It may be that the exponential organized (government-military-university) secret research into remote neuron reading and writing - none of which gets published - starts around this time - from 1600-1700 CE. If true, then almost all science after here - Galvani, Joe Henry reporting radio in 1820, Heinrich Hertz, etc. is actually probably neuron consumers publishing old findings, or excluded re-inventing secret findings of the past.

Although, very minor, a hint that there were "insiders" and "outsiders" at this time can be found in a 1980 book "Norton Anthology of Western Music" which states of Henry Purcell's opera "Dido and Aeneas": "...It was first performed in 1689 by the pupils at a girl's boarding school in Chelsea, a suburb of London, with a few outsiders probably pressed into service for the men's parts. ...".

1783 CE
Luigi Galvani makes a frog leg muscle move using electricity by putting the frog leg in between one plate of copper and one plate of tin. THis will lead to the first electric battery, and the remote moving of muscles by photon beam.

1785 CE
Henry Cavendish uses the phrase "to throw great light on the subject" in his famous paper in which air is shown to be a mixture of gases, not a single element.
It's minor, but in epochal papers many times there are iconic phrases used. There is a double-meaning on "throw light on the subject" (subject as topic, and as subject of a monarchy, and light thrown on a subject and on a person- as in remote neuron writing).
Henry Cavendish, "Experiments on Air.", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1776-1886), Volume 75 - 1785, 372-384 Henry Cavendish, "Experiments On Air", Philosophical Transactions, Vol 74, 1784, pp119-153. http://books.google.com/books?id=-uEKAAAAIAAJ
1800 CE
William Herschel [made tremendous contributions to science mostly in astronomy] did experiment measuring temperature using a thermometer in various parts of main star spectrum, finds that invisible part past color red heats thermometer highest. This is the first recorded description of light with infrared frequency.
10/24/1810 CE
Wollaston may be where the famous story "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" of 1886 originates from. This story is about a doctor that has 2 sides, and a drug switches him back and forth. While in evil form he murders a person. The theme of a person living a secret second life is a good analogy to the secret of seeing eyes and the camera-thought network.

1816 CE
Joseph Niepce makes first publicly known photograph.
1827 CE
Harrison Gray Dyar makes an electric dot printer, electricity passes through litmus paper causing a red dot to be printed on paper.

Also in this year Ampere's famous paper in which current carrying wires move each other, contains a sentence using the words (in French) "suggest" and "muscle contraction" which is evidence that people had already figured out how to remotely trigger individual neurons to fire.
1846 CE
John Thomas Perceval, son of murdered Prime Minister of England Spencer Perceval, was apparently excluded, had some kind of outburst, and was held in 2 psychiatric buildings for about 4 years. After being released Perceval published two books (1838,1840), and spent his life working to grant people locked in hospitals better protection against wrongful confinement and medical experiments; safeguards on invasive treatment without consent; abolition of private asylums; greater rights for patients; more say for patients in decisions about their treatment; a better class of attendants in asylums; freedom of correspondence for patients; and greater involvement of clergy in asylums.- Basic freedoms which are still not granted to modern people event today. I have lumped all my views into "consent-only health care"- people are still electrocuted involuntarily, held for years without any trial, without any charge, without any sentence, tied to tables with 4-point restraints (Perceval states this in his book too) with less room to move than a dog on a leash.
Perceval later found a mate and they had 4 daughters together. Apparently Perceval was also later included, and a became a regular receiver of direct-to-brain windows, because like many classical English wordsmiths, he drops numerous hints in his writings. Or perhaps Perceval was always a receiver of d2b windows, or somehow figured it out as a lifelong excluded - either way - he clearly hints and uses double-meaning words to promote the "end the neuron lie" platform.
For example:
On 11/27/1846 Perceval writes in the Visitors' Book of Bethlem Hospital:
"Amongst the most painful of these circumstances was the constant sight of heavy bars to my window, ...I think the Committee might safely remove these bars, and substitute windows with small sashes in iron frames-or adopt in some cases, the plan pursued in many private asylums, of having Venetian blinds to the windows. ...". Note the double meaning of "bars to my window" - like something barring the way to receiving direct-to-brain windows - even then in 1846 they were called "windows" - long before Windows 3.1 or X-Windows. Note also "blinds to the window" - those who don't get d2b windows are many times referred to as the "blind".
"...I consider that society or the Legislature, who shut up patients not only for their own benefit ... but for the benefit of society as well . . . in a manner are compelled, in doing so, to violate the liberty of the subject...". We all recognize "shut up" from the modern Nazi movement - most clearly demonstrated by sources like Fox News. Here, notice again, "shut up" has multiple meanings - being locked up, but also shutting up about talking about direct-to-brain windows and the neuron secret- then at the ripe old age of perhaps 500 years. It's obvious that the owners of the neuron technology, want to preserve their monopoly on thought images, sounds and information- there is no possibility of shutting up your information circulating around their eyes- but plenty of chance of their info being shut off from your eyes. Also, the idea that the psych establishment is used to shut up or lessen the popularity of people with views contrary to those in power.
Other hints are minor but "That he knew all my thoughts, ..." and "my necessities, were not once consulted, I may say, thought of." - note "I may say" - like he does or does not have permission to reveal some information. Later he writes "I cannot say ...".

Szasz, Thomas (editor) (1975 (1973)). The Age of Madness: A History of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization Presented in Selected Texts. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. ISBN 0710079931.
1869 CE
Very early evidence of neuron reading and writing can be seen in the 01/30/1869 letter by one "J.T.K." to the Editor of "The Spectator". This paper contains numerous word plays and hints about how neuron reading and writing is used to trick women into sex, trick men into doing violence, unusual activities that make them appear "insane", how letters are put together to spell words, and many other hints. Note that this is before Hertz.
The only reason we know that this is James Knowles, for whom no portrait can be found is from this article 30 years later: Wireless Telegraphy and "Brain Waves"
In this article the mysterious codeword "Potter" appears again confirming clearly that "Potter" means something - maybe a person who discovered neuron reading or writing-just like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde in many telepathy stories must refer to William Hyde Wollaston. This article is highly recommended reading for the excluded outsider - there are numerous descriptions and hints about what the insiders see in their eyes - in particular the neuron writing "suggesting" abuses done to outsiders.
1873 CE
James Maxwell recognizes all frequencies of light are part of 1 spectrum?
1875 CE
Earliest known "direct neuron reading" (the electricity in nerve cells measured)(verify)[1] and the earliest published recording of sensory evoked electric potentials measured on the brain.[2]
(note in the reporting of the report "...we reproduce it here..." unlike the excluded who are mostly prevented from reproducing anything other than the lies written on their brains.

[1] Richard Caton, "The Electric Currents of the Brain", British Medical Journal, 1875, V2, p278.
[2] Emmanuel Donchin, "Average Evoked Potentials Methods, Results and Evaluations", NASA, 1969
1876 CE
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, and in doing this invents the microphone, and speaker. Some time after this, the Bell company will install microphones into the rooms of those with phone service. Perhaps at first it will start as a request from the military, and possibly police to just monitor supposed criminals, and branch to their associates, and them eventually, when the phone company, electric company, major media and others see the value of looking inside people's houses and heads, entire neighborhoods and cities will be wired with microphones, cameras, thought seeing-hearing-and sending devices, and lasers.
You have to think about it for a second. Images and microphone data are probably mainly sent by wire because initially there is no wireless, and then wireless does not guarantee the privacy of wired. And so when you are talking about sending images and sound data from hidden cameras and microphones inside people's houses, what wires are available to send those images to a headquarters and storage facility? There are only two wires in everybody's house (before cable which is a third), the telephone, and the electricity. Those are the only ways that any image or sound data can be moved from out of a house (although there is wireless encryption, and no doubt some of the camera-thought net is wireless and scrambled). It only leaves the phone and electric companies as the main culprit in putting cameras and microphones, thought hearing cameras, lasers, in everybody's houses, sending the data over their telephone lines (and on the streets perhaps the street lights, with a few cameras, microphones, and lasers in each). So, figuring out who runs the camera thought net, at least, at the hardware level is simple: it's the phone company and power company, AT&T and GE, Alexander Bell and Tom Edison.
1881 CE
Shelford Bidwell sends and prints photographic images electronically using selenium cells. This is both a fax and photocopier - although apparently only working in black and white.
1885 CE
Thomas Edison describes the first publicly known sending and receiving of text message by photons (wireless). Edison patent 465,971, "Means for transmitting signals electrically"
1887 CE
Heinrich Hertz publicly explains "electrical resonance" (allows specific ranges of frequencies of light particle beams to be filtered). This greatly popularizes the idea of particle (wireless) communication. Many people wrongly credit Hertz with inventing radio communication - Hertz' big contribution was going public with tuning in specific frequencies by electrical resonance and publicizing radio as a method of communication. It seems likely that Hertz, like Philip Reiss, the first to go public with the telephone, may have been murdered for his telling the public about secret technology.

William de Wiveleslie Abney is the first to invent a photographic material (emulsion, a mixture of 2 chemicals) that works for infrared light (the silver compound turns black when contacted with photons with infrared spacing). This is a key point on the development to Pupin seeing what a brain's eyes see in addition to the thought screen that most species with brains have. Asimov has no less than 3 "mip" (Michael I Pupin) phrases in his paragraph on Abney.
1889 CE

Alexander Graham Bell is in business connecting people's houses with wires and telephones. Does AT&T start to record the phone call signals on their wires at this early date?
1889 CE
William Friese-Greene describes capturing photographs from the eye, and hypothesizes about capturing images from the eye from behind the eye. William Friese-Greene, "Photographs Made with the Eye", Photographic Times, 1889. (and see movie "The Magic Box")

1895 CE
Wilhelm Roentgen reports on finding of x-rays, to his great credit, he refuses to patent.
1897 CE
William Crookes states publicly that x-rays could be possibly used in the science of telepathy, in addition to dropping numerous hints.
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research vol 12, 1897, p338.
Crookes writes: "...It seems to me that in these rays {xrays} we may have a possible mode of transmitting intelligence, ...Let it be assumed that these rays, or rays even of higher frequency, can pass into the brain and act on some nervous centre there. ... In this way some, at least, of the phenomena of telepathy, and the transmission of intelligence from one ... to another through long distances, seem to come into the domain of law..."
1899 CE
James Knowles reprints his "Brain-Waves: A Theory" article with a preface, and reveals his name as the original author of the 1869 article. Wireless Telegraphy and "Brain Waves"
1901 CE
William Rollins kills guinea pig with photons with xray frequency
1903 CE
Edison makes first moving film "The Great Train Robbery"
1904 CE


Sascha (Alexander) Schneider (1870-1927)
1904; Photogravure
L. Schmidt, Bamberg

Schneider was a homosexual German painter who made the above paintings. Homosexuality is very likely a common excuse to exclude people, and perhaps not surprisingly, many D2B suggestions on excluded are to do homosexual activities. Notice that similar to looking at a bright light with the eyes closed, light can be drawn to the eye and seen even when the eye lid is shut. In addition, after staring at a bright window shade, and then closing the eye and turning away, the image of the blinds and the window stays on the thought screen for a few seconds. Note too that the hooded figure may be a theme to depict the neuron writers throughout the long history of those in the secret club of neuron reading and writing.

I don't know the date or title of this painting by Schneider.

1909 CE
Earliest evidence of neuron reader and writer devices that are microscopic in size: M. Jean Perrin talks about dust particles and uses the word "thought" twice in one paragraph - statistically unlikely to be coincidence. This is in a famous paper about the Brownian motion implying that molecules are real objects and supporting an atomic view of the universe. translated in English by Soddy: M. Jean Perrin, "Brownian Movement and Molecular Reality", 1909.
1910 CE
I mistakenly thought that thought (image) was first seen in 1910- even that seemed at first shockingly early to me but it seems that it was at least 1810 and possibly, shockingly even 1710. Reading Priestley's History of Opticks - Priestley uses "tenable" and that is 1772. I am for now thinking that this must be coincidence, but am searching for more evidence.
update: It appears clear that Michael Pupin had something to do with seeing behind people's heads at Columbia University in New York City, USA. It's not clear if seeing eyes is 200 or 100 years old, but 200 years old seems the most likely. By now there is a rapid growth and development of seeing eyes, seeing thought, hearing thought, sending images and sounds to brains. All of these devices will quickly be added to the growing phone companies hidden microphone and camera network systematically installed in every house. And this system will serve as a wonderful resource once all the data is made available to the public. After the initial shock, the public will be fascinated at seeing what their parents thought, and even their grandparents, seeing their lives, etc.

1919 CE

(source http://www.biotele.com/trecorder.htm)
The magazine "Electrical Experimenter", published by Hugo Gernsback, displays this image in May 1909. Ten years later the Syracuse Herald will run a copy of this image (see below).

June The Syracuse Herald features an article "This Machine Records All Your Thoughts"

(source: http://www.biotele.com/mind_readers.html and
This digital image is public domain based on the Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp. decision of 1999)

Hugo Gernsback
1922 George Emory Hale uses the word "render" in "The New Heavens" which is one of many historical keywords to indicate that in 1922, the neuron reading and writing owners are modeling humans in 3D in real-time. Probably by this time, the shape and location of most humans in developed nations are stored and tracked by the phone companies and governments of major nations.
1924 Michael Pupin publishes the book "From Immigrant To Inventor", which includes many hints. In partciular, one hint that his "memory had been wiped clean", is strong evidence that neuron activation had been invented by 1924. Michael Pupin uses the word "latent"- some people are "late" to receive direct-to-brain windows. Pupin is quoted saying: "Where are those one hundred million dollars which the invention has saved?" Pupin asked. "I know that not even a microscopic part of them is in the pockets of the inventor. I have figured out also, with the same accuracy with which I once figured out the invention, that those hundred million dollars are not in the pockets of the telephone company. They must be, therefore, in the pockets of the American public. The invention made it possible to provide the telephone service, which is now being given, at a lower rate than would otherwise have been possible." "one hundred million dollars" may relate to the frequency of light that images the eyes see and those generated by the brain can by easily seen with, by an array tuned in to 100 Megahertz (or 100 million photons per second), this corresponds (by the equation c=fw, w=3e8m/s / 1e8 = 3meters) to a wavelength around 3 meters which is about 10 times larger than the length of the two-hands-apart gesture of many insider people (I estimate to be around 30cm - see subway video below). "Microscopic" probably relates to the size of these camera and microphone transmitters, but I can only guess. Many popular people are cheated out of money people pay to see them and their thought-screen - it all goes to AT&T.

AT&T releases the movie "That Little Big Fellow", a movie that contains a picture of a thought-screen. This is clear evidence that neuron reading and writing was developed by 1927.
See full video
Other AT&T videos: http://techchannel.att.com/

"Mickey Mouse" is shown publicly. This is clear evidence for neuron reading and writing as early as 1928. These two or three circles or oval represent a direct-to-brain front microcamera+eye screen+thought screen configuration - this is the standard picture that many neuron-addicted consumers see when looking at other humans.
Seeing these two circles in their most common position - as if looking at a black haired main with thought and eye screen - must have give relief to those in the know - those neuron consumers. They must have thought, after WW1 and all the neuron abuse and lies they saw - "now here is some hope - seeing eyes and ears will probably go public within 10 years...". But how wrong and inaccurate that false hope has proven to be. Ownership of neuron writing, perhaps by its nature, has caused a shocking stagnation that persists - like religious myths - for possibly thousands of years.
Note that "MM" has a lot of significance as an abbreviation for "mass murder", "muscle mover", "muscle molestation", the upside-down WW of "William Wollaston".
Popular Science prints an article titled "Is Telepathy All Bunk?"


Electric potentials (voltages) of the electric currents in the brain measured publicly, electrical oscillations of human brain identified.
Hans Berger (CE 1873-1941), German psychiatrist applies electrodes to the human skull which are connected to an oscillograph which records the changes in electric potential (voltage). Berger labels "alpha" and "beta" waves. From this electroencephalography will be created, which will be useful in diagnosing epilepsy.

Isaac Asimov states that the growing understanding electroencephalography will serve as a guide to the fine workings of the nervous system.

(Was Berger excluded from neuron reading and writing? If yes, then it shows a large amount of insight to understand the value of interpretting the electric currents of the brain and nervous system, or if no, and included receiving at least videos in his eyes, then Berger is more of a conduit of science information from the insiders to the excluded public.)

(What kind of amplifier does Berger use to measure such small voltages? Currently a specialized low-offset voltage amplifier is necessary.)

(Even today, this comparatively primitive encephelograph telenology is viewed as state of the art, and is being sold for use in video games as a new and modern device - where humans control objects by relaxing and tensing their mind, or using different parts of their mind, very far from the modern neuron reading and writing.[6])

(Explain alpha and beta frequencies - where must electrodes be placed to measure them?)

(It may be that just as the electric current in a computer is run by an oscillator in the form of a crystal chip, so it may be that there is a clock in the human brain that syncronizes human thought without which thoughts, decisions, and actions such as muscle movements would not move forward. So in this sense, Berger would be the first to publicly identify at least one of these nervous sytem clocks. What causes these electrical oscillations? In electronics an inductor and capacitor can create an oscillation but a transistor is needed to keep it from dissipating.)

First public description of a handheld ray weapon "The Black Star Passes", by John W. Campbell. http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/content.asp?Bnum=1146

The famous "muckracker" Upston Sinclair publishes "Mental Radio" about telepathy. The German version has a preface written by Albert Einstein. Like the 1934 "Extra Sensory Perception" by Joseph Banks Rhine, William McDougall of Duke University writes a preface. McDougall writes: "...are grossly stupid, incompetent and careless persons or have deliberately entered upon a conspiracy to deceive the public in a most heartless and reprehensible fashion." and "...science furnishes us no good reasons for denying that its activity may affect another mind in some fashion utterly obscure to us ... For we do seem to know with very fair completeness the possibilities of influence extending from the printed word to the experimenter; and under the conditions all such possibilities seem surely excluded. ...".
Sinclair writes: "TELEPATHY, or mind-reading: that is to say, can one human mind communicate with another human mind, except by the sense channels ordinarily known and used-seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and touching? Can a thought or image in one mind be sent directly to another mind and there reproduced and recognized? If this can be done, how is it done? Is it some kind of vibration, going out from the brain, like radio broadcasting?"


Joseph Banks Rhine coins the phase "Extra-sensory perception" (ESP) in his book:
Extra-sensory Perception"
Like Upton Sinclair's "Mental Radio" of 1930, William McDougall of Duke University writes a foreward. McDougall writes: "..the author...will pardon my intrusion on his privacy. ...Indeed in this age when we erect monuments to the boll-weevil, send up prayers for drought, pest and plague, and are chiefly concerned to make one ear of wheat grow where two grew before, it is difficult to retain enthusiasm for botanical research, unless one is scientist of the peculiarly inhuman type."
Paramount relases the short Popeye movie "Hold The Wire" in which Bluto intercepts the phone line and pretends to be Popeye - typical of neuron writing deception and the bizarre and unreachable phone service of earth.

1937 Andre Maurois writes "The Thought-Reading Machine" in French. The book describes a scientist that invents a device that can record what people think, from their larynx. It is an unbelievably good book. Although it is fiction it relates to the real story kept secret for almost 100 years about the invention of seeing and hearing thought. This is, to my knowledge, the first large scale evidence that some humans figured out how to hear thought.

"The Thought-Reading Machine" is translated to english and printed and distributed in bulk by Harper Brothers.

"Christmas Reverie"

Herbert H. Jasper (1906–1999)
Deutsches Museum, München, Archives

This greeting card in 'brain writing' was sent by an American brain researcher, Herbert H. Jasper, to Hans Berger in 1938. Jasper was very interested in the EEG and he published the first article on the subject in America. In the 1920s, Hans Berger, a psychiatrist, developed a method of measurement known as electroencephalography (EEG) sufficiently to allow brain activity to be recorded for the first time. In 1929, he produced the first ever sleep EEGs, in which he observed a weakening of certain brain waves.

1940 CE
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United States says, "This nation will remain a neutral nation, but I cannot ask that every American remain neutral in thought as well. Even a neutral has a right to take account of facts. Even a neutral cannot be asked to close his mind or close his conscience." - FDR

1944 CE
Warner Brothers makes a cartoon "Plane Daffy" which shows Hitler, Goering and Gobbells using a video phone - but this is years before any video phone is made available to the public.

See video
1947 CE

Disney's Mickey Mouse short film "Delayed Date" shows a thought-screen.
1954 CE
German-British physiologist and Nobel Prize winner Bernhard Katz (CE 1911-2003) uses the word "remote" in the first paragraph in a paper about electrically making neuron fire ("direct neuron writing"). Gee, do you think remote muscle contraction might be a productive line of research....naw!
Katz's paper with the word "remote"
Katz had used the word "indirect" before this as a double meaning- the first meaning being electrical stimulation of the nerve which makes the muscle contract, as opposed to applying an electric current to the actual muscle directly.
"The Seven Year Itch" - the famous movie where Marilyn Monroe's dress is blown up from air from a subway tunnel. The title could be a play on "700 years of the remotely caused itch" - if for the year 2000 - that would put neuron writing in the 1300s but for the 1900s it would be the 1200. It's a stretch, but very well may be- 700 or more years allows for a lot of time to devote to creative hinting.

11/3/1955 "The Great Pretender" - may hint about the pretending that the D2B consumers must do- never admiting that they see and hear thoughts or know anything about anything. This song has the iconic lyric "No one can tell", and "yes!" which may hint at the yes and no or "go public with D2B?".

1956 CE
07/05/1956 The song "Don't Be Cruel" is released which has a possible double-meaning "at least please telephone" - which is kind of a funny lyric because pleasing the people of the telephone isn't something that people need to be asked to do - they all already please the telephone neuron people - so it's possibly meant to be comedy.
1958 CE
Cordwainer Smith (Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger) (CE 1913–1966) publishes "No, No, Not Rogov!" in which Stalin has a thought reading machine built that even is used to send thoughts to make other people confused, to commit suicide, etc.
Max Knoll (CE 1897-1969) and Kugler find that light pattens can be experienced when a small voltage is applied by two electrodes on different parts of the human face, and the voltage oscillated in the encephalographic frequency range.

1959, November 5
Device inside body controlled remotely: radio controlled artificial pacemaker. This is the first publicly known extension of Galvani’s 1791 remote (“wireless” or “particle”) neuron writing. Pacemakers continue to get smaller, and the pacemaker will perhaps eventually be the remotely controlled “neuron organelle”. Think of how many basic health science technologies are being kept from the public because of the selfish and idiotic neuron lie. Ultimately we all suffer from it, even D2B owners, whenever we need health care.
(Glen, Mauro, Longo, Lavietes, Mackay, “Remote stimulation of the heart by radiofrequency transmission”, New England Journal of Medicine, v261, 11/5/1959, p948-51. http://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJM195911052611905)

1960, July 5
(Democratic Convention acceptance speech for Democratic nomination for President of the USA, Los Angeles) John F. Kennedy: "Can a nation organized and governed such as ours endure? That is the real question. Have we the nerve and the will? Can we carry through in an age where we will witness not only new breakthroughs in weapons of destruction--but also a race for mastery of the sky and the rain, the ocean and the tides, the far side of space and the inside of men's minds?" Here is real audio of this speech

Noel Regney and Gloria Shayne write the Christmas song "Do You Hear What I Hear?" which hints that many people routinely hear thoughts while many others do not, in this era under JFK.


"The President's Analyst" hints at how the phone company installs cameras, microphones, thought seeing and hearing devices, and lasers into every apartment and house with a phone line.
See a clip from this movie: Just before this clip a person asks "could every phone be tapped?!" and "that's what's in my mind".
01/31/1968 CE
(around 17 minutes into the interview:) Jim Garrison says "...I can't look into their brains, Johnny, and tell you why they did it." and Johnny Carson replies with "...Now you expect somebody to be galvanized into action..."; Garrison hinting about the massive secret of seeing eyes, and thought images, hearing thoughts, and Carson hinting about remote muscle moving - i.e. what Galvani did, but moving muscle remotely using particle beams.
Video of Jim Garrison and Johnny Carson saying "seeing inside their brain" and "Galvanized into action"
09/13/1970 The Register (Santa Ana, California, USA) publishes a photo of a child with an oval thought-screen over her head:

Little did those publishers know, that because of a little man named Teddy Huntington, the newly christened sleepy tiny remote city of Irvine would become the "neuron reading and writing truth" epicenter of the 2000s.
1975 CE
The above image is shown in the PBS television program "The Incredible Machine" by National Geographic. The sequence of images contains nearly 5 seconds of an eye chart on the back of the retina of an eyeball using an opthalmoscope, perhaps the first time the public has seen this, and it is potentially a hint that seeing behind a head is possible, but maybe not.

early 1980s
Head and SHoulders television ad slogan is "Because that little itch should be telling you something" which hints at the most prolific molestors to ever live free on Earth causing lawful people to itch using microscopic lasers placed in nearly every room of every house. (Notice how the phone company or some evil law breaker made "SH" capital on head and shoulders, and I am leaving it this time.) Kudos to Head and SHoulders. Yes, that itch should be mf'in telling us something, that something is very very wrong and very rotten with our phony phone-company laser undermocratic government. (funny, somebody changed democratic to dermacratic). Proctor and Gamble owns Head and SHoulders.
Ronald Reagan actually does use the word "thought" in a speech, outside of a few quotes, the Democrat humans appear to be the most concerned and determined in exposing the secret thought hearing infrared machines.

Isaac Asimov hints in "Encyclopedia of the Greatest Scientists" the initials MIP (Michael I Pupin) in the same sentence with "tenet" (probably for 1910, the year Pupin first [presumably] saw thought) in the section on Robert Boyle. [may also be in earlier editions] Relating to secrecy Asimov writes:
"This [experimental work being clearly and quickly publically reported] has been an accepted TENet of scientific research ever since, and when industrial [M]ilitary security [I]nterferes with [P]ublication it cannot help but harm the cause of science." Asimov was a very smart person, a walking encyclopedia of knowledge himself.

AD In "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan, Sagan says "we, ourselves, are far from decoding what a brain thinks, but in the future, it may well be possible....a disquieting prospect". The most I can get out of it is "prospect" may stand for "Pupin".
evidence of machines that can send photons to make a brain hear sounds or see images:
"Across the centuries an author is speaking to you clearly in your head."

1986 CE
Robert MacNeil of MacNeil and Lehrer shows in part 1 of 9 part series called "The Story of English" humans introducing themselves, but only the audio is played, showing what communicating through thought is like. In 1985 and 1986 there must have been a group of people that rallied together to try to expose that thought can be seen and heard.

1997 CE
"bite me", were sounds that I, Ted Huntington, was thinking that were repeated out loud by a female human on the "Ellen" television program.

1998 CE
"bite me" is again repeated in the Steven Spielberg movie "Antz".

1999 CE
UC Berkeley employee Dr. Yang Dan (who was brave and kind enough to answer my email), Fei Li and a person from Harvard, Garret Stanley, (both of who have yet to respond to my email) captured these images by connecting 177 electrodes to the thallamus of a cat. See movie thanks to Madame Yang Dan
The left side is what the cat sees, the right side is the actual movie. Think of the opposite as they do in this link: hope this link stays that you could play voltages from a movie back, and the cat would see them, which is what is happening now to many humans and other species brutally and recklessly without the electrodes. Hayo, one more article: article please stay online. This was in the "Journal of Neuroscience", September 1999 issue.

2000 CE
Huntington (probably angry) thinks "this human must have brain of a pidgeon", and months later the person says "because you know I have the brain of a pidgeon". (as a side note: the person over time revealed to be a sensitive human, wiser and kinder than most of the other people I work with).

music group "No Doubt": "Don't speak, I know what you're thinking...don't tell me cause it Hertz" hints to the public about this group of a million people that secretly hear thought.

Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt appear in the movie "What Women Want", in which Gibson is accidentally electricuted and can hear thoughts of people around him. Gibson then uses this ability to hear thoughts to deliver people exactly what they want. This is really an amazing phenomenon that has actually happened in reality because people are keeping neuron reading a secret and have for 200 years apparently. A person that can hear thought can easily "lay out" by knowing exactly what the outsider (or even fellow insider) is expecting and wanting - while those victims who are excluded from hearing thought cannot possibly compete and so don't reproduce and are selected out of existance by the neuron reading and writing genocide that continues to this day with the vast majority of humans not even knowing it. This does not even account for the god-like ability to write suggestions in the form of fast images and sounds to outsider's neurons - to make them wear and say all the wrong things to potential mates - steering their potential mate towards the neuron reading and writing insider. It raises the question - how many outsiders are still in a relationship with an insider who used thought seeing and hearing to attract them? How will the outsider react when they find out? What interesting questions hm? So those people who participate in this movie and the sequel "What Boys Want", really have taken a step in a bold and good direction.
2001 CE

Hitachi sells the smallest and thinnest publicly known RFID (Radio frequency Identification) radio Integrated Circuit (IC) chips, the "µ-Chip" ("mYU"-chip). These devices receive and trasmit light particles.
In 2003 Hitachi will reduce the size of these RFID chips to 50x50 micrometers and other microscopic electronic particle communication devices being made public are a key step in going public with the first "human made organelle" which can be communicated with by radio and in particular make a neuron fire - remote neuron writing with micro or nanometer device assistance. What Galvani did in 1780s but with a tiny cell sized radio receiver and transmitter in the place of a scalpel. To the naked eye the chips look like pieces of dust. See the above images where the 400um
2004 CE
Cyril Wecht is quoted as saying "I will transmit my thoughts to [recent gun shot victim Taiwan President Chen Shui Bian]", hinting that thought audio and images can now be sent like any other audio or jpg/mpg images.

"The Final Cut", with Robin Williams, shows the perspective of "seeing eyes", seeing what people see (screen 1, where images from the external universe are recorded in the brain). In the movie, the story of implanting a "Zoe chip" is used, but in reality, no such implanted chip is necessary to see what eyes see from behind the head. This movie represents a bold step forward in explaining to the excluded public just a tiny part of the secret 100 year history of seeing eyes, thought images, hearing ears and thoughts, moving muscles remotely, etc.

2005 CE
"New Scientist" magazine exposes Sony patent (both liberal) that can send images sounds and smells to human brain using ultrasound.
Phil Collins makes "Take a Look Through My Eyes" song, hinting to the public about this massively huge group of people that enjoy looking through the eyes of millions of brains, although secretly.
08/26/06 CE
US President, George Bush jr uses word "psyche" in press release, same day I am thinking about refering to secret camera-thought network by name "PSIKI" used in "The Thought-Hearing Machine" by Andre Maurois (Emil Herzog) in 1937.

11:20 into the video, the story starts. The hosts on the "Out There TV" show reveal some of this info, one host saying "First Scheduled for 2004, the mission has since been delayed 8 times, leaving a gaping hole in Washington's efforts to record the activities and thoughts of every single American." and "In a document sent from the National Reconnasaince Office last year to Britain's MI5 agency, it even stated that the new survailence satellites have the capability of beaming...and get this...quote...electromagnetic impulse receptor signal to an individual's head to determine thought. Folks, welcome to 1984 just a few years behind schedule." http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8386744922901050611

Richard Dawkins says that people believe that a God "reads your thoughts". “News Night”, BBC, (3:48 minutes) 09/22/2006.

07/25/07 CE
Ted Huntington is on the KROQ Kevin and Bean show and they talk about Pupin, seeing hearing and sending thought images and sounds.

04/04/08 CE
George Carlin states "it's a big club and you ain't in it" which hints about the massive secret sham cam-scam.

The Disney-Pixar movie "W.A.L.L.E." shows people seeing "menu" screens in front of their faces projected by their chairs - which looks very similar to what the view of those who get windows directly to their eyes must see. Notice that the women above are looking at 4 or 5 video squares of other people.

12/10/2008 CE

Scientists in Japan, Miyawaki, et al, in a collaboration of Japanese universities and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan publish: "Visual Image Reconstruction from Human Brain Activity using a Combination of Multiscale Local Image Decoders" in "Neuron" magazine, which shows images that a brain sees using fMRI (
functional magnetic resonance imaging). This is first public publication that shows images seen by a brain that I am aware of, although it very well may be that the first images captured of what a brain sees may date back as far as 200 years ago to William Wollaston and other scientists in England. This is perhaps the best piece of physical evidence that proves that what a brain sees can be seen without having to touch the brain (Yang Dan, et al and others had produced images that a brain sees, however, this requires a physical connection to the brain).
This is funny, compare the author's drawn images with mine below:

Ted Huntington uploads 37 new songs onto the Internet, many about remote neuron reading and writing. Songs include: "Neuron Writing", "Where's Our Video?", "Let The People Get To See".


"Scientific American Mind" publishes a photo of a woman with 3 windows of people that looks similar to direct-to-brain windows.
Ted Huntington publishes videos of what direct-to-brain windows probably looks like:

Facebook announces the new free videocall feature, Facebook engineer Philip Su states "If it was any easier than that one click, it would be reading your mind", which hints at the grotesque aparteid between those who receive direct-to-brain video windows and those who are excluded.
A Carefree panty liner ad has a woman with a thought-screen. The quantity of these kinds of ads implies that many direct-to-brain windows consumers are repulsed by the segregation and neuron-writing abuse they must see and experience - and that possibly there is a growing group of terribly abused people who are becoming more aware that they are excluded from seeing thought-screens and hearing thought-audio.
Carefree panty liner thought-screen advertisement


One step beyond the 2008 Kamatani team still image: remotely neuron reading of movies. Gallent and team at Berkeley have reconstructed movies seen by people remotely from behind their brain using MRI: http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/2011/09/22/brain-movies/
Article in journal "Cell": http://www.cell.com/current-biology/abstract/S0960-9822%2811%2900937-7
Once again, we can mostly thank the science and education establishment for bringing remote neuron reading and writing to the public - not the religious, government, or corporation establishement.
Advances are happening faster and it implies that remote neuron reading and writing can't possibly remain an unpublished secret by 2100 and probably more likely by 2050.

Schiller and team at MIT just published that direct-to-neuron electrical stimulation can produce images in monkeys: http://articles.latimes.com/2011/oct/10/news/la-heb-prosthetic-eyes-blind-20111010
In their abstract, which is written for average people and not immersed in techno-jargon, they compare it to a cochler implant but for sight:
They write: "Creating a prosthetic device for the blind is a central future task. Our research examines the feasibility of producing a prosthetic device based on electrical stimulation of primary visual cortex (area V1), an area that remains intact for many years after loss of vision attributable to damage to the eyes. As an initial step in this effort, we believe that the research should be carried out in animals, as it has been in the creation of the highly successful cochlear implant. We chose the rhesus monkey, whose visual system is similar to that of man. ...On the basis of these findings, we derive what kinds of images would be expected when implanted arrays of electrodes are stimulated through a camera attached to the head whose images are converted into electrical stimulation using appropriate algorithms."
Notice the coincidence of the name "Schilling" - because "shilling" - direct-to-brain consumers taking money to mislead excluded is so much a disgusting part of the advanced segregation of the hording of centuries old remote neuron reading and writing technology.
Max Knoll had published that applying voltage to the forehead causes people to see lights, and Yang Dan at Berkeley had done direct neuron reading by capturing an image of what a cat sees by connecting electrodes to parts of the cat brain. But this may be the first published occurrence of actual writing back of an image to a brain, direct-to-brain writing of an actual image.
Now all that is needed is to reduce the size of the electrodes and communicate with them wireless through the skull - to be less invasive - and that is the basic form of the secret modern remote neuron reading and writing which is used every 5 minutes by unseen criminals to contract some annoying muscle or fire some annoying neuron of ours).

A "CalIT2" "...Right now people are building radios a millimeter by a millimeter by a millimeter...But I think you could make one that's a micron by a micron by a micron, which is the size of a single living cell. ..."
"...The answers could yield transmitters implanted in the human body that send out information from cells or even nanorobots capable of identifying and destroying cancerous cells.".

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Benefits of remote neuron reading and writing (direct-to-brain Windows) being made public
1. Pain a body feels might be stopped simply by a neuron writing device.
2. Blind people might have a possibility of seeing if a camera can write an image to their neurons.
3. Deaf people might be able to hear if a microphone can write to their neurons.
4. People might be resuscitated by neuron writing to contract the muscles controlling their lungs and heart, and kept alive at great cost savings compared to current public methods.
5. Many murderers on the loose might be identified and punished for their violent crimes if many people could see and hear their thoughts, that is read from their eye and ear neurons.
6. Many great scientific advances currently kept secret might be learned and publically utilized, like alternative electricity or combustion (energy releasing) processes.
7. Many sexually frustrated people might be able to more easily find mates, converting that frustration away from violence.
8. Many excluded people might no longer be victim to the "god-voice" being neuron written to their head by the criminal current controllers of neuron writing, misdirecting their lives, benefitting the public by them not being as easily used as remote control neuron writing puppets. 9. Obese people could be made to not feel hunger and would probably lose weight, malnurished people could be made to feel hunger.
10. The speed of communication would be greatly increased, by seeing and hearing thought, great societal progress could be more rapidly made.
11. Many lies and money scams would be revealed by everybody else being able to see and hear thoughts- so the majority of people would be protected from dishonest people and money scams.
12. Violent people might be stopped and held in the act of violence by nearby neuron writing devices. This would stop many assaults that with the neuron writing a secret, although those neuron devices are definitely already there, normally result in murder.
13. Remote neuron writing can make a person feel sexually aroused.
14. Many people would know instantly if a person is not interested in having a relationship with them and not waste time pursuing them.
15. Many people who have lied and their lies would be exposed to all.
16. The speed of communication would be increased- an analogy being like a message by the postal system versus by the phone wire.
17. Movies would be more entertaining - seeing a movie fully immersed - shown on every pixel in your eyes is more like being in the movie.
18. Movies can entertain and educate people on their thought and eye screens (and ears and thought-audio) while they sleep - ends the idiots who send nightmarish, torture dreams (like with insects, of high cliffs, etc.)
19. The phone company and other neuron owners might increase their wealth by selling direct-to-brain services to more people.
20. Ends spread of communicable disease spreading and dliberate infecting of political enemies. Instead of neuron consumers simply watching, and neuron writers directing, excluded humans getting infected by other people with communicable diseases like HIV, Herpes, Syphillis, Gonnorhea, Crabs, etc, the public, now formally introduced to direct-to-brain windows, like many neuron consumers already currently do, can quickly obtain information about if a person has a communicable disease.

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Potential abuses of keeping remote neuron reading and writing a secret 1) Neuron direct murder: People can be remotely murdered by having their heart (which is a muscle), their lung muscles held permanently, with no forensic evidence left at the scene of the crime.
2) Neuron indirect murder/neuron writing puppetry: People can make those who are unaware of neuron writing (excluded), commit violent crimes for them, by writing images, sounds, or activating specific neurons to plant suggestions which the excluded person may act on - in particular if the excluded person attributes these sounds, images, or feelings to a God or Gods. No matter how unpleasant, criminal, or embarrassing, a person may follow the suggestion out of respect for what they believe to be a God sending them a divine command. These suggestions may include to commit homicide, assault, suicide, sexual indiscretions, unusual apparently "insane" actions, sexually embarrassing acts - with other species, with objects, crossdressing, same gender activities, etc. Such neuron writing would create entertainment for those who know about neuron writing.
3) Lack of Communication Genocide: Those who are not included cannot communicate through thought with those who are included, and so would have almost no chance of finding dates, sex, or reproducing.
4) Coercion of insiders addicted and dependent of seeing and hearing thought. Because people's lives and chance of reproductoin depend on seeing and hearing thought to communicate an interest in a relationship, people will pay a large amount of money, and will do many things that those who own and operate the neuron reading and writing devices require of them. If these people refuse out of a sense of pride or dignity, they simply lose their service and all the benefits, including the right to reproduce, to know who around them is violent, who has a weapon around them, who is dangerous around them, who around them does not know about neuron writing, etc.
5) Deliberate infection of excluded people on opposite of neuron owners (democratic, green, libertarian, atheist, non-religious, evolution, etc) political side (republican, white-supremecy, monopoly, etc) by neuron "steering" excluded together with infectious diseases like HIV, Herpes, etc-in addition to collecting money from neuron consumers to see direct-to-brain videos of these kinds of events-or trying to collect money from those who are interested in such gruesome and criminal events.

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The Music of the BIM (Brain Imaging Machine)

1814: "Star Spangled Banner" "Oh say can you see...?"- no they are not allowed to say - but that era may happen around 2300 or 2400 - where neuron consumers can admit to seeing direct-to-brain(TM) windows.
1955: "The Great Pretender" - may hint about the pretending that the D2B consumers must do- never admiting that they see and hear thoughts or know anything about anything. This song has the iconic lyric "No one can tell", and "yes!" which may hint at the yes and no or "go public with D2B?".
1956: "Don't Be Cruel", lyric "at least please telephone"
1962: "Do you hear what I hear?", Noel Regney and Gloria Shayne
1971: Gordon Lightfoot "If you could read my mind", what a tale my thoughts would tell - is that the understatement of two centuries? - there is a massive secret history of thought images from millions of people - all saved at the phone companies and govts of earth.
1978: "I'm Every Woman", Chaka Khan. "I can read your thoughts right now, everyone from A to Z".
1982: "Eye in the Sky", Alan Parsons Project, "I am the eye in the sky looking at you, I can read your mind. I am the maker of rules, dealing with fools, I can cheat'yiz blind"
1982: "Der Kommissar", Falco.
1983: Stevie Nicks: If Anyone Falls in Love, "from the back of your mind"
1984: Rockwell, "I always feel like somboy's watching me, and I have no privacy"
1984: "Shake You Down", by Gregory Abbott "I'm glad you picked up on my telepathy"
1984: "Almost Paradise", by Eric Carmen, "You must have read my mind" ('you must have written to my mind' - would have been an interesting lyric too), "I'll share them all with you"
1984: "Mr. Telephone Man", "...the situation's blowing my mind..."
1985: "Addicted To Love", by Robert Palmer: "Your mind is not your own" - like when your muscles are involuntarily contracted from people at remote locations.
1986: Paul Simon: I know what I know, "It's a thing that I do from the back of my head"
1986: "You Should Be Mine" (The Woo Woo Song), "...and the heat from your mind..."
1988: "What's On Your Mind?" by Information Society, "I want to know what you're thinking, tell me what is on your mind" and "If you Hyde away from me" (notice: "Hyde" which may hint about 10/24/1810 William Hyde Wollaston.)
1992: "Secret World", Peter Gabriel. "All that have gone before and left no trace...making it up in our secret world", it's a relatively weak relation, but I think the secret murders in the PSIGI net is what he is talking about.
1993: "Christmas Through Your Eyes", Gloria Estefan, "I wanna see Christmas through your eyes..." - that is now possible though 700 year old remote neuron reading technology. in Spanish: "Quiero ver de Navidad a través de los ojos" - "Well you are not going to ! (closing eyes) - 7433473 has closed their eyes! ok just joking"
1995: "Carnival", Natalie Merchant. "Hypnotized Mesmerized By what my eyes have seen..." - from direct-to-brain neuron writing? Can you imagine the violence and abuse that neuron consumers must see that the excluded have never seen?
1996: "Don't Speak", by No Doubt
1999: "Amazed", by Lonestar, "I can hear your thoughts"
2000: Bonnie Raitt (Read, Shamblin, 1991) "I Can't Make You Love Me" has the line "Turn down these voices inside my head", which fights against the excuse that people who talk openly about hearing direct-to-brain audio from AT&T have some kind of psychiatric disorder and should be restrained and drugged.
2003: "Look Through My Eyes", Phil Collins - little did many of us know that many thousands of people have been looking through our eyes at the images we see for 200 years.
2004: "Suddenly I see", by KT Tunstall, may reflect how different life is once a person gets to see videos in front of their eyes - a life of isolation, neuron victimization (although that probably continues even after a person gets to "see") and loneliness suddenly changes into a life full of physical and intellectual pleasure and friendships with many thousands of other people. Tunstall is also vegetarian so that is a plus!
2006: "Telephone", by Lady Gaga. A lot of neuron code words: "I can't hear", "I have got no service, in the club","sipping that bub", "put my coat on"

Keywords of the BIM (Brain Imaging Machine)

This bizarre neuron secret two-level society has created some bizarre systems. One is the insider "keyword". There are many keywords, included humans use to try and inform the poor excluded people. Here are only a very very few of them:

"in": Starting a paper with "In" usually indicates that the person receives direct-to-brain.
"out": vote to make a person lose direct-to-brain read and/or write service.
"get"/"get out": an insider thinks somebody should "get" (include) an outsider- but not necessary all excluded.
"tenable": It may be that 1710 or 1810 was the first year that remote or direct neuron reading and writing occured.
"microscopic": the size of the neuron reading and writing particle devices.
"dust": the size of the neuron reading and writing particle devices.
"Dr. Jeckl and Mr. Hyde": William Hyde Wollaston may have been the first to hear ears and thought.
"galvanized": remote muscle movement - many times implies that a person was murdered by remote muscle contraction.

complaining keywords
"inhuman" - seeing thought-screens and receiving direct-to-brain windows makes insiders "inhuman".
"day in day out": "They are in, they are out".

Sexual keywords
"cover", "coat" - insider - and possible even excluded females get coated with sperm by insider guys.
"ski" sound - female handing two insider guys.
"do you work out?" - does an insider female take money from an excluded guy for hand - mostly it is apparently impossible - but nonetheless exists.

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There really is a caste-like, class system with typical class-based differences that has arisen because of the hording of neuron reading and writing technology in addition to keeping it secret to even talk about openly. There are serious differences between insiders and outsiders- although they are not physical as much as they are societal.
Important differences between those who do not receive direct-to-brain windows and those that do:
Do not receive direct-to-brain windows Do receive direct-to-brain windows
Do not receive direct-to-brain windows (see no windows or video squares in front of their eyes) Do receive direct-to-brain windows (can see windows and video squares in front of their eyes)
Can't see and hear video of people inside their houses Can see and hear video of people inside their houses
Can't remotely move the muscles of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely move the muscles of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't hear ears (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains hear) Can hear ears (sounds of what people, dogs, birds, cats, lizards, fish, and other species with brains hear)
Can't see eyes (video of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains see) Can see eyes (video of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains see)
Can't hear thoughts (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) Can hear thoughts (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think)
Can't see thoughts (images of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) Can see thoughts (images of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think)
Can't remotely send sounds to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send sounds to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't remotely send images to the eyes of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send images to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't remotely send sounds to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send sounds to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't remotely send images to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send images to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Have to masturbate Never have to masturbate
Probably have no sexual partner Definitely have at least one sexual partner
Probably will not reproduce Probably will reproduce
Last to be hired, first to be fired First to be hired, last to be fired
Earn low wages Earn high wages
Probably are poor Probably are wealthy
Don't get to receive dream videos while sleeping Do get to receive dream videos while sleeping
Have their muscles remotely moved by unseen insiders Don't have their muscles remotely moved by unseen insiders
Are made to itch by unseen insiders using particles Are made to itch by unseen insiders using particles
Are remotely sexually and nonsexually molested by unseen insiders using particles Are not remotely sexually and nonsexually molested by unseen insiders using particles
Can't buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net Can buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net
Can't get extra money through money-windows Can get extra money through money-windows
Can't be published Can be published
Can't be film, television, music or radio stars Can be film, television, music or radio stars
Can't buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net Can buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net
Outsiders Insiders
Excluded Included
Out In
Prey Predators
Tutsi Hutu
Watched Watchers
Stalked Stalkers
book readers Neuron rapers
Mostly tell the truth Mostly have to lie
Can talk about remote and direct neuron reading and writing Mostly can't talk about remote or direct neuron reading or writing
Watch television and cable Don't watch television and cable
Have to use Google and the Internet Don't have to use Google and the Internet
Will be sent terrible suggestions to do violence, sexually inappropriate actions Will not be sent terrible suggestions to do violence, sexually inappropriate actions
Will have no defense against suggestions written to their brain, probably will conclude voice is from God, not from wealthy to poor evil idiot neuron rape-writers Will know that voice in head is not from God or naturally occurring, but is from neuron rape-writer

And this caste system is set in stone - because the differences are so stark. It's hard for an excluded person to remember this truth. There simply are too many differences between those who get direct-to-brain windows and those who are excluded for there ever to be any mixing. It seems, not out of the realm of the possible that an excluded and included could have a lasting relationship, but it must be extremely rare. Mostly an included is never going to choose to even befriend an excluded- the analogy is like a Jewish human and non-Jewish human in Nazi Germany, and a black person and a white person in a slave state during slavory - there might be mixing, but it mostly doesn't happen. So as an excluded, you have an uphill battle of trying to find another excluded, all the while, receiving thought-audio from included who you probably never will see, who are definitely already in relationships- ans for many - more than one- with other included people.

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How people actually look for those who get direct-to-brain windows:
What did George Bush actually look like on 09/11/2011, when his eyes, ears, thought-screen and thought-audio are shown?

What might the various Pope's have had in their d2b windows over the years? Don't they have a confession to make to all those people excluded from d2b windows, and for keeping their seeing inside houses and heads a secret so dishonestly and immorally, for so long? Don't those in the audience deserve to know the truth about remote neuron reading and writing? I think so!
What was Pope John Paul watching on 09/11/2001? What was his thought-audio then? eh? I don't see or hear it so good over here.

What is on the daily d2b for Ratzinger?

What about the other side of the Jesus fraud the Protestant scammers? What is in their D2b?
Here Billy Graham has the crowd in his eyes, and is thinking of a KKK guy saluting with a burning cross. In Graham's eyes are various videos, and perhaps teleconferences.

Pat Robertson has the studio on his eye screen of course, and also memories of the Klan and crosses. Perhaps the Bushes were explaining their plan for the WTC and how to use that to attack Arab nations in a new Crusade. Robertson perhaps looks over videos of the modern Nazi-Christian movement- all his friends.

Gee do you think Randall Stevenson, CEO of AT&T gets D2B?
Can you imagine what are in his eyes and thought-screen - it must be unending murder, sex, - I can only imagine- perhaps lots of giggling. On his eye screen, at this particular instant is the camera that took the picture, made with that modern 1200s technology. But what might be in the AT&T owner's eyes? Of course, beyong the endless violence and sex, there must be the handmaidens, the many monies, the constant ongoing selection- determining how the Church can be gotton, and the School can be forgotten- who gets to see and who is left blind, who gets to reproduce and who will get neuron rape and genocide all the time.

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Technical Details (I may be innaccurate on some of these)

Photons with infrared frequencies emit from all matter. The photons that emit from brains of humans and other species are received by infrared (or xray) cameras that are no more than a micrometer in size. These devices are located in drop ceilings of buildings, and may be too small for a human to see. A photon is a small object, so detecting photons can be done with small objects. Also spread through millions of buildings, streets, parks, etc... are cameras that capture photons in the visible spectrum.

In the human brain, the visual cortex serves as a "screen" where humans see images (memories), and can also play back remembered sound. Memories of images, and dreams (humans can communicate with other humans perfectly well while the human is sleeping. A human is not dead when sleeping, and still makes decisions, responds to images on the visual cortex screen. A human can think of sleep and dreaming as much of the brain resting, in a way like a computer on screen saver.) Two amazing results of machines that hear thought are 1) your dreams can be recorded and played back. 2) Humans can hear the sounds other species make and the images other species think of to see how the brain of other species functions, how much memory storage there is, how smart each species may be.

All that may have been needed was for 1 human to view the back of a human head in the infrared (or x-ray) frequency to see what a human sees. This is what may have been done for the National Geographic image. The first cameras that could capture photons in the visible spectrum were made in the late 1800s. Thomas Edison made the first camera that could capture "moving images" more than one frame at a time. I guess that the first images seen were of what a human sees (like the National Geographic photo), and that this happened after the invention of the motion picture camera, and after infrared motion picture cameras were invented. I think that James Maxwell was the first to show that photons (then "light") come in various frequencies, and that there is a spectrum of light (I think another human before Maxwell detected the infrared by sending light through a prism and seeing a thermometer heating up in a place where there appeared to be no light). William Roentgen captured the first image of photons in the x-ray in 1896.

When radio, sound and image recording happened in the late 1800s, humans started to mass produce cameras, microphones, recorders, etc... Humans spent millions of dollars funding this exciting technology. The microphones and cameras were probably used in the first decade after the invention to "spy" on other humans, or simply see what other humans do. Humans in businesses learned that hearing and in particular seeing what humans in competing businesses were doing could be useful for survival. The upsetting part of this story, is that humans opposed and made taboo this kind of voyeurism, or capturing of photons and sound. As a result, most of this entire story has never been told to the majority of humans, going back past the killing of JFK, to the earliest films, still not seen.

Now in 2002 CE, cameras only millimeters in size are being made for dollars. These cameras fill the planet, in particular every where humans are. The cameras run on electricity, batteries, or solar energy (photons). The camera digital output is connected to a vast fiber optic, or copper wire network (more and more cameras are sending images to the Internet all the time). Images from the visible spectrum can also be sent to a human brain. All I am sure of is that the humans I am employed with get the images (from cameras and of thoughts) directly sent to their brains by using photons. This is amazing, this part of the secret camera and thought network is wireless! Most of the humans I am employed with enjoy this technology (I am not included, for a number of reasons [although I may be included at some time, and have to agree not to tell people on the web, so you humans may not get more info than this for a number of years] for the most part, because I oppose secrecy, and I think that this system should be shown to all humans, plus I am an atheist human and was tortured in 3 psychiatric "hospitals"). If all the humans I am employed with get to hear thoughts, than the number of humans that can see and hear thoughts must be in the millions by now. The number is getting too large to keep secret, I am amazed that hearing thought has been kept secret for this amount of time (perhaps 60 years, 15 years without doubt).

Once a number of humans (perhaps experimenting with different frequencies of photons) realized that what a human sees can be seen in the infrared, humans must have pursued the technology. Probably with only 1 or two days or weeks of experiment, humans could see that the visual screen that humans see objects on (upside down, as in the above photo) is also the screen (perhaps) that memories and self made images (including dreams) are drawn on. I think that hearing thought may have came later, but I could be wrong. Humans remember sounds in the form of stored electrons, similarly to a computer. Humans play back remembered sounds (like as in Cosmos perhaps "where did I leave my keys?"). I am not sure of the details, but am sure that thought can also be heard. I think that when the remembered sounds are played back (or self made), photons in the infrared must reflect the pattern (perhaps of what muscles to move). These infrared photons probably have to be decoded in to the base sounds (like the "O and o" of a phonetic alphabet, made by two or three movements of two or three muscles, like the jaw or lips.) Translating this photon pattern must have taken some time, but probably not more than 1 year.

These machines were invented (or thought was first seen with infrared cameras and decoded with electronic devices), perhaps as early as the 1930s. The machines may have been built by humans in the US Government military, perhaps together with humans in various universities in the USA, or some place in Europe. All that may be needed to hear and see thought is an infrared camera, some amount of digital decoding, a screen to draw the images humans think of on, and a speaker to play the sound. Actually, all that may be needed is the camera to capture the photons from a brain, and perhaps, the photons only need to be (possibly) amplified, and directed back to a human brain to be seen by a different human. The same is true for sound. The photons are captured by the camera, amplified and sent back in the direction of various human heads. The entire procedure may be that simple.
Do a search for "xray cameras" for some interesting info.

Humans pay a monthly fee of perhaps $200/month to hear unlimited thoughts of any human with in 10 meters. Cameras capture images in the visible frequency, and of thoughts in the infrared, and these images are sent directly to the brains of the humans that pay for the service.

What would you call this system? "Mind reading machines"? "Thought machines?" "Brain imaging machines"? "Infrared cameras"? "Secret camera network"? "Secret thought network?" "Secret camera and thought network"?

Possibly simply extending a simple AM radio receiver, using a Hartley oscillator circuit (an LC inductor and capacitor circuit : LC circuit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lc_circuit and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartley_oscillator
) into the gigahertz and or terahertz range may allow a person to hear thoughts, or sounds heard by an ear - emitted as infrared, heat, and/or radio interval photons.
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Questions outsiders/excluded can ask insider/included through thought

Frequently Asked Questions of Humans in Camera and Thought Networks:
1) What year was thought first seen and heard? (1810)
2) What humans made this remarkable achievement? (unknown, perhaps something or somebody with initials "PP" has something to do with it) update 12/17/05: Probably Michael Pupin at COlumbia UNiversity in New York City, NY, USA.
3) How does seeing thought work? Are photons in the infrared received from a brain in a 2 dimensional image? Or is there some decoding that needs to be done? update 12/17/05: it seems likely that some kind of material is used to amplify the photons coming from brains, which is put on top of a photographic film wihch records the image.
4) When and how did humans realize that images (sounds, smells, tastes, and feels) could be sent directly to a brain?
5) How many cameras cover the planet earth that are included in this secret camera network? Is there 1 camera in every room of every building in the state of California? in the USA? other nations?
6) What humans put the cameras in?
7) How did people get all the cameras in?
8) What size are the cameras?
9) Do the cameras send images by wire, and wireless? What way is more common? What way is more difficult to detect?
10) Do people ever take cameras out of their houses, apartments and vehicles? (In Star Wars 2 the statement "she's covered the cameras" was used...I didn't even think of that...potentially, people using wall paper could cover cameras, but the ceiling would be tough, maybe even constantly repainting)
11) Are there any places that are not seen in the secret (soon to be public) camera (and thought - next you are going to tell me that putting a piece of tinfoil on our heads will stop all photons of our thoughts from being decoded) network?
12) How are thoughts "beamed" on to the brain of humans? Are infrared photons simply directed to an internal screen in the humans brain?
13) What do other species think? For example, can a horse, pig or dog remember and play back sounds (like a song on the radio), and remembered images?
14) In my experience, humans are terrified to discuss the secret camera and thought network, have humans been killed or beat that have? What explains this paralyzing fear? If there is such a risk, how were the millions of humans already included in the secret gestapo camera and thought network told and included? (there is some kind of "display" of decaying and rotting bodies on both sides)
15) What has been learned in the secret camera and thought network (besides never support secrecy again).
16) What was the name and story behind the human that killed JFK? [I have put together the probable answer to this one particular question: Frank Fiorini Sturgis killed JFK, indicating a link between Nixon and the killing of JFK. Oswald probably shot at Kennedy, and Tippit. What the details (Greer, Bush Senior and what other humans were involved?) on the JFK killing was I have not heard yet.]
What human killed RFK and what humans were involved? [RFK was shot three times and killed from behind by Thane Cesear, a human employed by Ace Security Guards and Lockhead - this does not look good for both of those groups, and I would be weary of any investment in these businesses until there is a full explanantion with images of what happened to RFK concerning Thane Cesar and Sirhan Sirhan.]
17) Is there a collection with the last images of the living JFK, Jimi Hendrix, Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, John Belushi, John Lennon [For John Lennon, Reagen probably stopped all government protection that Carter had upon being elected in 11/2000 one month before the Lennon killing, in addition to allowing humans to steer Hinkley by constantly sending images and sounds by photon directly to the brain of Chapman. Evidence of this comes from Chapman (he may have realized what happened to him), when Chapman said "I heard in my head. It said, 'Do it, do it, do it," .]?
18) Was Jimi Hendrix killed? (yes)
19) Was Janis Joplin killed? (yes no?)
20) Was Jim Morrison killed? (yes)
21) Was Bob Marley killed? (yes)
22) Was Falco killed? (yes)
23) Was Falco killed for making "Der Kommisar"?
24) What humans paid for/organized the killing?
25) Why was there no security on John Lennon in Decemeber 1980?
26) What video exists of what actually happened to Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson? (no street video on Wilshire? That I find hard to believe)
27) Did Marvin Pancoast actually kill Vicki Morgan? (yes, although I find this hard to believe) 28) Did Vicki Morgan actually have videotapes of her and Reagen having sex?
29) What human shot Larry Flynt? Was the human ever captured and locked in a jail? (this has been answered, self named "Joseph Paul Franklin" confessed to the shooting)
30) What humans support/supported including everybody beside FDR?
31) What humans have tried to suppress information?
32) Have any humans independently decoded/translated the images brains see, or hear? (see below questions)
33) Have any humans stumbled on thought images being transmitted?
34) Are thought images encoded?
35) Was Bob Marley killed with photons in the XRAY frequency?

More good yes/no questions for excluded people to think to included people:
(bring and think them during meetings with the included and see who is helpful and who is not)

There were hijackers on those 4 planes?
There were missiles on the two tower planes? (y)
A missile hit the Pentagon? (y confirmed: 2 times)
Bush knew about 9/11 on 9/10? (y)

thought technology
Michael Pupin was first to see thought? (y confirmed=2 times)
Seeing thought came before hearing thought? (y confirmed=1 time)
Thought was first seen in 1910? (Y 2)
It was in October 1910? (Y 1)
Thought was first seen at Columbia University? (y 1)
lasers that assault us are in ceiling? (y 1)
lasers that assault us are in walls? (y 1)
things that assault us are lasers? (y sort of)
we are assaulted with photons?
we are assaulted with electrons? (y 1)
we are assaulted with voltage differential? (n 1)
more than 100 million people routinely hear thought now? (y 1)
more than 1 billion people routinely hear thought now?
basically 300 million people routinely hear thought now?
the rate of people allowed to fully hear thought is increasing at 100,000 a year?
People have images that appear to be drawn out into space in front of their eyes? (y 3 I got a little of this one morning just as I was waking up [because people tend not to remember dreams and when they just wake up]...it was like a partially transparent gray-blue overlay that flashed on the left side in front of my eyes [update: but also...I mean how many of us have had the "insect" beamed on our eyes...5 trillion dollar system...and all these idiots can beam are quick .3 second images of spiders and cockroaches in our peripheral vision...oh f'in stupid! That and a million scary stupid dreams...although my dreams have been relatively ok lately although no journeys to centauri or anything remotely interesting. But you can see, many of the excluded have these "quick insects"...it's the gestapo at play perhaps...so you can see that technology that can show an image of an insect could easily be more wisely used to show text, overlays, windows, etc.] so I feel strongly this is the system being used..and I can see how convenient that would be...images could appear anywhere in 3D space before your eyes...several different windows...text messages. It makes for a totally different daily reality. A daily reality of interacting with the system beamed infront of your eyes...totally different from the plain image most of us see every day)
the images are in front of people's eyes?
People have images drawn out in space in front of their eyes? (Y 1)
The images are clear and solid images in front of people's eyes? (Y 4)
Images can be beamed to appear behind people's eyes?
The images are created by beaming photons on to the neutrons of the brain?
The images are created by beaming electrons on to the neutrons of the brain?
What year was sending images to brains first done (1910,1911,1912,1913,..) (1924 2) (1917 1) (1914 1) (1925 1)
What year was sending sounds to brains first done (1910,1911,1912,1913,..) (1924 1)(guess=1921)
What year was sending smells to brains first done (1910,1911,1912,1913,..) (1924 1)
People have to pay for service? ($10,20,30,40,50,60) ($50/month 1)
People pay the government for the hearing thought service? (N 1)
People pay a corporation for the hearing thought service? (Y 1)
The corporation is a public corporation
People get money to say certain things (Y 1)
The amounts people usually get paid to say things around me is more than $100 a time?

The amounts people usually get paid to say things around me is under $1000 a time?
People get paid electronically to say certain things around me?
A person can buy all parts necessary to duplicate hearing and seeing thought on the open market? (Y 2) [this question intriques me. How easy is it to duplicate seeing and hearing thought?]
Seeing what a person sees is done by receiving a certain frequency of light neurons emit? (Y 1)
Hearing thought is done with some kind of microphone? (guess=N)
Some excluded person has duplicated seeing and hearing thought? (Y 1) [this question intriques me. Are there some geniuses out there that independently figured it out?...clearly many of the most connected national scientists, for example in Germany figured it out, using tools like hidden cameras, microphones, etc...the vast repetoire of tools available to them which is much more than those available to me...they had national resources...allowing the German people in science to at least know about, and no doubt duplicate seeing thought by 1911. But, what about those without national resources at their disposal? Perhaps those that duplicated without seeing how it is done.]
Number of excluded people that know for sure that thought can be heard is more than 1 million? (y 1)
Number of excluded people that ask these questions in thought is more than 1 million?
Lasers in ceiling can kill a human by burning them in seconds? (guess=y) [one person hinted that some people could be easily killed while driving by beaming images of obstacles in front of them...then swerving them into other cars or actual objects. The knee-jerk reaction is to swerve. So I added "by burning".).
Lasers in ceiling can leave a mark? (guess=y)
Is a democratic system of constant voting in place, even if the popular vote is not the prevailing action taken? (y 1)
Are people voted into hearing thought by all hearers of thought? [I guess no]
Are people included into hearing thought only by administrators of network and not popular vote of thought-hearing public? [I guess yes]
Do those who zap people with the lasers get locked in jail? [No 1]
Do those who zap people with the lasers get excluded from access to zapping buttons?
Any wireless images around here that are unscrambled that any body could receive? (Y 1)

Famous murders
Frank Sturgis killed JFK? (Y 1)
Thane Cesar killed RFK? (Y 1)
James Earle Ray killed MLK (N 1) [I guessed yes, and had 'can you believe one where the truth was told to the public?...eerie...']
Marilyn Monroe was murdered? (Y 1)
Doug Adams killed? (Y 1)
Doug Adams killed in Santa Barabara? (Y 3)
JFK jr killed? (Y 2 N 2)
Pancoast killed Vicki Morgan? (Y 1)
Chris Penn was killed? (Y 1)
Oswald died from Ruby's shot? (N 1)
Somebody beside Jack Ruby actually killed Lee Oswald? (Y 2)
OJ killed Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman? (Y 3)
Bob Marley was killed? ( )
Bob Marley was killed with photon beam in XRAY frequency? (Y 3)
Mae Brussels was killed? (Y 2)
Jimi Hendrix was killed? (Y 3)
Janis Joplin was killed? (Y 2)
Jim Morrison was killed? (Y 4)

Secret Science (new!)
hand held laser has been invented? (Y 1)
hand held laser can kill a human in seconds? (y 1)
hand held laser can burn skin?
humans have turned photons into protons?
humans have made radioactive resistent mammals? (n 1)
most males my age ejaculate 1 day a week? (2,3,4,5,6,7)

remember basic rules
1=yes, 2=no,
first finger=yes, fist=no
1 cough=yes, 2 coughs=no
as always "yes","yeah"=yes and "no","na", "you know"=no
you will see how conservatives tend to lie, and liberals tend to tell the truth until they get scared and then are

only silent.

10/03/08 Important update: It appears that there may be a relatively simple way to see a specific frequency in the infrared. I have been reading an amazing book "Television to-day and to-morrow" about John Logie Baird and the mechanical television. You can just use a simple DC motor and a wooden disk with a spiral of 30 holes which spins around - on one side a photodetector detects light which passes through the moving hole, through a lens and into the detector - this is connected directly to a light on the other side of the disk which changes brightness depending on the light detected - and because of persistance of image of the human brain, and the speed of the rotating disk (15-30 times/second) - you can actually see a full image - even in the infrared (if you use a filter on the source light).
You can see a specific frequency in the infrared by using a low-cost ebay diffraction grating.
This is a somewhat simple device to construct - I would say this is intermediate level electronics, if not advanced beginner level.
Search youtube for mechanical television, televisor, john logie baird, etc.

Possible seeing thought camera (and electric camera) schematic:
Viewing electrical current like water is the easiest way to understand this design. Electricity like water flows from the battery (in regular spurts or intervals because of the oscillator) and fills up the first capacitor, which delays it, like a bucket slows the flow of water until the bucket is filled. The current then empties from the first capacitor and divides into the two paths, one to the AND gate and the other to the next capacitor. This is a simplified circuit, and probably more stuff is needed, perhaps a transistor would replace the AND gate, but its the basic idea. At the AND gate, the current (water) only flows if the photon detector has current (water) too. If the photon detector is receiving light, the current will pass the AND gate and enter the output wire, which travels away from the camera to the remote distant viewer. At the next capacitor the current keeps flowing through filling the second capacitor and the same thing happens there. In this way, a timing pattern reflecting the photons detected is sent on the output wire. At the viewing (or receiving) end, you can see almost an identical circuit, but things are reversed. Instead of a photon detector, we have a photon emitter (for example an LED, light emitting diode). The output wire runs along with a second wire that has the exact same oscillator+capacitors design. The oscillator and capacitor basically creates a pulse of current (or water) that moves through the capacitors delaying at each. If the two oscillators are sync'd to emit a pulse of current at the same time, this second set of current will align with the current in the output wire that relates what the photon detectors recorded (with a 1 or 0, basically...that is a 3.3V or 0V). So running the two through an AND (or equivalent), but this time making the voltage emit photons instead...the photons detected are then emitted again. It is really an interesting concept...that in one location the photons enter...and it's like that image is delayed...until it gets to a remote location...and then is recreated and reappear. Added features might include limiting the light in to the detectors with filters that might include a color filter, a prism or defraction grating filter to single particular frequencies of light, and I can only guess how many other ideas might be added to this idea. But this concept is somewhat simple...and yet...in no electronics textbook does this simple circuit appear...it's a terrible secret and terrible coverup it appears...but of course maybe I am wrong. It seems like that an electric camera of this sort was invented as early as 1900.

I have never seen images from the back of people's heads, but my best guess is that a wave-length (or photon interval) that might make seeing eyes and brain-generated images possible could be 30cm or 1ghz. I would try a diffraction grating. I would build a thin wood box (or even use a cardboard box) to be a so-called pin-hole camera, or camera obscura. In the box drill two holes, one for light to enter and one to see. Then I would mount the grating on a platform, and use toy gears to rotate the grating at a very slow speed. Then I would put an optical detector inside the box, running the wires outside to a ohm-meter. Just this device alone is a kind of light detector. In particular if you can turn the grating to the infrared region. Then you have an infrared camera, although only 1 pixel. Still it is enough to see if any heat can be measured from a person. Other pointers are add a sliding piece of wood to cover the eye hole, and add a 1/2-20 screw to fit the box onto a tripod. Possibly a lens could focus the light over more detectors. Possibly some low cost CCD can detect 30cm light. The entire key is filtering that one frequency. This can possibly be done by diffraction grating, and possibly by oscillating electrical circuit. Another way may be finding some low cost substance that absorbs and emits a certain frequency of light, in particular the 30cm wavelength. Then cover the optical detector with that. For that, you will need to find spectra absorption and emission data for various molecules.

Please send me any information you have on machines that see and hear thought.
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"Let us never support secrecy." - Ted Huntington

Update 10/10/02:
Here is some thing new I have learned:
The infrared cameras you can buy for <$100 on ebay are probably not going to see thought, I am not sure, but I think no. There are cameras being sold under the name "thermal camera", or "thermal imaging camera". Even though photons are photons, and these cameras, as far as I can see, simply detect photons in infrared frequencies. These cameras cost >$1000. http://www.x20.org/index.html
You may need to use a visual spectrum filter (called an "infrared filter" for some reason) for <$100.

Marshall Brain has a great webpage at howstuffworks.com
There is an article on thermal (or infrared) imaging at:

Here is a common thermal imaging camera:
Raytheon PalmIR
Have fun getting prices for these cameras - what is the deal?

What is shocking to me is to see Negroid (black), Jewish, openly homosexual, and overweight humans in favor of excluding me from the camera and thought network. Perhaps all the racism, antisexism, and appearanceism has made them the same way.

Another thing to think of with the secret thought and camera networks is that, these humans are similar basically addicted to cocaine and their values can be shaped in order to keep getting the service. That they need to hear thoughts and see hidden cameras with everybody else will cause them to lie, and do nothing as they see humans beat, taken advantage of, raped, killed, you name it....

Not one of you humans in the secret thought or camera networks have ever explained or described these networks and this is proof of the clan, cult, addicted, nazi, fascist, antitruth nature of this group.

Somebody asked me what is the secret camera and thought network, and I replied:

To the best of my knowledge, around the year 1940 in the USA or Europe people realized that what a human sees can be seen (I have a photo provided from a National Geographic called "The Incredible Human Machine" on my webpage, plus there are more details there click on the "Brain Imaging Machine" link), by capturing photons emitted (I think in the infrared) from the back of any brain (even other species). This technology evolved and developed, and now, without any question, millions of people use a massive secret (from most of the people of earth) group of microcameras (as unrealistic as this may sound) to see and hear thought of any species.

What will probably prove to be the biggest shock to people of the future is how humans that learned of this technology kept the technology a secret for nearly a century. People can argue that this proves that human nature is dishonest, but I think that this is simply the remnants of the dishonest traditions of religions, paired with no real history of science videos, or embrace of science.

A more detailed description is on my web page, there is no way to stop thought from being heard, and we must adapt and should enjoy this technology that makes communication more easy.

No I have not found even the tiniest transitor, microcamera, or microphone. The only evidence I can offer is the national geographic image, and that Carl Sagan hinted that translating thought could happen and be a "disquieting prospect" in "Cosmos". Have you ever seen "Cosmos"? You can see the video for free from a public library probably.

There are lines of people that connect inventions in science. Oersted found that current moving thru a wire moved a compass needle, Faraday and Henry followed that first experiment, idea, field, etc...
For the brain imaging people should look at the full spectrum of photon frequencies: Where are the radio, what is the coding (am,fm,pcm), where is tv, how can data be sent with photons, how do I detect photons with infrared frequency, and display in visible?

How is "scrambling" and "unscrambling" done?

but mainly, what I am saying is: find/track the people in the fields of science. The first people to see what a human sees were probably in medical imaging, radio/tv, radar, cameras, electronics, optics/lasers, microphones, nanotechnology, because detecting photons and using electronics are a serious part of seeing thought.

brain imaging may be traced to the first EEG, or to early radar experiments.

You tell me big human.


Experiments to do:
Get access to a thermal imaging camera (or try to make one - detect photons in a square grid of photon sensors every 1 ns), this can be at SF Science Museum, for example, or probably any good science (hands-on) museum.

With a friend or camera:
Turn the back of your head to the infrared (thermal imaging) camera.
Cover one (or both) eye(s) with your hand. Does the infrared image change? Is there less light, does the color change on the screen?

Try to put patterns in front of your eyes, does that change the infrared image?

Here are more ideas:
There must be a large number of images (perhaps of neighborhood people, and ofcourse from tv, etc...) moving in space in the form of photons moving out in a sphere (or perhaps in direct lines) from a source.
In detecting these photons, important points are: a) Check each frequency for regular voltages (groups of photons at regular intervals), check 1GHz, 1.01 GHz, 1.02Ghz, etc... if you find a signal (or more than just a 0 volts every sample time) then you may have a signal from a higher or lower frequency (for example a 2 Ghtz spacing between photons groups can also be detected as a 1 ghtz spacing - since every other group of photons is not detected/missed)
b) The signal could be images, sound, or data (like wireless internet, but mostly people probably are looking for imagesc) for an image, you have to figure out what the 2-d resolution is, is the image 320x240, 640x480, or some other format.
c) protocol of data: probably most are PCM, some are FM, and some are spread spectrum PCM
d) compression, scrambled, spread spectrum, encoded
What is sad, is that some people have gone to extreme lengths to try and hide information from the public, and a variety of scrambling and encoding techniques have been explored. My advice is to try to find simple unscrambled, unencoded image signals. Perhaps there are some kind of public domain, or open source photon signals.

How to sample photons at high frequencies like 10 GHtz:
I see no reason why a person could not use a USB 2.0, or PCI connection to at least sample 8 bits (8 different signals) up to 24MBytes/sec (USB2.0) or 800 Bits/sec (PCI). A nice computer program could be made to increment the samples to move from 1MHz, 1.01MHz, etc...and you could check various locations, or use a larger detector (antenna).

I can see a problem with sending groups of photons - for example if 2 images are sent with 1 ghtz (although I still have questions about how to syncronize the receiving part to the signal - I guess you wait for a group of photons, and then start sampling every 1GHtz, etc...) then, unless the 2 signals are .5 ghtz out of sync, or apart, then detecting each signal would be difficult, because the photons from each would join together to make a signal with 2 images mixed together.

There are also problems with separating all the signals, for example, photon groups of some PCM images at 100MHz, would appear at the 1khtz, 1 MHz, 10Mhz, 20 MHtz, etc... mark all the way up to 100MHz, because everything depends on how often you sample/detect groups of photons. In addition, that 100MHz signal might interfere/overwrite/combine with 200MHz photon groups.

i just want to make clear that (as far as I have never seen, and am the first to my eyes that has ever seen this):
simple detecting photons, for example with any common photon detector (although -this is probably a problem, because the material of photon diodes, photo resistors, etc... is made only to make a voltage for certain frequencies of photon groups) should be possible. By taking a voltage reading (amplified to a detectible level) from a photo resistor, a person should be able to detect whether there are photons or not at some regular interval.

One of the ironies of the BIM and SCN (secret camera network) is that those people that could make most use of BIM and camera network are excluded, for not being married, sexual, not religious, and enlightened but those that are included, cannot take advantage of what they see, because they are married, antisexual, religious and puritanical.

New images:

Can you imagine if the xray had been kept secret for 100 years and counting? All those missed broken bones, bullet fragments, upper and lower gastro intestinals...

I may be completely wrong here, but I think that the name of the person that first saw what the eyes see in the infrared may be named Peter P. I do not know what the last name is. In any event, I think that the initials "PP" relate to an important human. This human is an interesting part in the story of science but was denied the public recognition (and potential money, etc...) he deserved. He must be dead by now. If age 30 in 1910, he would be 120+ years old.
There must have been a large number of people involved in the experiments/research. I think that this was first found in a university in the state of California, USA and spread from there. The second people saw that what the brain sees can be seen in the infrared in hidden cameras, and through hidden microphones, they must have put in more cameras, microphones, and duplicated the experiments, other people saw them and duplicated the experiments later. By now, all the major nations must have this technology, there certainly is no nationalistic benefit from keeping this technology secret, and I think that the technology has advanced as far as it will go. Like nuclear bombs, there is not much new happening there, and what could a person expect? A larger release of photons?

Seeing what a human sees in the infrared may not be that difficult. For all I know, all that is needed is a camera (or ccd), and a visible spectrum filter. It may be poissible to use a ccd and sample with infrared frequency to see the photons coming out of the back of every head.

One thing I realized this week was that many people may not have any physical evidence of seeing and hearing thought (like the National Geographic image), because they are simply end users, they simply see and hear thought, they do not have hardcopies. To have a paper copy, you need to capture/intercept the digital images traveling through space or wires. This is another possibility that instead of reproducing capturing thoughts with a ccd, a person could learn how to decode digital images being transmitted with radio and microwave frequencies.

The exciting part for me is going to be talking with other people that are excluded, but smart enough to understand what is going on. What do we have to lose? To not expose this is just as risky as exposing. Plus, by exposing the infrared, we can speed up the time to when we get to see with everybody else. We can not have the service we are excluded from taken away from us. I think taking these images from National Geographic around to so-called "doctors" to ask what kind of machine made these is a good approach. We can video tape interview them, or if they refuse, indicate that they refused to comment. We can do this to for National Geographic, and tv, radio and newspaper popular people. Most of that will involve how we tried to talk to the person on camera and how they refused or ignored the requests.

Seeing what a human sees in the infrared may not be that difficult. For all I know, all that is needed is a camera (or ccd), and a visible spectrum filter. It may be poissible to use a ccd and sample with infrared frequency to see the photons coming out of the back of every head.

One thing I realized this week was that many people may not have any physical evidence of seeing and hearing thought (like the National Geographic image), because they are simply end users, they simply see and hear thought, they do not have hardcopies. To have a paper copy, you need to capture/intercept the digital images traveling through space or wires. This is another possibility that instead of reproducing capturing thoughts with a ccd, a person could learn how to decode digital images being transmitted with radio and microwave frequencies.

The exciting part for me is going to be talking with other people that are excluded, but smart enough to understand what is going on. What do we have to lose? To not expose this is just as risky as exposing. Plus, by exposing the infrared, we can speed up the time to when we get to see with everybody else. We can not have the service we are excluded from taken away from us. I think taking these images from National Geographic around to so-called "doctors" to ask what kind of machine made these is a good approach. We can video tape interview them, or if they refuse, indicate that they refused to comment. We can do this to for National Geographic, and tv, radio and newspaper popular people. Most of that will involve how we tried to talk to the person on camera and how they refused or ignored the requests.

Is there always more? Yes, ofcourse.
Here is a strategy:
Show the National Geographic video to as many optometrists (eye doctors) on camera. As them if you can interview them on mini-dv for a school project, or extracurricular project, or simply for public access...you do not even need a reason, they should have nothing to hide, and if they do, video tape that and expose them. Ask them:
What instrument made these images?
Can you guess?
Have you ever seen this kind of image before?
Don't you think this tool, has value in optometry?
I mean, don't you think it is useful to see what an eye sees, to see if there is a defect, or a problem with the eye?
(They will probably say: "well...there are other tools that are better, like lasers"
say: "Still, do you not think that this infrared technology could also be useful in determining what an eyeball is seeing?"
Are you part of a secret group of people that is surpressing these infrared cameras and medical tools?
Do you realize that you are standing in the way of scientific progress, and healing people with eye problems, and preventing the saving of many lives?
What is the matter with you?

Perhaps we can go to an eye seminar, like the American Optometric Association with a camera and start showing the National Geographic photos.
Better yet, go to National Geographic Headquarters and cause a stink by showing the photos - although that will get nowhere, but maybe good video of strong arm methods.

search for "mind machine" in google, and you may get some more info on this process of seeing what any animal sees. I found this good link:
The IMAX movie "The Human Body", has some images taken with xray photon detecting ccds (try buying an xray ccd like from ADSC, for example, they probably are ultra inflated prices to the public but dirt cheap to the camera net elitest people. Perhaps seeing and hearing thought is done with photons in xray and not infrared, but I am not sure. Look at this photo:

There are no images of what the human sees, but it is good to understand that millions of photons spaced with xray frequency are reaching the earth all the time. In a good honest society, CCDs for every frequency of photon would be available for pennies to the public, but this is planet earth in 2005 AD Jesus cult time system. That the eye ball is showing could be infrared, but might be xray too. I don't see any eye ball in the above image. Are eye balls visible in xray images? I bought a Sony DCR-HC21 and used a visible filter outside with "night shot" mode (that name has kind of violent connotations in my opinion), but photons in ir reflect off the hair on the back of my head, and initially I saw no image, but made I need to filter and detect specific frequencies, or block more photons with ir frequency. 04-13-05
Here is a try at a quick summary:
People must use audio and image thoughts to request to see and hear images. There is a massive set of wireless (and perhaps even wired from the wall on) gets and sends going on that most of us are excluded from. Detectors (ultra sound? infrared? xray?) in the walls and ceiling, light posts, that must be relatively small receive these thoughts. Also in the walls and ceilings are camera and microphones. These people all appear (like people that go to news.google.com or cnn.com) to request the same images and accompanying audio. This is why, smart, interesting and talented people like me are big attractions in particular for those people I work with. They can get news updates (and when I say news updates, I am talking about everything, images of the people having sex, masturbating, of them involved in violence, their thoughts, inside their houses, bathrooms, cars, etc.) There must be some central locations that process the millions and millions of video clips from inside people's houses, their thoughts, etc. The amount of data must be truly enormous. Like watching a television, they must simply request "the news" or something (but I don't doubt that they can shape and personalize what they want beamed on to their head ... like when masturbating..I also request female with female images, but none ever arrive...I am basically not included in the service. Occassionally an image or two will appear, some times a sound or two will be beamed onto my head. Much of what is beamed on to my body are assaults and itches, not images and sounds)
Back to the addiction idea, I have openly questioned my brother twice because I know he is included (and a few other "safer" people [ie they couldn't fire me or get me in trouble]). Most all have the same story, the have "no idea" of what I am talking about (they cannot even admit to me that they can see and hear thought, that is how addicted they are to this technology... and think of the advantages of hearing the thoughts of those around you, how useful that must be, so useful that they can't possibly risk it in any way. But, my brother did eventually say things later out of context, like "yeah, I did some of that..." and "it sounds ludicrous to me", coded words to explain (ludicrous took me a few seconds, because why not 'insane', 'crazy', or 'delusional'... because "lewd and licivious" is what he means. It is a popular charge, and perhaps there are reich nazistic people that want to arrest me with the charge of "lewd, etc..." with fabricated evidence and or witnesses. So far this has not happened, but I don't doubt such nazistic things happen in the USA. But none of them will talk openly, I think more along the lines of not losing the service that is better than cocaine, not out of fear of being hurt or killed. Perhaps he just means that many people vote to exclude me because I poked a human when I was 17, which is unbelievable because people that have homicides get to see and hear, I was non sexually assaulted a number of times when I was younger, recently, and that does not even include all of the laser assaults from ceilings! I know psychology theory has a lot to do with why I am excluded, in addition that I write this and expose the net to the public does not help.

Here is the text of the New Scientist article:
Sony patent takes first step towards real-life Matrix
* 07 April 2005 * Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition * Jenny Hogan * Barry Fox
Web Links * Sony Electronics
* Biomedical Engineering, University of Colorado
* Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology, University of Tübingen

IMAGINE movies and computer games in which you get to smell, taste and perhaps even feel things. That's the tantalising prospect raised by a patent on a device for transmitting sensory data directly into the human brain - granted to none other than the entertainment giant Sony.

The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non-invasive. It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating "sensory experiences" ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds. This could give blind or deaf people the chance to see or hear, the patent claims.

While brain implants are becoming increasingly sophisticated, the only non-invasive ways of manipulating the brain remain crude. A technique known as transcranial magnetic stimulation can activate nerves by using rapidly changing magnetic fields to induce currents in brain tissue. However, magnetic fields cannot be finely focused on small groups of brain cells, whereas ultrasound could be.

If the method described by Sony really does work, it could have all sorts of uses in research and medicine, even if it is not capable of evoking sensory experiences detailed enough for the entertainment purposes envisaged in the patent. “This was a prophetic invention. It was based on an inspiration that this may someday be the direction technology takes us”

Details are sparse, and Sony declined New Scientist's request for an interview with the inventor, who is based in its offices in San Diego, California. However, independent experts are not dismissing the idea out of hand. "I looked at it and found it plausible," says Niels Birbaumer, a pioneering neuroscientist at the University of Tübingen in Germany who has created devices that let people control devices via brain waves.

The application contains references to two scientific papers presenting research that could underpin the device. One, in an echo of Galvani's classic 18th-century experiments on frogs' legs that proved electricity can trigger nerve impulses, [TP: Is this cool that they refer to Galvani? "Hey some body Galvani'd me!" is what I sometimes say, or "Hey Galvani, enough with the muscle twitching!"] showed that certain kinds of ultrasound pulses can affect the excitability of nerves from a frog's leg. The author, Richard Mihran of the University of Colorado, Boulder, had no knowledge of the patent until New Scientist contacted him, but says he would be concerned about the proposed method's long-term safety.

Sony first submitted a patent application for the ultrasound method in 2000, which was granted in March 2003. Since then Sony has filed a series of continuations, most recently in December 2004 (US 2004/267118).

Elizabeth Boukis, spokeswoman for Sony Electronics, says the work is speculative. "There were not any experiments done," she says. "This particular patent was a prophetic invention. It was based on an inspiration that this may someday be the direction that technology will take us."

From issue 2494 of New Scientist magazine, 07 April 2005, page 10

(from opions2005:) century remembered as 'everybody lies about eyes century'
I think this century will be remembered for the way that millions of people actively participated in secretly seeing behind people's eyes and did nothing or very little to inform the public about their daily habit, addiction, or hobby. All the people you can think of...they were all involved...all the most recognized people of this time. They will all be remembered as participants in the secrecy. It will stand, as the rise of Nazism and other phenomenons do, as an interesting example of the strength and pressure of conformity, even in the face of ridiculously unethical behavior....some how, like religion, no matter how unbelievable the stories are, or nazism, no matter how barbaric the violence to innocent humans is, nobody dares to break the cycle or speak out. I was glad to hear the Phil Collins song with the words "take a look through my eyes". I don't doubt that, after spending years participating in the secret society of those that watch eyes, felt some amount of responsibility to reach out to and try to help the public understand this new phenomenon. I understand it is not easy to do, and takes a large amount of bravery, but ofcourse, I don't doubt that there is some feeling of guilt, some fear of what the public will think in the minds of those who have enjoyed the advantage of being in the eye networks...it has to become public some time...there is not less information as time continues...eventually the public will find out...and I don't doubt many people that have been listening to thought for years recognize that there may be some anger on the part of the public for keeping the technology secret for so much time. I don't know, but I think it will probably be like the end of aparteid in South Africa, or prohibition of alcohol in the USA, slavory, women's right to vote, ...very little retribution...most people getting away with their gains from the unfair era without any punishment.
I have a bad habit of wanting to repeat out loud my thoughts...I am not sure why...it's almost like the felling that the millions of people that watch me need to hear what I am thinking...I seems to forget that they can already hear what I am thinking and there is no need to repeat out loud what I think...that repeating out loud what I think is kind of annoying for them...it slows things down...it is almost like when we talk, if we had to say everything twice...then life would move twice as slowly, every food order would take twice as long, etc. It's a tough habit to break for me...but I am getting better at it...part of the reason is that I don't get to hear thoughts so I am not in the flow of sending and receiving...I am one of those "read-only" people (as one person described it in a video I saw), because the uptight won't let me hear thoughts, for fear that I will invoke a good time for all. My dad, who is one of the included, was kind of enough to say "you can say that again!" when I saw him last...it's helpful to at least acknowledge what is happening. Sometimes I like to say my thoughts out loud (actually quite often when nobody is near me) because, in this age of people beaming images and songs on our heads, many times it's difficult for the weak signal that originates in my own mind to stay in my brain, so talking out loud, more solidifies my thoughts on some topic that I want to think about. I think probably the most annoying thing for those voyeurs that watch people like me is people that repeat thoughts, that is less annoying than people that think out loud (without repeating any thoughts). How many species "rehearse" the sounds they are going to make? I think it's relatively safe to say, that most people rehearse what they are going to say in their mind, before they say it, although it is done very quickly. When a person hears thoughts...like in a meeting of 10 people, for example, it must sound like many of the things that are eventually said out loud circulate in thought before being said out loud. One thing is clear about the other species, for many of them, the image in their heads is no where near as high resolution (number of pixels width x height) as humans, they may only see 100x100...like an old web cam.

It is absurd to waste precious time like we do. We should be actively building walking robots, rocket planes into orbit, moon stations, full democracy, full free info...but instead people waste endless hours praying, meeting in religious buildings, watching tv, playing sports, reading...people should do what they like, but to me, I hate to see precious time wasted in such frivolous ways. Millions of people could be enjoying full democracy, regular sex with a different person each week, seeing video histories of the past, but instead watch the idiocy of television in the hopes of something remotely interesting happening.

Think of the available buttons for people that administer the secret eye and camera nets:
1) The image receiving button
2) The sound receiving button
3) The image sending buttong
4) the sound sending button
5) The smell receiving button
6) The smell sending button
7) The "cause an itch/scratch" laser button (this is also used to cause a person to make a gesture)
8) The cause a tumor beam button
9) The muscle moving button
10) The laser "zapper" button also known as the "strong prick" button

It must be a battle of many options to try and figure out which button the conservative idiot in charge may want to wield. There is a clear feeling among the administrators of this secret technology, that muscles moves should be very very brief, that all "sending" activity (receiving in constant...since no body detects receiving of images and sounds from their brain) should be very very brief...the longer they are sending, the more risk of the public catching on...detecting very unusual feelings and experiences and talking about them. The longest sends I have experienced are what I can only call "the tumor beam"...or the "minor pain" beam...this is the one that stays on you for solid minutes at a time. Occasionally there will be long sends on internal organs...those are the most difficult to detect, because the person is left to think..."is this a natural pain or uncomfortable feeling in my body, or is this one of the many conservative criminal beams?" If anybody knows of any other beams, please let me know. I just read about a device, which is now public, that can make a person move by changing their sense of balance by using electricity. I still don't understand how mucle moving is done, Galvani is really where the story starts, and he used voltage to move muscle...but how do you apply voltage to a human muscle without putting any metal on them? Perhaps by activating the neurons in a person's brain that generates the voltages (this is probably more likely), but how do you activate those neurons without putting metal on both sides of them? How can it be done remotely from a ceiling device or satellite? However that may be, it appears clear, that some people on earth figured it out, but never informed the public.

(end from opinions2005)

I think people that are clearly excluded, and this is a story in itself, should really pursue that National Geographic video and still images of the video...interviewing many people...what made this image? Can we duplicate it? Where is the imaging camera? Is it infrared? Isn't this technology useful? We have the picture...now lets take it to the people...talk to the professionals...track down what made this video...it is legal to ask such questions and the amazing truth behind the photo should drive us on.
Now for the story about "the excluded" of which I am an exclusive member. There are "the included" and "the excluded", but most people in the excluded don't realize this. Perhaps those in the included have various levels of inclusion, so many of them may feel that they don't get full access to all that is available. But in any event, at least I recognize that I am being excluded from seeing and hearing thought, and ofcourse into the houses and apartments of millions of people as I have said from time to time. But my question...the question in my mind is...where is everybody else?! Don't they realize...haven't they learned by now? If they aren't smart enough, they would never realize how such a thing as hearing thought and seeing eyes could be technically possible through science, so forget those people, but what about those that are smart enough? Haven't they figured it out yet? Don't they feel some amount of anger and or curiousity about wanting to hear thought and see behind people's eyes? The first stage for many smart people must be thinking: "ok how did that person know what I did in my house?" and "That person just said exactly what I was thinking"...but the they must dismiss it "to coincidence", ...but eventually, some of the smarter people must realize that it is more than coincidence...many people, no doubt, concoct very bizarre explanations as to how it is done, and become very suspicious of everybody, but others, probably more smarter people, take a whimsical, or curious, open-minded view...toying with the question in their spare time..."how can they hear my thoughts...". I am at the stage, where there is overwhelming evidence in my mind, finding the National Geographic video has provided even physical evidence, so I am fully aboard the "expose it all in great detail for all people" bandwagon...but the shock to me, is that this wagon is a one-person cart. The fact is that there are many people, dumb and smart that have already been included...for those people the well is dry, so to speak, they cannot reach me, because they would lose their service, and this service is more addictive than cocaine...hearing thoughts is very very valuable...in particular for finding mates, for protecting yourself against violent people...to know large scale truths about who really killed who, etc...people in the secret eye network have many many encouragements not to tell, not to even hint, and in addition to even mislead people and throw them off the trail. So those people, those "included" are lost to me, I have to write them off as a loss, the least worst of them drops the occasisional helpful and sensitive hint, but, to me the real interest are those, like me, the "excluded but know it" group...where are you? My only hope is to keep informing the public on the web and public access, and hopefully people may want to communicate with me, but beyond that, only somehow getting included is going to stop my searching. Then I would have to take the approach of those for free-info within the net, to vote for free info, but ofcourse, not to reveal all the truth learned in the eye net to the public, because I am sure I would want to enjoy all that info, and telling the public details (names and places) of what I see would (shockingly) probably stop any service I might receive.
I wonder if there are smart people that figure it out (the eye imaging) and start to tell the public to such an extent that the people in the camera net, seeking to stop the major leak, include the person. Including a person probably does stop them from leaking. I don't doubt that there are people in the camera net that are viewed as overleaking to the public, and probably they only lose the service for a short period of time, and suffer from withdrawal, so when they are allowed back in, they tend to be less leaky. There is always the natural leak stopper of psychology...if anybody starts telling other people..."hey...I have a suspician that millions of people, including you, watch my eyes from the back of my head..." ofcourse they will be viewed as insane, even when the people in the net know what they are saying is the truth. That is a phenomenon that is kind of funny, in a disgusting way. I hope the people in the camera net actually realize the true truth in their own head, even if quietly and secretly, while publically labeling the stories and person as insane.

Here are more helpful thoughts to those excluded out there:
You can explain to people like this: Imagine closing your eyes, and seeing a bright whit box on the back of your eyelids, and then that box shows television and you can hear the sound of the television as clear as day in your head...just like you were watching and listening to television with your eyes open. This is similar to the experience that many of these people enjoy. It is like having the internet right in your eyes...you can control a cursor with your eyes...the picture is as clear as watching an LCD in the back of your car, but with your eyes closed. So, again, imagine you can watch television in your head. You are changing the channels...and seeing the image very clearly (I know it's hard to imagine...but it appears clear from tiny samples sent to me that the image is bright and clear as can be...just exactly like watching a computer or television screen). And the sound is like you have headphones on...it is that clear and loud. So you are changing the channels, or doing a search at google.com, but again, in yo head. Now, imagine that, not only do you get to see PBS, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and search the Internet, but you get to see cameras inside the houses of the people you work with. You can check out those channels...you only have to think of the person...just remember their face. Now imagine, in addition to NBC, CBS, etc. and the cameras in the houses, you can see and hear their thoughts at that moment. TV has come along way hasn't it.

The screen is not a bright white square, they use the entire screen, so that is one difference. But the important thing is that those in the camera network try (and many times are probably paid) to mislead those of us who are excluded. They are terribly dishonest people, after all they are lying about hearing and seeing thought...ofcourse they will lie about any thing else. They tell excluded people: "You can see!", "You can hear!"...to make them think that the limited...very very limited service they receive is all there is. The excluded sometimes receive an image of two, occasionaly hear a thought or two, but let me state this clearly: this service is constant for those who are included. They receive a "crystal-clear" video and sound of very high resolution and for very long times. Very very different from the tiny subliminal millisecond images and sounds we in the excluded receive sporatically.
One thing that seems clear is that the "included" people are constantly making requests. They request to receive the images and sounds of any body that has thought or talked about them since they last checked. In particular, they request sexual info, for example, what images did a person see when they masturbated? It is clear, shockingly, that for a great many of these "included" people, I am their favorite "show".

Last night after I wrote the above notes, around 5:30 pm, I was riding my bike around campus and a young male human, white, about 8 years old, couldn't have been older than 14, said loudly (something like) "there is a rat over there" (ramp). He was with a different young male human, and they were on skateboards. That is frightening. It's like some kind of 1920's language...like "ok Bugsy...see...we're going to knock off that safe in the big easy...see...", just old-style gangster-talk. One answer I thought of is: "yes, we tell the truth and you are the criminals that try to stop us". But, this raises a few points. The first is that this is clearly not the "Barney generation"...but the marshmellow brain cristians and other religious, still believe strongly in the "pristine child" theory, where I recognize that they are young adults. When a human under 18 does a murder...that person may only get 5 or 10 years! My vote is: life imprisonment, no parole. On the other side...when a 14 year old male fucks a 30 year old female, the female will be jailed for years...the feeling is..that the young male was raped! It's absurd. The male knew what they were doing, I masturbated from age 11 years on, I longed to touch breasts...there was no question about my preference, no question about consent. So in conclusion, I hope the people of earth drop the idea that young people are some how special and different from other humans and give them fair and equal treatment under the laws, in addition to recognizing their decision-making capabilities at a very young age.
A second point is what the hell kind of parents does that kid have? What a bunch of brutal, uneducated, lying idiots. That kid will rebel against his parents, when he reaches his teens as most do, nobody likes having to live under somebody else's house rules, in particular, what appears to be obviously a thug backward brute male parent. But, in addition, unless that "rat" kid changes, which is doubtful, at least for the better, he will probably never get into a decent college, or even get a college degree...certainly not in anything relating to real science. The sad fact is that, these violent, secretive, idiot people all have a vote and occupy space on the earth. The only path for us is to try and convert them to honesty, and anti-violence, etc, which is many times a hopeless cause.
A final point is that, in some way, these nasty people, of which there are many, let out info about the very network they want to keep secret. When they give their put-downs, like "rat"...well you know...you must be saying something close to the truth! They are deceptive and tricky, many of them, but overall they are mostly very stupid, and their intentions many times are very obvious. A person can draw a sketchy picture of what their experience must be like, from their rude put-downs. So there is a tiny amount of positive result to those rude people putting down other people....in addition, now we know clearly what they are like...what their views are...if there was any doubt...there should not be now...don't hire those people, don't help those people, don't support or contribute to those people until they change.
For those that haven't heard, there are the rats (basically all good people that are for telling the truth to the public) and the rotten. This argument of "rat", etc. goes to a very basic principle: a person is either for total free information, or for secrecy. It's pretty clear. And people run the full spectrum, those that are highly for free info, except in the case of government secrets (the classic example always given is: hand over the nuclear bomb info to the Nazis?!), and then those that are mostly against free info, big supporters of copyrights, (unless ofcourse it's an "excluded" person's copyright, which is absolutely violated and pirated in every conceivable and hypocritical way by the "included"). For me, I am for full freedom of info, but yet, I see the value, of not giving info to first degree violent people. I draw the line at letting people with large amounts of 1st degree violence have full access to info, but basically, if they did, there is one basic principle I support too, which is: no person should be locked in a jail for sharing info, even with first degree violent people, I simply will not support or participate in that. The abuses around free info are frightening, and unfair...now there are 2 Chinese people that are looking at long jail sentences for "spying" for China...why not just exclude them from US government employment? Why not just exclude them from living or visiting the USA? The punishment is much worse than the crime, in particular in this age of seeing eyes and hearing thought by millions. That is one thing that is amazing. With the spreading of this technology...the "included" must have already figured out (although sometimes their idiocy is beyond shocking....) that the total free info society is what they live in. Occassionaly I hear a person say "I'm not ok with that", but that is very very rare...they all love the system, and are addicted to the eye thought network just like cocaine. They probably hate their dealers, but they are absolutely dependent on getting the service. So, the "included" must be slowly coming to the conclusion, that privacy, copyright, espionage, child pornography, all those crimes are coming to an end...simply because...there is such a free flow of info, in such a vast amount...that it is ridiculous, hypocritical and brutal to lock people in jail, simply for owning, trading or copying info they all see and are involved in. 12/17/05 C'mon you people are terribly slow, why don't you contact me and let's work together to bring this story to the public.

Michael Pupin (Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin (1854 October 4 - March 12, 1935)) was probably the inventor, and first to see what people see from behind their head. That is what the "PP" was people hinted about is: "PuPin". Here is some good info on Pupin:


Look how the circle aligns with the back of Pupin's head, the people of Yugoslavia could not hide their pride in relishing in Pupin's famous find. Maybe he is seeing the number "50000000". Perhaps they used an eye chart or something with numbers and letters to try and see what eyes see better.
So it was Columbia University where Pupin made his greatest achievement of seeing behind the human head. He worked closely with Thomas Edison, the first to make moving pictures. According to one of the above links, Edison gave Pupin a flourescent screen, which Pupin put next to a photographic film and exposed to photons with X-ray frequency. The flourescent screen amplified the photons in the X-ray onto the photographic film and made developing X-ray images available in seconds and not minutes. Before people had to do long exposures, waiting to accumulate photons. There is little duobt that this photon amplification process (with according to the above link is still in use today) was quickly used for other frequencies of light, and this is how Pupin was able, initially to capture images in the infrared (I mean I am still presuming that the photons from our heads are in the infrared), from the back of human heads, which show what the light going thru our eyes records. Wikipedia has:
"He in 1896 invented the method of placing a sheet of paper impregnated with fluorescent dyes next to the photographic plate, thereby permitting an exposure of only a few seconds, rather than that of an hour or more."
"For his work in mathematical physics and its application to the electric transmission of intelligence."

Pupin has a quote:
"Where are those one hundred million dollars which the invention has saved?" Pupin asked. "I know that not even a microscopic part of them is in the pockets of the inventor. I have figured out also, with the same accuracy with which I once figured out the invention, that those hundred million dollars are not in the pockets of the telephone company. They must be, therefore, in the pockets of the American public. The invention made it possible to provide the telephone service, which is now being given, at a lower rate than would otherwise have been possible."

I think this must related also to his feeling that he deserved more money for his invention, which was kept secret. It must be a very interesting story about how seeing thought was kept secret. I don't doubt that it came down to the science establishment versus the military establishment, and ofcourse, the science establishment is a bunch of nonviolent thinkers...so forget winning any kind of actual physical conflict. But it is surprising to the extent that the secretive have prevailed...I mean 100 years...that is some victory...the comparison that is probably always made is the X-ray which was made public very quickly.
01/25/07 Looking at this quote again, it seems clear that Pupin even identifies the telephone company, which rules the electric company probably as not a major collector of images from inside people's houses, and squarely puts most of the attention on the phone company. I think people will eventually figure this out, and probably enact laws to open up the phone company archives for all people. Then there will probably be mass arrests of murderers who are revealed by the videos. Notice how Pupin has "made it possible" (this is a classic Michael I Pupin reference" (for example, Asimov uses this for the biography of Tom Edison). Again notice, that Pupin refers only to "the invention".

By all means check out:
"Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin (1854 October 4 - March 12, 1935) (A.k.a "Michael I. Pupin") Serbian and American physicist, best known for devising a means of greatly extending the range of long-distance telephone communication by placing loading coils (of wire) at predetermined intervals along the transmitting wire."
Other interesting things:
Michael Pupin's autobiography, "From Immigrant to Inventor", won the Pulitzer Prize in 1924.
Again a "PP", Pulitzer was connected to Colubia University too. But look at the letters "FITI"...it could be "fight eye" (the eye network). He must have wanted seeing thought to go public and was pissed when it wasn't allowed by the puritans in power. And then his book: "Romance of the Machine" (1930), "ROTM", could be like "Rotten" which is basically the name for the opposite of the "rats" or "ratten"...that are for telling the secret to the public....basically I am thought to be "ratten" and I view the secretists as the "rotten". Although maybe I am wrong on this point, but obviously there is conflict between those for secrecy and those against.
What companies make these cameras? It has to be any company that makes cameras now: Sony, Canon, JVC, Raytheon, GE, Kodak (perhaps...although they haven't publically made video cameras). Perhaps "eye" seeing will come out in Japan before the USA, it's place of origin, because Japanese people seem to be more into technology, obviously most of the camera companies are Japanese. What do they have to lose? But then, look at the position Sonyhas taken, they bought a big movie studio, and are big into copy protection technology...the leaders at Sony seem to be supporting "planned obsolenscence" and belief that the copyright and secrecy is going to hold for a lot longer. So it is doubtful that they will be the people to first go public with seeing eyes (althought probably National Geographic gets credit as being the first to publically show images from behind a head or what eyes see).
What an interesting and terrible story of the USA from 1900 to 2005. What a terrible story of secrecy, injustice, violence and elitism.

So it was Michael Pupin...that was the "PP"...and most probably the inventor that was first to see what eyes see from behind a head. And then how his invention was supressed from the public by a virtual Nazi group in the USA for 90 years and counting. A very incredible story.

I found an excellent book "The Thought-Reading Machine" written in 1937 (in French) and translated to English, published by the Harper Brothers in 1938. I usually don't like fiction, but this book relates actual facts in a fictional setting. The author, Andre Maurois, died in the 1960s, what a hero he was. I bought a copy of the book for myself and my excluded mom. The author is very smart, he talks about transmutation, because there has been a lot found that is secret there. He hints that people might buy up every copy of the book and destroy it. The Harper Brothers were notorious for being smart, honest, decent people, which most people would think not a big deal, but in this century, it is a very big deal, since decent people (as I define decent) are very very rare. Harper Brothers was eventually bought by Rupert Murdoch the ultra conservative media magnate, so obviously that put an end to there ever being a clear unblocked pipe to the public, but Harper was bought again by Arco and a different person...see wiki for details. But I bought this book for $10 and it is like Fahrenheit 451...I think the book has historical significance. I want to get the Frech version just to see if there is more good info that was lost in the translation. This book is definitely known to those in the included, one person I work with months ago asked "can you sing a note in your mind higher than you can actually sing?", and that question is asked in this book. There are many interesting references in the book, references to them burning all their "psychograms" (which are thought recordings...probably a play on "marconi-grams" which is what the first wireless telegraph messages were called). One of the most amazing sentences is when Maurois says that one thing he learned from hearing many psychograms (thought recordings) was that most people believe that they are meant (or perhaps fated) to a more noble position (or something similar), (I would add...the feeling of self sympathy for being martyrs and for self sacrifice...it's a phenomenon of Christianity), and the second thing he learned was how many potential murderers there are, which I thought was very revealing and I can relate to that too...it's amazing to me how violent many people are...look at the people who they elected...people that care nothing about casual murder, who have protected Thane Cesar, Frank Sturgis, the killer of Bonnie Bakely, Jam Jay, I mean the list is long. Where can you go when the president and those who elect him are cold blooded criminal killers? It's beyond a police problem it's a massive 40% escaped violent criminals, and they own the government, including the courts, the media, the military and police.

bim: there are finer points to the technology, like there is a difference between seeing an image in your head and in your eyes (ie out where you see the universe...like you are looking at a computer screen. imagine if text was projected onto your eyes outside of the computer monitor. like a big word appears with the word "monitor" and an arrow pointing to your monitor...that is actually possible with this technology...in fact, probably a large amount of the interface is out there in front of your eyes...I kind of noticed people looking around with their eyes .. just into empty space...they were probably looking at text on the desktop of their eyes...but I can't explain clearly enough that the text could be in your mind, or out where you see everything.

I don't know what message was supposed to be under 1/27/06, but whatever it was is not here now. anyway, I went through a list of the above questions with those in the included, and it was an interesting experience. Initially I tried thinking each question to each person, and I think this is a good approach, some of them basically had their answers ready before I even asked the question...so it threw me off...but I see that it would look bad if they suddenly answered after I ask in my mind. So, I would ask each person individually, but I could see that, there was the other technique of asking the group once and then seeing their responses which seemed to be what they were naturally tending towards doing. But anyway, so I found quickly that there were only two or three that wanted to play my little question/answer game, the rest had elbow heils...the elites saying...who do you think you are?!...do you think we will bow at your feet and answer your questions...kiss our asses....we aren't saying jack shit, or gave purposely wrong or conflicting (like both a yes and no) answers, and most had no answers [many are like these brain dead booger pickers...just no activity at all...no compassion or "aliveness" I guess], which I can understand, some excluded person is asking you questions in thought, and it must be a hassle to have to answer in some way outside of thought, since, ofcourse, I don't get to hear thought, but also, ofcourse, it's risky to talk too much, but then it may be risky to lie too much too if someday as is inevitible, hearing thought goes public. Still, it's an interesting phenomenon, I know I like to tell the truth to other people, and within the included they must all gab and gab and gab with each other about what they see and hear. So, I can understand the novel occassion of an excluded requesting info in thought. So what I found was that there are really two kinds of people, those who tended to answer and those that tended to not answer. So I quickly narrowed in on the 3 or 4 that appeared to be providing some answers. There were some subtle nuanses that happened...for example...pointing one finger appears to be something everybody can relate to and understand...but it is a little too obvious and so these people had other systems:
1) open hand=yes, closed hand=no [the open hand is the usual, so this system is a tough one...I prefer a better system, but this one is subtle and appears acceptible to some included)
2) hands don't touch=yes, hands touch=no or the other way around [I guess I would think hands touch should be yes, because it's like the circuit getting closed...but...I think it was an interesting system that emerged in that some of them were giving the exact opposite signals...in a way the message is...they fool those idiots who expect them to lie by giving the false answer, but at the second deeper level, a person can easily see that they are simply giving the wrong answer every time...it's a little tricky...they have to be consistently wrong for this to work properly].
3) hands above the table=no, hands below the table=yes (again, or the opposite...this technique involves probably a little too much movement for most included people)

There were other systems and symbols I didn't quite get, there is the "o" with thumb and finger...I think that is "no".
4) By far, I think the best and clearest system is the vocal system of saying "yeah" or "I know"...in particular "yes" and "yeah" appear to be very easy to work into conversation...one person even managed an "oh yeah!" to the question "Bush knew about 9/11"...which I thought was funny and had to stiffle a laugh.
This approach was just a first rough draft... I want to go over these and other questions again and again to really iron out the official answers. I know from experience that many times a person said "yeah" in response to the "official conversation" of the meeting, and I accidentally took that to mean yes to answer my question that was only asked in thought. The thought machines in meeting must be interesting, because many times in a meeting of like 10 people...that is a large amount of audio...too much audio will sound like a din...you know like at intermission at the symphony or in a sports arena...but probably they amplify the closest audio the most so people can hear the thoughts of those closest loudest...but it must be an interesting thing to hear...probably instantly you would hear a person's biggest concern and problem...the thing that they are constantly punished for or that is their biggest concern. But beyond that, you would hear a secondary conversation to the one that is expressed verbally...many times along the same line as the open verbal convo...accenting different less important or more subtle points that come to mind, but no doubt, many times the group conversation that happens in thought is very different from the conversation happening out loud...and no doubt many times very personal...about people's lives...about sexuality..sexual items...violent items...news items most people don't get to see. In this group there were 3 gems of pure gold...they all gave answers almost everytime, and while discussing other points out loud no less...I have a lot of esteem and admiration for these 3 people, one or two other people coughed up one or two answers, but then there were 3 or 4 who could only express contempt and anger. It was really interesting, people seem to fall into the two groups, but there are those right on the middle too. It is like separating chickens by color or cackle...it is as easy as that. People change, but for the most part they fall into those three groups, which for convience I will just call 1)friendly, 2)mean, and 3)half-and-half. This could be 1)educated-2)uneducated-3)partially educated [including self educated...basically intellectually developed], or 1)not religious, 2)very religious, 3)in between religious...1)very sexual, 2)very anti-sexual, 3)in between sexual...1)very honest, 2) very dishonest, 3) some of both, and 1)likes to communicate,2)doesnt like to communicate,3)half and half...I mean I could go on. It was an interesting experience...asking these questions in thought is a way of seeing who is alive inside and who is part of the wall or worse...part of a destructive empire or machinery.
It is interesting, if I do not bring prepared questions...like initially, I would simply try to remember my questions in thought, but I found myself constantly repeating the same question because I couldn't think of more questions. With the notes (printed in micro 8 font...or even better in a handheld computer), I can systematically ask question after question and keep the thoughts fresh and moving on a variety of topics. It's interesting that those 3 decent people could provide some answers...I think it is because they are part of a larger group that does similar things, and expresses similar views about what is ethical and what is not ethical, etc...so they feel comfortable in hinting to me the truth, no doubt because they have a good appraisal of their peers and work together with them. Some of the answers were not incredibly forthcoming...I could see that they were not keen on answering some of these questions, about 9/11, about the hearing-thought details and history...others were like nothing...they felt no hesitation to answer. After all of this, much of these answers are still unknown to me for sure...I mean, I got some solid answers, but they are just yes's or no's, what can I do with those except know in my mind that probably some major question is true or false...and tell you people who read this...we have no evidence...all we have is answers which were taken from gestures, given by people in the included network. There is not much I can do with these answers, but it is nice to know...to have some idea of what to watch out for what history is actually like. Some of these answers are important for the accuracy of my "ULSF" project...I want to estimate the times and populations correctly and so it helps to know, for example, how many people currently hear thought, etc.
One technique is the asking in thought...for example...thought was first heard in: 1910....1911...12....13...14....15... and then trying to see when the person makes a gesture. This one is tough because people need to talk all the time...they have to be creative...like be still, and then sudden move their arms when the correct answer is thought.
One other point is, after some thought that a checklist with the question and then the name of each solid gold hinter is a good idea. Then you can write y or n for each person, to compare answers, the meaure consistency of the q/a system the person is using.

When a person request to see a person (as millions appear to be doing), ie have video of that person beamed directly into their eyes, there must be at least 3 basic images of the person being requested that can be included:
1: camera image of person, perhaps frmo ceiling or some other location
2: a video of what the person's eyes see
3: a video of what the person sees in their mind

3: is an important point, that there is a second screen in our mind that we use like a scratch pad. I have never seen any real documentation about this, but it's clear that what we see, the screen of our eyes is different from the screen of our mind. We have 2 screens, at least, in our heads, one for our eyes, and a second for our mind. On this second screen, even with our eyes open, we can visualize a nude statue, for example, or a tree. I think this internal screen must have evolved many years ago, perhaps some species don't even have an internal screen. For some their screen must be very low resolution, in particular if their eyes are low resolution (for example snails). I am interested in thinking about what species exhibit this anatomy of being able to have a separate image in their mind from the image they are seeing. Do fish have this? Do insects have this internal screen on which they can visualize objects? We have to remember that if a species can only receive a square of 10x10 pixels (dots), that is probably all they will be able to remember...is 10x10 pixel memories. Perhaps people are usually shown with 2 squares, or a single square...perhaps this: they flash an image of the person's face, and then simply play the internal screen revealing their thoughts, in addition to the audio of their thoughts. I guess a complete image would have a live image of them, perhaps their face (and then a major question is, how did the camera get there? is it wireless or wired? how small are these cameras? are they in everybody's houses and apartments?), so an image of their face, next to, above or below an image of their thought screen, and with the audio of their thoughts (perhaps also with the audio of their voice, and also a third square with what their eyes see).

So then a major question is:
1. how small are these cameras?
a) clearly they are so small, unlike most cameras we are used to seeing
b) wired or wireless?
1) probably wireless, since wires would be easy to find and uncover
2) must have electric source, could be solar powered, but would have to be a tiny battery, and then the battery might run out, and have to be replaced. The power source must be a major area of research to make such tiny long term battery power possible. Maruoid describes a power source as a coiled spring, and no doubt some kind of microscopic power source was developed, maybe a few atoms of radioactive material?
3) with wireless scrambling, or encryption, people could even detect the photon signals, but not be able to decode them.
a) there may be an unscrambled group that works against the secretive by exposing their encryption codes, but clearly, the secretive control every aspect of government and no doubt use the full force of that power to intimidate those who try to "compromise" (read, make honest) those secretive encryption people who form the majority of people that own these networks and own vast estates on luxury islands for the years of monopoly on information they have enjoyed.
2. where are these camera?
a) are they in the ceiling?
b) are they from satellite?
c) are they from light posts?

10 different secrect technologies:
1) seeing what people (or any species with eyes) see from behind their head in the infrared.
2) seeing the internal mind screen of people (the image we see when we think of a tree even though our eyes are open...it's an internal drawing board where dreams are played too)
3) sending images to this internal mind screen (an image from a video can be beamed onto this internal mind screen).
4) sending images to our eyes screen (an image from video can be beamed into our direct sight...it looks exactly like the object in the video is there...the person literally sees the object out in front of them with the rest of the real objects reflecting light into their eye screen from in front).
5) hearing the audio of our thoughts (and the thoughts of any species..which must be fascinating or fascistnating for those that can hear...birds may rehearse, fish and many other species that don't make oral sounds probably show no signs of any audio)
6) sending audio to our thoughts
7) moving our muscles from a remote location, the last recorded info on this was Galvani.
8) using lasers to make us itch our skin
9) causing small pin-point pains with lasers (perhaps is the same technology as 8)
10) somehow having cameras and microphones small enough to not be seen by average humans

8/12/06 songs where ppl tried to hint about ppl hearing thought
1) In the "Dark Side of the Moon", is the lyric "there's someone in my head, but it's not me", it's a weak relation and perhaps they are refering to the endless paradigm of psychological abstract pseudotheory.
2) around 2000, a Saturday Night Live "TV Funhouse" video parody described the media oligarchy: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4429289437231286745&q=Hufschmid+duration%3Along&pl=true about time 11:30, and includes the lyric "Now maybe these voices in my head will go away..." which is no doubt a description of how audio can be beamed onto brains, even in their own voice.
3) Peter Gabriel sings "All that have gone before and left no trace...in our secret world", it's a relatively weak relation, but I think the secret murders in the PSIGI net is what he is talking about.
4) "I want to know what yer thinking, tell me what is on yer mind"
5) "I am the eye in the sky looking at you...I can read your mind" Alan Parsens Project
6) "Don't turn around...Der Kommisar's in town" Falco
7) In a "Black Eyed Peas" video, a person holds the first finger under mouth, as if blowing off smoke from a gun, and I think the message is, that there are people that will defend freedom of speech to the death, it's set in contrast to the finger over the mouth symbol for silence, in particular about the 100 year old secret of hearing thought.
Later they support the opposite movement with the "shutup" song, but then counter once again with a "no no no no child dont lie".
8) "Dernt Speak" by "No Doubt" has: "Don't speak I know what yer thinking"
A few more:
9) "I'm Every Woman" Whitney Houston. "I can read your thoughts right now, everyone from A to Z"

08/16/06 One think I thought of is that when a person includes another person, the included person must be grateful to the person/people that included them, and that is a nice trait to promote. For example, if you included somebody from the opposite political side (although I doubt this happens much), they might reverse sides. Still I doubt there is much respect for those administrators of the thought net, they have way too much, and have done way too little.

08/30/06 We, as excluded have to think about the progression of the technology. Perhaps at first the machines were very large, but already by the time of Pupin, he was saying "microscopic" so they quickly became very small indeed. But initially, perhaps to beam somebody with a microwave, or infrared laser, they may have used a button, but now maybe they just can do this remotely by thought...so there doesn't need necessarily to be a room of people in front of computers...although perhaps they do have computers to entertain themselves, but mostly...it's all done on their mind...it's windows or whatever but it's beamed directly onto their minds...Im not sure how the mouse works...somehow their preferences are understood through thought. No doubt some commands are done in "internal audio", maybe there is an internal pointer people can control somehow without moving their eyes. Here I have drawn one of the only existing public diagrams of how a laser assault may currently be done. Here is a view of two people in different buildings on one screen. On the left is the government assaulter, and on the right is the civilian victim. The government assaulter maybe gives some kind of internal audio command like "beam", and the beam (in everybody's house, ceilings, walls, tree tops, phone poles, radio towers, and no doubt from satellites too...it may take us excluded years to duplicate the technology...maybe even more than a century....and ofcourse we are going to get very little help from the included.) So here are my images of a typical microwave or infrared laser assault, these happen probably every few hours...and it's a wonder why there isn't some constant laser war...clearly there is a balance...clearly something is stopping the assaulters from assaulting and murdering all their enemies...I think it's the counter assault and murder side (which is no doubt the democrats, liberals, intellectuals, educated for the most part). Then there is a typical itch molestation...these happen many times even in one day. So check it out:

11/16/06 Interesting how Pupin said "fight the eye net"...I mean that's an interesting statement from the inventor of the technology. I think that is saying...fight those who want to keep hearing thought for themselves and away from the public. I added the info on William Abney, another unknown contributor to the secret history of science.

Asimov describes communicating by thought as "telepathy". So what is the word to describe the science of trying to achieve that? Telepathology?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telepathy And so maybe that is a good search word with ESP and "Mind Reading".
Searching for telepathy revealed this vid by Jim Carrey, known from "Truman Show" to be a person apparently somewhat against the secrecy of the secret of communicating through thought which began in 1910:

I highly recommend to those interested in reading books on the infrared from your public libraries. In particular those that give a brief summary of the history of infrared in the beginning (you can even skip all the complex math and everything beyond the first chapter). The key thing is getting all the names and what they did and then researching those people if you want more details. In addition think questions to the less corrupted included and listen to their hints.
After searching for hours I found an article only available to those with a subscription in jstor.org to the Royal Society from William Abney where he talks about how he makes an emulsion that works for the infrared region of light. The paper, at least I think the first paper (many people say that Abney first captured infrared in 1887, but this paper is 1879: http://www.jstor.org/view/02610523/ap000082/00a00170/0
Abney mentions that Vogel used a dyes. One wiki article mentions that Vogel found that a green die lowers the sensativity of the emulsion into the red, but I could not find info to verify that. An interesting note by Abney is that Major Waterhouse used turmeric and finds lines in the solar spectrum less refrangible than A (A is the limit on the visible spectrum of light) but these lines are reversed (in some way than perhaps Waterhouse is technically the first to capture light in the infrared, in addition, actually John Hershel may have been the first when he captured an image using alcohol on paper and seeing where the alcohol dried more quickly to determine the spectral lines too). For an infrared emulsion Abney uses a collodion (which is in my novice view a complicated thing to put together, I probably am not even going to try to make a collodion, instead simply using gelatin). As far as I can see, and again I am a total novice, after a large series of complex steps using zinc bromide, alcohol, nitric acid, and silver nitrate (one thing I read describes Silver Nitrate, AgNO3 as the most used molecule in film photography), Abney has basically Silver bromide (which people can now buy on ebay already made, and it is easy to precipitate from mixing Potassium bromide with silver nitrate). See http://www.silverlight.co.uk/tutorials/basicpf/latent.html. So quite possibly, simply using Silver bromide (with associated developer, stopper, fixer, etc) and a prism(s) and/or diffraction grating may be all that is needed to film in the infrared deeper than the film for sale to the public does, and possibly to the depth required to see eyes and thoughts. I will update this when I have tried it. Apparently silver bromide leaves a "latent" image, it cannot be seen until developed even with a microscope, and this may correspond to Pupin using the word "latent" in his books. I am going to build a wooden camera (I'm not sure why these are called pin-hole when really the size I find works for the human eye is a pen-hole camera. Just take a closed box, poke 2 holes in it 6 inches apart and look in one without blocking the other.
It's interesting that this is a somewhat critical time, because it is just when Abney starts to film infrared, and quite quickly after this, it appears that much of this work, and even before this, much of the work goes classified, or secret by a growing secret network of people using the phone company to hear and see inside the public's houses.

For hearing sound I would read about those who made the first "talkies", motion pictures with sound. For this the sound wave is converted to changes in light intensity, and those light intensity marks reconverted back into sound. This in fact may be the exact same effect that the brain does, by converting sound into light. If this is true, then photons would be emitted with exactly the same wavelength and intensity as the sound. For example for a 400htz sound a person would detect a 400htz radio signal (photons with frequency of 400htz and therefore a very long wavelength because photons move with very high velocity) coming from the brain. It seems clear to me that whatever the change in infrared it must reflect the exact sound wave form. In addition to this, possibly hearing thought may be done with ultrasound.
One other thing I read. There is actually a large amount of info on the web if you weed through it. Some people figured out that you can actually capture infrared on a glass plate emulsion (probably silver bromide), in the thermal region, by exposing the plate to the infrared, and then quickly exposing it to visible light. So there is yet again another possibility. One thing that disgusts me is how simple seeing heat is. I hope to build a low cost thermal imager for the public. But if you want to buy a simple thermal camera, how much does it cost? The lowest cost one available for the public is around $10,000. It's a total scam. By the way "TS" appears to be somebody related to the old time infrared potentially. It's up there with "DP" for mysteries. But clearly "MIP" and "MP" have been figured out at Michael I. Pupin.
How to see what eyes see from behind the eyes (Best guesses)

Basic description: I am simply theorizing, so I can not be sure how this actually works. But your guide should be knowing that however it is done, it certainly without doubt is being done, and people were successful at figuring out how. My opinion is that light enters the human eye and causes neurons to emit lower wavelength light (in the infrared) which can be captured. Possibly the movement of electrons in the brain causes the emission of photons, and so the photon frequency is an indication of how fast current is moving (in tiny areas) back and forth in the brain. What specific wavelength this is is unknown to me. Perhaps eyes can be seen in as short a wavelength as 1uM or 2uM, but perhaps it is as far as the heat region of 1mm-100mm. Infared is a huge part of the spectrum as humans define it from .75um to 1mm. It may have to do with molecules or atoms in a neuron cell when they absorb the visible wavelength photons. It may infact be possible to even translate the color the person (or any species with a brain) is seeing by the amount of the infrared wavelength. In addition to this is the exciting truth about seeing thought. For this imagine seeing some kind of shape such as a triangle, square, etc. With your eyes open and then closed. This also should be visible in some wavelength of infrared. Where this screen is in the brain is a mystery but it feels like it is very close to the screen for the eye image, perhaps just behind it.
Sending images to the brain
This may be done possibly by using the exact reverse of seeing thought. By sending photons with infrared wavelength, neurons in the brain may be stimulated to see the image in a person's mind. But maybe electrons or some other technology is used. It seems logical that infrared stimulation of those neurons would cause a sensation of seeing in a person's eyes. What is the difference between putting an image in somebody's eyes versus on their thought screen? I think it must be the location the beam is sent to. This involves very precise aiming of the photons in the ir. How does a person generate an image with infrared wavelength? It would be nice if a visible image could be shifted to the required wavelength. Perhaps this is done using electrical oscillation circuits, or molecules similar to or the same as those used by neurons.
Once you have built a wooden box with a hole (and perhaps a lens) and perhaps two prisms or a diffraction grating (see scientifics for these), then you can try to capture the specific wavelength of infrared light. (You should be able to feel the heat of the infrared in the invisible region beyond the red with your hand). Some useful techniques are 1) try to capture the infrared spectrum from the sun to verify that you can capture in the infrared. 2) hold a flashlight in the eye when capturing the infrared image and look to see if there is any spot of light from the brain (perhaps using some infrared light as a guide to show where the head is) 3) hold a checkerboard pattern in front of your eyes (leave the lights on).
There are two main parts:
1) Isolating a single frequency of light
*a) Use a diffraction grating
b) Use a prism (various kinds, glass, salt with different ranges etc)
[a thin wood or cardboard box can be used to filter out other wavelengths of light. ]
2) Capture the photons of that frequency and convert into a visable wavelength
*a) using electronic detectors (make a 4x4, 5x5 or 6x6 grid using thermisters, photodetectors, etc.), perhaps use USB to send the info periodically to a computer which can draw the image.
1) bolometer array
2) thermocouple/thermopile
b) using film (I know of no film available to the public that can capture any of the wavelengths neurons emit images from the human eyes in, this includes "night vision" cameras)
*c) using a glass plate and photographic emulsion (it seems like a large amount of work but maybe it is not so bad, read Abney's books and others about the history of infrared photography)
d) using a fluorescent screen (this is a technique I read about, but I don't know where to buy a fluorescent screen. I just read in a book from 1905 that a fluorescent screen can be used to capture 1.8um wavelength light and then used to develop a photograph on visible wavelength film. I think this cleaerly has to be a fluorescent screen that emits light that can be visibly seen and I have never seen anything like that.)

Will you be one of the few excluded that figures it out?!

How to hear what the ears hear from outside the brain (and how to hear thought, which appears to be a different location in the brain, Best guesses)

Basic description: Although I cannot be sure how hearing thought and sending sounds to brains is actually done, the guiding principle, as it is for seeing and sending images to brains is that clearly they have been done already a long time ago. Like for images, there are two "screens", one which hears external sounds (audio info stimulated here sounds like it is coming from an external source out in the universe), and one which our thought audio is played on (audio info sent here sounds like it is internal, in our thoughts, not from an external source). My current opinion is that sound enters the ear and causes neuron cells either to:
1) emit photons in radio wavelengths. These emissions would be identical to the sound waveform in intensity and frequency (under 50khz).
2) emit photons in infrared wavelengths. Possibly the sound wave changes the usual infrared emissions of neurons around the ear.
When a person thinks in their mind they must activate these same neurons causing the same exact effect as hearing sound from the ear.
Useful ideas: try detecting photons in the infrared as you did for seeing thought, but this time using headphones try to play a single frequency sound in one and/or both ears and see if there is any infrared light source emitted from the brain. For trying to figure out how to hear thought and the ears, electronic detectors are probably going to be required because the sound wavelength will probably need to be detected.
Sending sounds to brains
Like seeing and sending images to a from the eye and thought screens, sending sounds to the brain may be a direct reverse of hearing sounds from the brain. But perhaps it is different. Some way neurons need to be stimulated in the same waveshape as the sound. If this is a 400 cycles per second sine wave then a 400 cycles per second photon beam with matching intensity would be beamed to that specific part of the brain where the neurons are used for sound.

On the camera-thought net tip. Clearly any camera-thought net in a person's car has to be wireless. And this is an interesting point. That there cannot possibly be wired information leaving a person's vehicle. Thought detectors may work from streets and surrounding buildings, but probably they need to be placed directly in people's vehicles, because the roof might impede the photons. So I think a valuable device has to be a camera that can detect every wavelength of photon. Probably such devices were invented before 1950 or certainly by 1970, but are kept from the public. One other important point is that I may have to decrease my estimate of 2100 for the making public of seeing, hearing and sending thought, because think about it, there is now a computer in almost every home, and the computer in conjunction with an array of thermisters/heat detectors can easily generate thermal images (a lens can magnify an image to increase detail for a large bulky array). And so, I think given this fact, we should start to see more and more individual wiz-kids assembling these devices, and finding out how to see eyes from behind the head. I don't know for sure, but it seems like the evolution of the computer is moving up the time that the public will see and hear thought, far later than should be though of course. Then of course, let the endless prosecutions begin, in particular of those involved with murder. But it seems clear that, all that is needed is some significant physical evidence, video of muscles being twitched is actually helpful, it's not necessarily enough to convince a outsider, but it may be something. A single photo or video of seeing thought is going to be enough I think to convince most people. It's interesting that if you look at Yan Dan's video of how they see what a cat sees by using electrodes...the public clearly is not seeing the possibility that this can be done from some non-electrode method...I mean they don't see hte significance of what people like Yang Dan have done. But clearly reaching the public through video.google.com and/or youtube.com with some video of seeing "eyes" in the infrared or photos of a checkerboard as seen from behind the head, would be very convincing to those few thousand people who might see it. One thing that shocks me is that there has not been one excluded who has met up with me to work together. It's amazing. I can't possibly be the only excluded who has figured out that people figured out how to see, hear and send thought...I mean so many millions of people are included now...it just is so hard to believe that a person could figure out how to see and hear thought for those who don't already know. It took me years to really fully understand it and even now I am sure there are many parts I don't understand. One other important tip I got from my excluded mom is that just as there is a screen where we see eyes, and clearly different screen where we can draw triangles in our mind (both being able to have images sent to), so there is with sound a place in the brain where we hear external sounds from our eyes, and another where we hear and play sounds in our thoughts. So you can hear your thoughts out loud as my mom explained was done for her for a brief few seconds. What is happening there is that the data recorded in your thought "ear", screen or speaker, is played back onto the neurons that record the external data from your ears. To put it simply:
1) eye screen: beaming an image here will appear in front of your eyes as if it really exists externally in the universe.
2) thought screen: beaming an image here will appear only in the mind, and not out there in the universe (apparently) in front of your eyes.
3) ear screen: beaming sound information here will sound as if it is from an external source, somewhere out there in the universe.
4) ear thought screen: beaming sound here will sound like it is in your thoughts, not from an external source.

Screen 4 is a very interesting screen too...they all are interesting. Because, other species also must have this screen that sounds can be internally created on, but perhaps some are so primitive that they don't. It must have been evolutionarily useful to be able to play sounds back in the brain, and probably evolved quickly in the evolution of the brain, so for example, perhaps molluscs can play back audio in their brain, although I doubt worms can play back sensory info in their ganglion but maybe. Probably fish can play back sounds in their brain. In some way I think it shows the multipurpose use of neurons. They basically record information, whether that information is an image from photons, sounds from air or water molecules, or smells, and then has the ability to also reproduce that same pattern later (many times externally, as much of this secret technology does).

Here is another thing I just thought about. Beaming a newly created image, for exmaple one you just captured with a video camera or from some body else's eye memory would be too suspicious, they have to capture images from each individual person's thoughts and use those to send back to the person. Seeing an image in your mind that you have seen before lowers the suspicion, it feels like it must be a comfortable image from your own mind, and could not possibly be from an external source. These images exactly match the image that was produced by your eyes but on a person's (or other species') mind screen (screen 2).

More exciting news:
A 17 year old female, called me as a telemarking person, from Ohio, and told me about the 2004 movie "The Final Cut" with Robin Williams after I did my usual banter about how thought can be seen and to be aware of how that technology is routinely abused. So I bought a used DVD at amazon for $2. This movie shows the perspective of "seeing eyes", seeing what people see (screen 1, where images from the external universe are recorded in the brain). In the movie, the story of implanting a "Zoe chip" is used, but in reality, no such implanted chip is necessary to see what eyes see from behind the head. This movie represents a bold step forward in explaining to the excluded public just a tiny part of the secret 100 year history of seeing eyes, thought images, hearing ears and thoughts, moving muscles remotely, etc. I really encourage people out there to see this DVD, in particular if you are an excluded. It may help to understand what those elites that are included and in particular those in AT&T who maintain the vast archive of images routines are like. There are all kinds of interesting parts in the movie. A character named "Hunt" is in the movie, and I wonder if that relates to my work in exposing the technology. Williams states in the movie that people must choose which parts to keep, and perhaps this is a reality when a person dies. We would like to keep every single image and record of a person's 30 frame a second visual and audio memories, but that may be physically impossible. We have to remember that AT&T and other storage centers are probably using the same technology consumers use, reel-to-reel magnetic tapes, CDs, DVDs, Hard Drives. Space has to be a serious limitation. So probably, the first images to go are routine images (all blank images, urinating, cleaning routines, etc), the last to go are life-defining images (violence, sex, achievments). And so another point that the excluded public should understand is that Robin Williams clearly is a smart person and in this movie has made yet another solid contribution in information for us excluded and for the truth in the interest of a better future for life of earth. Most of the people with that kind of wealth don't risk doing anything for the public and the cause of truth because they don't have to in order to remain popular and wealthy, and it is a shame that the excluded public doesn't care and do less for those included wealthy people who say nothing. Most of the movies are pure schlock, but even though this movie like 99% are set completely on earth and this star system, it still has a real value that sets it apart from the routine crap-happy movies that litter the planet. There is an interesting theme in the movie of people who are opposed to the technology, and I don't doubt that already there are those who exist that are included who want the cameras and microphones out of their houses. In addition, there are those who want seeing and hearing thought outlawed. It's a frightening thing to realize that through democracy, people might try to stop the free flow of images because of their need for secrecy and embarrassment about their bodies and private lives. I certainly vote in favor of nobody being jailed or fined for any images owned and that puts me in a tiny group of people that are for full free information, what appears to be the vast majority want copyrights, patents, privacy, national secrecy, etc. The one exception I do make is that lasers in our houses, I see no reason for those, and my own individual vote goes towards removing any laser that has the potential to be a pain or damage causing weapon in our houses, although perhaps mounted on light posts on streets might be ok, since satellites have these already. I absolutely vote against banning any kind of thought seeing, hearing or sending machines (although sending machines will probably become highly regulated because like email those who get a direct link to our minds have to be heavily self filtered and consensual only). I think even though there are many benefits to seeing and hearing inside people houses we have to go with full democracy. Even if the majority chooses the bad choice of secrecy (ie privacy), and the cameras in houses are made illegal, and many removed (already many wealthy may remove these devices themselves, although it must be a losing battle because stopping information is nearly impossible, in addition once out of their houses, satellites and other technology can easily see their thoughts), we need to work to change their minds through whatever means the majority leaves open (and clearly the majority have not yet censored a large amount of freedom on the Internet). This group of people protesting in the movie are opposed to the implants, and basically the idea of recording thoughts as being unnatural, and for some reason (perhaps conservative money that funded the film) they connect the message "open your eyes" to this group, and although I enjoy the publicity, it kind of is associating this anti-thought-image group with me which is not accurate. I represent the group of protestors who want to nonviolently expose the camera-thought-net and make it public in a total free info full democracy society (although I vote to have the lasers taken out), other groups want the cameras out of their houses (this is not the group I represent), and probably the group closest to that in the movie are those who want seeing, hearing, and sending thought technology made illegal, banned, etc. As an aside, already there are some infrared cameras that only people in government law enforcement can own and I completely vote against this kind of law, I mean we are talking about cameras here, not any kind of weapon. A couple of other interesting points, as an excluded after seeing this now I constantly step back in my mind and look at the screen my eyes see, to try and see the perspective that others must see and that is interesting, in some way perhaps people train their brains, or move back their point of focus. The other point I don't remember at this time. Oh yeah, that how short life is, to know that we only have 100 years and we will all go through those same changes, but then it starts me thinking about the future and how humans will probably soon learn how to change DNA to make ever-living humans that age only to 20, and our descendents will look back at us as the poor "wild" humans before that civilizing change happened. Once that end-of-aging happens, the population of this star system will balloon exponentially and grow to other stars, life of earth will be a story life spread between many stars then.

In other cam-net news, some people have held out their hands to indicate possibly that the wavelength to see eyes is quite a large wavelength, around 10 to 20 cm which puts it in the microwave beam wavelengths (just below infrared and above radio). I am still exploring imaging in the infrared as Abney did, because Asimov used "MIP" (for example "made it possible" and ofcourse Michael Idvorsky Pupin) two times for Abney in his encyclopedia of great scientists.

It's important to understand that probably first people figured out how to see thought, this happened in 1910 and spurred a total systematic analysis of the brain. Soon people figured out how to hear thought. The next big breakthrough may have happened shortly thereafter when it was realized that neurons can be made to fire remotely by using a beam of light particles with a particular wavelength. This find may have been first seen on other species, for example squid who have very large neurons, and then applied to neurons in the human brain. Applying this remote beam neuron-firing effect to a brain must have posed a challange initially, as people may have needed to figure out how the neurons inside a brain can be specifically activated without activating other surrounding neurons. This may have been figured out by "triangulating" beams, using beams from different directions to cause the intensity of photons in one 3d point to be more than any other causing a specific neuron inside a brain to fire. Through this the entire 3 dimensional anatomy of the brains of every species was completely and thoroughly, although secretly, understood and mapped by activating many individual neurons in the brain to determine their function. This new find of "remote neuron activation" opened up many new possibilities. By beaming in one area of the cerebrum, images could be induced in a person's mind, and even in front of their eyes, as if a person was actually seeing something. By beaming and activating the neurons in another part of the cerebrum, a person could be made to hear sounds, in their mind, or even as if a sound was coming from outside their body. By activating another area a person could feel as though they were being touched. Activating another area of the cerebrum and a person could smell something. Activating neurons in another area of the cerebrum (and perhaps in the cerebellum) caused muscles to contract, and this must have been a tremendous realization. It must have been quickly realized that control of the heart muscle could be used to kill any body with a heart instantly, and there must have been many new methods using this technology to kill people, for example by using muscles to stop blood flow, to cause glands to secrete too much of a hormone. Clearly, causing a heart fibrillation (heart attack) would be one simple method. (As an aside, don't forget that the microwave beam method of causing tumors is still in use and is a different technology that works by causing mutations in the nucleic acids of a body (and the beams, such as CO2 lasers that can kill a person by burning off their head or other body parts in seconds). In addition the possibility of systematically controlling every muscle in a body must have been realized. A person could then be made to drive into traffic, to throw themselves off a building, etc. Today we live under the "barrel" of such lasers wherever we go, certainly outside, but even inside out own houses. The only thing that stops us from being instantly murdered with the push of a button like so many others is some kind of mutual realization of two sided stale mate of murder. And it must be a vicious violent war that is going on secretly. Probably republicans fire first and then democrats fire back and a wave of murders happens, maybe a dozen, a hundred, or even a few thousand humans are instantly murdered in the exchange, until some kind of uneasy peace is reached for a while. But that peace has to be inevitably shattered by another first-strike wave of Republican murders (for example when they killed my Mom, was a typical example), and then perhaps Democrat reply (but for example, for my Mom, and many others, I doubt there was even a reply, for example the murder of her murderer would be a logical response). Or possibly a person from the Democrat or the third parties decides to murder a murderer on the Republican side (I doubt the liberals or third party people ever kill nonviolent Republicans), and then that probably triggers a wave of murders by Republicans (even if the initial murder was infact a "response" murder, a murder of a murderer of a non-murderer...it gets perhaps confusing for many, but it's not that confusing to see that the murderer of an old lady who never killed anybody is a first-strike murderer, or an "fsm" if you like, where the person that murders them is something else...a murderer of an fsm, and there is little or no dishonor in that, but probably a large amount of risk and danger of becoming murdered by a Republican fsm). There probably are very few if any "fsm"s among Democrats and third parties. So a good line of excluded research into duplicating this technology is clearly trying to make the neurons of other species, such as the large neurons of squid fire by using various wavelengths of light, and electron beams, etc.

Crude mapping of the brain

Typical neuron cell

Mouse brain

06/26/07 more videos:

Pupin, in his books talks about "resonance" alot. Perhaps the method he used was to make arrays of tiny resonators. Pupin was primarily an electrical person, and not a photographic person, but he did work with fluorescent screens. So probably seeing thought and eyes was first done using electronics, but photography can't be ruled out either. Electrical resonators are built in a variety of ways, some people use capacitor and inductor oscillator circuits, crystal oscillators can be used. It would seems like a lot of work to make even a small array of tiny oscillators. It would be nice to make them easily adjustable (like a radio tuning dial, which is a variable capacitor, the turning is geared and brings one capacitor plate closer or farther from the other), but I don't know how that could be done for an array of oscillators. I would encourage people to experiment with simple oscillators trying to send and receive photon signals of specific frequencies (radio) and adjusting those circuits. It might be more simple to make an array based on a single frequency of light. If I were to chose a wavelength, I would choose one around 10-50cm, since this is what the people holding out their arms are showing. With this electronic method, you can be sure that you are capturing a specific wavelength of photons, as opposed to electronic light detectors which might pick up a wide variety of wavelengths (and possibly diffraction gratings might not diffract long enough wavelengths to isolate one 10-50cm).

I recorded an idea for a new song "Draco's Laws", and while I was singing, the fascists that control the secret neuron activation technology used it to make my vocal muscles sing "chewing on some gun" instead of "chewing on some gum". And this is typical of the violent criminal nature of those nazi punks and thugs that control the neuron activation technology. They are violent criminals, who not only advocate violence against lawful citizens, but also participate in violence against lawful citizens, as 9/11, JFK, and RFK are only the most obvious example of. This neuron activation technology was invented what appears to be even before the atom bomb was invented long long ago. Take a listen to this audio:
Is that a fun song? That is funny. I hope to get a video example of my eyelid muscle twitching up here soon. This evidence will be dismissed by most people, but it all ads up, and it helps those who are outsiders to reassure themselves that yes! this technology does exist, and people are watching over us every day in order to abuse us in every way. In terms of neuron activation to move muscles, these nazi fascist punks who rule the neuron activiation camera-thought net in police and military like to make people "drop things". They do this by simply loosening a muscle in the tiniest millimeter way, to make a person drop some item. Already, they made me drop and break 1) a glass (6/07) 2) a router (7/14/07). And if they are moving muscles in this nuisance way of making people break glasses, you know they are using them for nastier purposes like to make lawful people drive off the road, etc.
Think about the technology that is needed to change a person from saying "chewing on some gum" to "chewing on some gun". That is very advanced technology, used by very unadvanced humans. I mean clearly much of this is run by computers, because these are millisecond decisions (which is nothing for modern electronics, but very fast for human speaking muscles and the human brain which runs very slowly compared to electronic computers). Probably the humans just simply press a button that says:
1) "we want one verbal typo"
2) "we want a violent one sound substitution, for example 'nice' to 'knife'" a) or could be "we want a suicidal sound substitition", for which there might be years of word play examples gathered over the years, such as "chewing gun" instead of "chewing gum".
How specific this technology is I don't know, but clearly...the fascist shitheads who control it are a violent lot who ought to be forced out, and probably into prison once their lives have been thoroughly examined by the public.


TOP TEN REASONS TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT SHAST (Seeing, Hearing and Sending Thought)
10) Public finally gets to see all the funniest and sexiest home movies that are currently kept secret for the elite few.
9) Those still locked in psychiatric hospitals for claiming people watch them in their houses and hear their thoughts can be justly freed and vindicated as sane and accurate people. (In addition to freeing those millions wrongly accused in jails).
8) History and science can move forward past the current stagnant views (for example, the public can see the truth about atomic transmutation, photon is matter, big bang/expanding universe fraud, the actual true story of history).
7) Michalo Idvorsky Pupin, DP and CP deserve their proper credit.
6) Makes communication easier, no more hearing phrase "hey I'm not a mind reader" and "I can't read your mind"
5) 100 years of secrecy is more than enough, and certainly too much.
4) Insiders having to lie to outsider family and friends too unpleasant.
3) Ability to mate much easier when everybody can see, hear and send thought.
2) People beaiming bad suggestions too evil and causing too much chaos and destruction (public can't be duped and cheated anymore).
1) Finally get to jail murderers of JFK, RFK, 9/11, and countless others.

Another list might read:
3) to see a million people say "that lying sack of shit!" 100 times a day.
2) girl's school girl-girl encounters.
1) tits!

It would be fun to be able to pick 100 people to tell about seeing, hearing and sending thought (SHAST). I would pick the smartest and hottest females...I mean I might pick some smart males that deserve to see, hear and send thought out of fairness, and for my own advantage. All people should at least know about SHAST, and then all people should get to see everything, except maybe those who are repeatedly violent, steal, etc.

For now, there are few people for me to talk about all the Pupin and other things, but maybe some time in a few decades we will all be able to laugh up a storm about it all, and no doubt shed a few tears about the massive injustice and those victims who would still be around had the public figured out the secrets earlier.

Carl Sagan in Cosmos give tiny hints about shasiastafb:

More helpful informational images of shasisammtafb (Seeing, hearing and sending images, sounds and muscle movements to and from brains):

Pro Secrecy and Lies:

AT&T ad for secrecy unless it's information about you going to them.

Litehouse advocates secrecy, should be more like "Secret murder house" spices.

NYTimes advertises secrecy on their front page: The NY Times in favor of secrecy, what a surprise there eh? Where is the video of their thoughts for us to see for a switch?

Dunkin Donuts has hopped into the fray, I can't accept that this represents the best of Dunkin Donuts...the worn out old religious see no, hear no, speak no symbology of religious idiotic lore, then the violent "beat" language - but then - here they are clearly addressing this shasiastafb issue, and that's a positive thing. 05/04/2009

Pro Information and Honesty:

Target ad possibly showing wavelength of light that allows a person to see the images absorbed and generated by brains.

Subway's $5 promotion also shows this iconic gesture, what will be a relic of a less than stellar age on Earth.

Fred Armisen of the television program "Saturday Night Live", making this iconic symbol in the January 2008 issue of "Penthouse Magazine".

Starbucks appears to be in favor of seeing, hearing and sending

Image of Greg Kinnear on front page of latimes.com from movie for patents. I'm against patents and for free info. Imagine the patent for seeing eyes, but then it would be long expired by now.

Mark Klein worked for AT&T and explained how the employees of the Federal Government, through the NSA, receive all the Internet traffic. Klein tells an interesting story, talking about cameras in everybody's houses, the memories from the "institutions" (image and sound recordings at AT&T generated by the brains of humans unfairly locked in psychiatric hospitals without trials, charges, or sentences...without ever having violated any law, and certainly no violent laws), it's really the tip of the iceburg, what Klein hints about:
See the show for free at:
PBS Frontline interview with Mark Klein
Klein document

I'm for total freedom of all information, but against total free info for those in the government and wealthy religious elites, while intellectuals, and most other poor people don't get to see, hear or send thought. In particular when the conservatives who control the visual and infrared thought cameras and secret microphones have done 9/11, protect Thane Cesar, Frank Sturgis, and have killed many thousands...and perhaps even millions of nonviolent people using neuron activation to stop their lung, heart, etc, killing them without anybody even seeing the beams because they are not in the wavelength of light visible for the unaided human eye.
I am trying to find an email or phone number for Mark Klein to see if he can shed more light on the history of seeing, hearing and sending thought in terms of the science history of the technology, and in addition to the criminal history of the many murderers. If anybody has this info please send it to me at ted@tedhuntington.com
Even off the record, no problem whatsoever, the important thing is to get the info to the excluded so they can defend themselves from those US Nazis beaming on them.

02/22/08 There must be more out there if people search for telepathy. We need perhaps a better word to distinguish between pseudoscience or psychology or whatever telepathy infers - the idea of people communicating without technology. Perhaps telepensathy, telethought, or "neuroimage reception", neurosonography, neurovision, and then "neuron activation", "remote muscle moving", "shasiastafb", neuroactivation, remote neuron stimulation, etc.

Here is a National Geographic article on the possibility of using technology a person (Danial Rizzuto http://www.its.caltech.edu/~rizzuto/) at CalTech is developing to control objects with thought (telekinesis): http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/04/0412_050412_brainstudy.html

More very good info!
THere was a sci-fi author who talked about seeing, hearing and sending thought in the 50s: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordwainer_Smith
Cordwainer Smith, is the pseudonym used by US author, Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger (July 11, 1913–August 6, 1966). Dying at age 53, it seems likely that Linebarger is on the massively huge list of those murdered with secret photon-as-the-projectile technology, and also the list of those murdered without the truth being publicly shown and acknowledged, but yet certainly known by insiders.
Anyway, this is some interesting text. Here is the link that was given to me: http://www.biotele.com/cateye.htm

Apparently Linebarger wrote this story, "No No Not Rogov!", in 1958. Here is a link to the story:
The relevent part is around the middle to the end. Here is some of it:


"The first product Stalin had asked for was a receiver, if possible, capable of tuning in the thoughts of a human mind and of translating those thoughts into either a punch-tape machine, an adapted German Hellschreiber machine, or phonetic speech. If the grids could be turned around and the brain-equivalent machine could serve not as a receiver but as a transmitter, it might be able to send out stunning forces which would paralyze or kill the process of thought.

At its best, Rogov's machine would be designed to confuse human thought over great distances, to select human targets to be confused, and to maintain an electronic jamming system which would jam straight into the human mind without the requirement of tubes or receivers.

He had succeeded—in part. He had given himself a violent headache in the first year of work.

In the third year he had killed mice at a distance of ten kilometers. In the seventh year he had brought on mass hallucinations and a wave, of suicides in a neighboring village. It was this which impressed Bulganin.

Rogov was now working on the receiver end. No one had ever explored the infinitely narrow, infinitely subtle bands of radiation which distinguished one human mind from another, but Rogov was trying, as it were, to tune in on minds far away.

He had tried to develop a telepathic helmet of some kind, but it did not work. He had then turned away from the reception of pure thought to the reception of visual and auditory images. Where the nerve ends reached the brain itself, he had managed over the years to distinguish whole pockets of micro-phenomena, and on some of these he had managed to get a fix.

With infinitely delicate tuning he had succeeded one day in picking up the eyesight of their second chauffeur and had managed, thanks to a needle thrust in just below his own right eyelid, to "see" through the other man's eyes as the other man, all unaware, washed their Zis limousine 1,600 meters away.

Cherpas had surpassed his feat later that winter and had managed to bring in an entire family having dinner over in a nearby city. She had invited B. Gauck to have a needle inserted into his cheekbone so that he could see with the eyes of an unsuspecting spied-on stranger. Gauck had refused any kind of needles, but Gausgofer had joined in the work.

The espionage machine was beginning to take form.

Two more steps remained. The first step consisted of tuning in on some remote target, such as the White House in Washington or the NATO Headquarters outside of Paris. The machine itself could obtain perfect intelligence by eavesdropping on the living minds of people far away.

The second problem consisted of finding a method of jamming those minds at a distance, stunning them so that the subject personnel fell into tears, confusion, or sheer insanity.

Rogov had tried, but he had never gotten more than thirty kilometers from the nameless village of Ya. Ch.

One November there had been seventy cases of hysteria, most of them ending in suicide, down in the city of Kharkov several hundred kilometers away, but Rogov was not sure that his own machine was doing it."

Just some quick analysis: a beam to stop the process of thought - this is a clear statement of remote neuron activation in 1958. Pupin had mentioned "my mind had been wiped" in 1920 which predates this, however, this is more explicit.
People being given violent headaches - I have definitely felt artificial headaches, and how hard is it to believe that this kind of torture is not possible? So this is nice to see explained.
Killing mice from 10 km can easily be "killing rats at 10km". It hints that the accuracy of these neuron beams may be as much as 10km. The issue of how far away a single neuron can be made to fire I have not thought about before.
telepathic helmet: It seems likely that there may be a device to counter causing neurons to fire remotely, but thinking about this...it seems like it would have to be very restrictive, with only tiny holes to breath, see, and eat...eating would open up access to part of the brain for a few seconds, and beams through the eyes might be able to pinpoint neurons in the brain...it's unbelievable but probably true. Possibly even it would need to be a body suit, to stop beams penetrating from below into the brain. It seems like an unbelievable way to live, in some way it's like having to wear a kevlar vest all day, and night even when a person sleeps....just so that images cannot be sent to their thoughts....wouldn't it be so much easier to have democracy, consensual and compassionate use of this technology? Hopefully someday soon.
Jamming people's minds at a distance: this is very nice to see, yes, this is not overly explicit, but is exactly what is happening everyday here on Earth. This is done by constantly making people remember unpleasant memories, by constantly beaming unpleasant images, and sounds into their brains. By moving their muscles so they bite their cheek, stub their toe, their heart feels pain, their skin itches, etc.
"managed to get a fix": must relate to the addictative nature of seeing, and hearing thought. People will probably pay and do a lot to see, hear and send thought. Look at how all the insiders have kept the secret for 100 years...all over the Earth...now that is a serious addiction and perhaps fear too, beyond that, without money there is no way to reach the public.
Causing suicide by using the thought beam: Some people may think...that is ridiculous, but you have to imagine from the outsider perspective...when you have absolutely no idea that the stuff in your mind is coming from sick twisted skin head high school drop outs or Mengelian phDs...most excluded think that a god is communicating with them...or that it is fate that they are thinking these terrible suicidal suggestions...these twisted secretive nazistic people that control this technology have perfected the suicide. By leading people into cars, trains, traffic...I just saw in the news about a recent outsider killed with this method in Massachussets...the woman who walked her kids into traffic...that is a typical application of these twisted murder inc in our government that took over the US military and governent too. Can you imagine...killing innocent people like this....they have bizarre minds, twisted, and violent. I just made a vid about how some unseen criminal beamed on my wrist...saying...no wonder there are so many people filling the hospitals...suicides...homicides...with evil people like this at the beam. Are those people who should be at a beam? It's really a simple thing, violent murderers, like your green river killer, your jeff daumer, your ted bundy, your tex watson, your charles whitman, etc...just happened ... to not be punished...to not be stopped...and their philosophy grew into the Bush Republicanism we see today, which I think can be argued is simply murderism...which Hitler was successful with...basically murder anybody who doesn't follow you, or in the case of 9/11 and Whitman...who happens to be in front of you.

The needle in the eye is similar to the lobotomy which is a terrible operation done by people in psychology, ice picks are used to go through the eyes and damage the brain. Largely this practice has ceased, one famous use of this was the lobotomy-mobile used by Walter Freeman. Can you imagine that many people have been given lobotomies against their clear objection, and then to know that it was just damaging the brain, destroying numerous brain cells in people who were nonviolent to begin with. Nobody nonviolent or otherwise deserves to have their brain tissue destroyed like that, and this planet is like romper room for me to have to explain this. Wikipedia mentions that Smith was interested in psychology. Possibly and I think we hardly have to imagine that many people have been, and continue to be purposely locked and operated on in psychiatric hospitals that try to tell the truth about seeing, hearing and sending thought...you can see how telling people this openly and publicly, at the store, at work, whereever you go, could easily cause people to call police, not even knowing that the person is telling the absolute truth, or at a minimum exercizing their first ammendment right to free speech and thought.

Another by Cordwainer Smith is "When the People Fell" which sounds similar to my story "when the republicans won"...but its probably the "mole Earth" scenario, where the underground people at the beam, run the program that beam murderers everybody possible, ...isn't that a wonderful possibility...which leaves only those protected underground alive to start a "mole Earth" society, where life develops protected from the beam weapons. Think about it though...they have to grow crops...how are they going to grow crops ... perhaps with laser suits as I describe above...but even so...a laser might shred them physically. The lasers need electricity, so the electrical generators would have to stay operational, and that seems like it would require fuel, coal, gas, etc. But the way the religious are with their bizarre and violent vision...who ta hellas knows?
Here is a list I stumbled onto the has some really good info too:

Some of these links are interesting.
Here is a valueable piece of info: earliest known public mention of a hand held ray device: http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/content.asp?Bnum=1146
"Soon they saw a hand reaching out with a ray gun; then another hand with a different ray gun, from behind the silent engine; a sudden crash of metal, a groan and quiet." From The Black Star Passes, by John W. Campbell. Published by Amazing Stories in 1930
Clear evidence that the story about the laser being invented in the 1950s is probably a lie. In particular, if people were "wiping mind"s in 1920, that implies that laser precision was already a reality. It's really unusual the story of the "electric camera"...people probably might ask "what is an electric camera...what is the electric camera?"...yes, we have never heard of the "electric camera". The earliest public form was known as the "television camera"....it was kept in a massive form, no doubt purposely, and at a massive price, while the tiny microscopic electric cameras were placed in every room of every house...I mean apparently...it seems unbelievable ... but yet...how could it be that Pupin in 1910 saw thought which is undisputed. Clearly the story of the electronic camera was kept secret...the public camera was the film camera by Eastman.....Why not the electric camera. In fact there was no electronic camera sold to the public until the digital camcorder...only now after 2000.

Here is one about the thought screen: http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/content.asp?Bnum=1407
The thought screen also presented an interpretation of emotion: " The Ruler emanated inuterable sdness, and a host of pallid red glyphs flashed in rapid succession on the thought screen. ". This is an interesting thing, that I envisioned a few months ago that one quick security system...that is the kind that stop violence...so perhaps this is just hypothetical...would be to simply color people red or blue, the more red the more angry they currently are, the more blue the more happy...or less energenic. But truly identifying anger is the important thing. But there is more to it, because there are many people who can be angry but still strongly adhere to lives of nonviolence. Beyond that, there are cool headed murderers, who murder without emotion, for money for example. For those people there needs to be clear violent records...and this is in a group that does not even have a public "registry" of violent offenders. Even so, generally anger is not a good thing, and is a warning of potential violent assault. I'm not talking about punishing anger...I'm simply talking about identifying when a person might be a high probability of doing violence. So maybe this system is in place, but there must be, in any given town, thousands of "red people" at any given second. Still, stopping violence before it happens is nice, but this group...is so terrible...so ridiculously negligent...and idiotic and violent themselves....that they cannot even punish a well-established murderer...minutes, days, weeks...mf'in years...I mean decades...after a murder which all people saw, which is in plane site for those who view the insider AT&T archives. Clearly, seeing a person's emotions...angry versus happy...is useful. And this is another relevent point, there are simply happy and angry dogs, and so it is with people. Some people are like me, happy go lucky, as the saying is, happy, positive for the most part, always looking for love, always loving, others are always angry, looking for violence, looking for conflict, looking to insult and put people down with rude statements. Then many are half and half and go back and forth. I'm hoping for the "smiling happy people" take over some century where the violent go to a safe, pleasant, and violence-free jail and everybody loves consensually and publicly or at a minimum leads nonviolent lives.

Here is a little of my story about figuring out more info:
At first I thought that this seeing thought was done around the 1960s, around the time we were told the transistor was invented. But I work at a University where there are many different people, and I interact with a large number of different people all the time, and so a person eventually realizes...you just get the feeling...it's hard to put into words...that many of these people hear thoughts, and more over...they are annoyed if you repeat your thoughts out loud! For them it's an echo. They don't want to waste time hearing things twice.

Ok and so you start to learn that many of these people, probably even most, all hear thought...but that I don't...it's really bizarre, because I think...'why wouldn't they include me too?' but its because I'm atheist, liberal, from out of town...I don't have many friends...I was locked in a psych hospital...my controversial views...all these reasons and more.

So one of these "insiders" I actually asked when people first saw thought, and he said "10"...and I was shocked...1910...no that is impossible....that is far too far in the past...but other insiders, including my brother confirmed this. Although I kind of feel that even 1900 may be a possibility.

I could go on for hours, but let me just conclude by saying that the book "The Thought Reading Machine" by Andre Maurois in 1937...I mean this is the year my Mom was born and she died in 2007 never seeing or hearing thought...is clear evidence and a very strong suggestion that people were hearing thought even before WW2. Pupin's book himself "From Immigrant to Inventor" strongly suggests that even writing to neurons was done by 1920 when he states "my mind was wiped clean". Pupin even mentions the word "microscopic" in a famous public quote. Yes, the micronization of these cameras and microphones is a major part of the story, and one of the largest bridges for the excluded among the public to comprehend.

Is this a scream or what...this is so funny...look at this Subway promotional video:
Clearly, the owners of Subway are somewhat decent, like Target, and others...they appear to be aligned on a side that feels the public should get to see and hear thought too...or to at least know that people are routinely seeing and hearing their thoughts. It really is banking on the future, I think. For example, it seems inevitable that people will do the right thing by telling the truth, and so those who helped will probably be viewed with less anger than those who actively delayed the secret from coming out. Some people are viewing this future event as being a complete turn-around...the oppressed becoming the oppresser, but I doubt it because it's like many classic examples (South Africa, slavory, women sufferage)...generally the wealthy still hold the reigns, only slowly do things progress, and by the time there is a sufficient majority to establish some kind of punishment for those violators...they are all too old or long dead. But isn't this subway commercial funny...I think so...and kudos to the Target people for having some hutzpuh, but as I say, this is probably a long term marketing scheme...to appear as an honest and trustworthy company on the side of the average poor person, but then, in this example, perhaps the appearance is close to the behind the curtain truth.

Possible seeing thought camera (and electric camera) schematic:
Viewing electrical current like water is the easiest way to understand this design. Electricity like water flows from the battery (in regular spurts or intervals because of the oscillator) and fills up the first capacitor, which delays it, like a bucket slows the flow of water until the bucket is filled. The current then empties from the first capacitor and divides into the two paths, one to the AND gate and the other to the next capacitor. This is a simplified circuit, and probably more stuff is needed, perhaps a transistor would replace the AND gate, but its the basic idea. At the AND gate, the current (water) only flows if the photon detector has current (water) too. If the photon detector is receiving light, the current will pass the AND gate and enter the output wire, which travels away from the camera to the remote distant viewer. At the next capacitor the current keeps flowing through filling the second capacitor and the same thing happens there. In this way, a timing pattern reflecting the photons detected is sent on the output wire. At the viewing (or receiving) end, you can see almost an identical circuit, but things are reversed. Instead of a photon detector, we have a photon emitter (for example an LED, light emitting diode). The output wire runs along with a second wire that has the exact same oscillator+capacitors design. The oscillator and capacitor basically creates a pulse of current (or water) that moves through the capacitors delaying at each. If the two oscillators are sync'd to emit a pulse of current at the same time, this second set of current will align with the current in the output wire that relates what the photon detectors recorded (with a 1 or 0, basically...that is a 3.3V or 0V). So running the two through an AND (or equivalent), but this time making the voltage emit photons instead...the photons detected are then emitted again. It is really an interesting concept...that in one location the photons enter...and it's like that image is delayed...until it gets to a remote location...and then is recreated and reappear. Added features might include limiting the light in to the detectors with filters that might include a color filter, a prism or defraction grating filter to single particular frequencies of light, and I can only guess how many other ideas might be added to this idea. But this concept is somewhat simple...and yet...in no electronics textbook does this simple circuit appear...it's a terrible secret and terrible coverup it appears...but of course maybe I am wrong. It seems like that an electric camera of this sort was invented as early as 1900.

An Italian-born French doctor Guillaume-Benjamin Duchenne experimented with applying a high voltage from an inductor coil and voltaic pile battery to muscles which causes the muscles to contract as Galvani had showed. Duchenne publishes a book with interesting photos of applying the electricity to facial muscles. I want to find books that show the electrical contraction of all the other muscles.
Here are some photos from Duchenne's "Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine" (1862):


Cartoon suggesting process of writing to visual screen in brain.

Perhaps this is what life looks like for the included elitists. Small circles or squares that show what a person around them sees and the images of their thoughts-images generated by their brain appear above their heads and follow them wherever they walk as seen by any viewer. An important thing to note, is that potentially, even the circles that other people may be seen inside circles of their eyes and thoughts. Even the other species may appear to have these circles. Insiders must see these 2D circles transformed for their perspective. It seems clear that much of the earth is currently being modeled in 3D real-time, each object, each person being modeled as 3D objects by smart computers from the many camera views.

Updated view of probable location of eye and thought screen
Clearly the Pupin money shows it all, visualize as if the 10,000,000 is passing through Pupin's eyes and is projected from the back of his head - the image may extend far outside of the head.

Cool Shirt Ideas

People in science for years, have examined the spectra from metals, other stars, etc (see Fraunhofer, Wheatstone, Bunsen and Kirchhoff, Coblentz, many others)...but what about the spectrum from living objects? Where are all the papers on the spectra of living animals and the other species? In particular the infrared and radio spectra? Here is an interesting article: http://science.hq.nasa.gov/kids/imagers/ems/infrared.html
This may be useful for those trying to tune in specific frequencies of photons:

I found an even earlier potential reference to sending images in a 1903 paper by William Huggins, who was the President of the Royal Society for a few years. Huggins wrote in 1903: "has already thrown many beams of suggestive light into the very obscure regions of the constitution of matter..."

AP story:
"Guess what? Military funds mind-reading science

By ALICIA CHANG, AP Science Writer Fri Aug 15, 9:11 PM ET

LOS ANGELES - Here's a mind-bending idea: The U.S. military is paying scientists to study ways to read people's thoughts. The hope is that the research could someday lead to a gadget capable of translating the thoughts of soldiers who suffered brain injuries in combat or even stroke patients in hospitals.

But the research also raises concerns that such mind-reading technology could be used to interrogate the enemy.

Armed with a $4 million grant from the Army, scientists are studying brain signals to try to decipher what a person is thinking and to whom the person wants to direct the message.

The project is a collaboration among researchers at the University of California, Irvine; Carnegie Mellon University; and the University of Maryland.

The scientists use brain wave-reading technology known as electroencephalography, or EEG, which measures the brain's electrical activity through electrodes placed on the scalp.

It works like this: Volunteers wear an electrode cap and are asked to think of a word chosen by the researchers, who then analyze the brain activity.

In the future, scientists hope to develop thought-recognition software that would allow a computer to speak or type out a person's thought.

"To have a person think in a free manner and then figure out what that is, we're years away from that," said lead researcher Michael D'Zmura, who heads UC Irvine's cognitive sciences department.

D'Zmura said such a system would require extensive training by people trying to send a message and dismisses the notion that thoughts can be forced out.

"This will never be used in a way without somebody's real, active cooperation," he said.

John Pike, director of GlobalSecurity.org, a Virginia-based defense research firm, said the technology is still too nascent to be of practical use for the military.

"They're still in the proof of principle stage," Pike said.

A message left with the Army was not immediately returned Friday."

I'm not sure if this is just informing the public, in order to help them defend themselves - in particular against people sending images to their brain - or what this money is actually going to, because seeing thought appears to have been figured out in 1810 and certainly by 1910. This reminds me of the quote I worked up that 'Even if this technology does not exist already, seeing images produced by brains and sending images directly to brains is a perfectly wonderful legitimate science - there is nothing unscientific in the endeavor to use spectral analysis and other scientific tools to see, hear and send images to and from brains.'. There will be a time, should life of earth survive that long, when people finally do get to see all the past thought images, and I think then that there will be massive arrests of murderers, hopefully, and a new nonviolent society will rise up. But it seems like a long and slow tortuous process - those who already see have to do much more to expose murderers on the loose (as do we outsider excluded people) - and so a decent future seems far away. I"m glad I stumbled on this article - just yet one more piece of physical evidence to open the public's eyes up to the terrible truth of the past and this technology.

Time magazine has an article about the recent US Army/UCI grant:
"The Army's Totally Serious Mind-Control Project"
There is nothing apparently new in this article.
I sent emails asking for details from D'Zmura and the UCI contact for the first media release, and have so far not received any email back. Here are those emails:

On 09/03/2008 to Dr. D'Zmura:
Hi Dr. D'Zmura,

I had read that you are conducting a new study to research telepathy, or communication by thought, and although I am not a member of the press, I am very interested in this particular branch of science. Can you tell me, for example, if you will be exploring:

1) the idea that molecules in active neurons might emit a specific frequency of light (for example at 30cm, infrared or radio) that can be imaged with an array of detectors?
2) the concept of seeing simply what the eyes see from behind the head? (Yang Dan at UCB has achieved this but with physical neuron connections to the neurons of a cat, and no doubt others before her)
3) trying to detect changes in light emitted from neurons in the brain due to loud external sounds?
4) trying to make neurons fire by sending specific frequencies of light that molecules unique to the neurons absorb, and thereby remotely sending images/sounds and other stimulations to a brain?
5) making people itch or moving muscles using light or electricity (via the Galvani/Duchenne method) but remotely?

I am interested in the history of examining the spectra of humans. For example, it is difficult to find info on who the first to explore this was. I have learned about the work of Wollaston, Fraunhofer, Talbot, and Kirchhoff, but there is no record that they examined the spectra of living organisms. Can you tell me some names as starting points to research those who examined the spectra of living organisms? What is a good starting point? Simply recording a 320x240 array of light emitted by the human brain at each frequency in the full spectrum of light might be useful information for the public to see. In addition, are you aware of any earlier scientific research done into telepathy (aside from pseudoscience which makes finding any actual science relating to telepathy very difficult), and remote muscle moving after Galvani and Duchenne?

Any info you can give me on these topics is appreciated,

And a second email on 09/12/2008 to Laura Rico, UCI media contact for the D'Zmura story:

Hi Laura,

I am not a member of the media, I'm just an average Joe, but I am really fascinated by the press release "Scientists to study synthetic telepathy" of August 13, 2008, and your name is listed as the contact person, so perhaps you can answer some questions I have about it.

I don't mean to be a bother, but I am just interested in gathering more info, in particular for a history of science video I am making in which I plan to address the actual historical scientific efforts to see, hear and send images and sounds to and from brains, or so-called "telepathy", as opposed to the majority of information concerning "telepathy" which is pseudo or unimportant science.

1) Can you tell me for example, if D'Zmura and team will be exploring the idea of capturing an image of what the eyes see, by tuning in a specific frequency of light (for example heat) emitted by neurons in the brain? For example, Yang Dan, a researcher at UC Berkeley has recorded a small video of what a cat sees, however, her work was done by physically connecting wires to neurons, while I understand that D'Zmura is apparently not investigating direct physical connection to neurons.

2) Secondly, will D'Zmura be trying to move muscles remotely, in a way similar to the method Luigi Galvani used in the late eighteenth century to electrically cause frog leg muscles to contract, but remotely by using particles without having to actually touch the brain?

3) Finally, if D'Zmura and his team do figure out how to see images or hear sounds produced by a brain, or invent a device that remotely causes muscles to contract, is the plan to make that information and those inventions public so that average people, that is consumers, could actually buy cameras that see images people think of, or that can hear people's thought audio, that is, sounds generated by their brain but traditionally thought to be heard only by themselves, or remote muscle moving devices on the free and open market? Or would this technology be kept confidential and for purchase and use only by those people employed in the US military?

Any info you can give me in response to these questions is appreciated. Again, I'm not a member of the media, and I am only asking for my own personal education, so I don't mean to offend anybody, or cause any kind of problems, and I don't plan on investigating this particular "synthetic telepathy" grant research any further than this email. I am simply interested in the approaches being explored in terms of the actual science of telepathy, the history of science, and public education about telepathy.

Doing more research on the history of the electronic camera - it's a total conspiracy of silence. I have to say "Dude, where's our history?", because, for example, take the story of Cain and the chemical telegraph, where is all the info, in particular Bakewell's writing-copier sending telegraph and Shelford Bidwell selenium image sending telegraph of 1881? For example, Encyclopedia Britannica has no record for Bidwell...I mean the first person to publicly send, receive and print a photograph (albeit only in 2 colors, and mostly like a silhouette) in 1881, and then Arthur Korn in 1902. Korn at least has an EB record, but all the above people are missing from "Concise Dictionary of Scientific Biography" - and these encyclopedia include obscure people - very obscure psychologists and philosophers that none of us has heard of or ever will. But what about the first image to be sent without moving parts? Who was it? I have to research this...it's not easy to find! Clearly wealthy people are not keen on this history of science being explained, either out of greed, fear or simply stupidity and lack of education.

10/03/08 Important update: It appears that there may be a relatively simple way to see a specific frequency in the infrared. I have been reading an amazing book "Television to-day and to-morrow" about John Logie Baird and the mechanical television. You can just use a simple DC motor and a wooden disk with a spiral of 30 holes which spins around - on one side a photodetector detects light which passes through the moving hole, through a lens and into the detector - this is connected directly to a light on the other side of the disk which changes brightness depending on the light detected - and because of persistance of image of the human brain, and the speed of the rotating disk (15-30 times/second) - you can actually see a full image - even in the infrared (if you use a filter on the source light). You can see a specific frequency in the infrared by using a low-cost ebay diffraction grating.
Search youtube for mechanical television, televisor, john logie baird, etc.

Here are 3 public domain books (they were copyrighted after 1923 but the copyrights were not renewed and so are in the public domain). Most people could probably not get access to these books, but because I work at the University of California I can, and so I want to use this advantage I have to bring these public domain books to the public who cannot yet see them. These books include instructions for building a Nipkow disk:
Barton, Moseley, "Television to-day and to-morrow", 1930, Part 1
Barton, Moseley, "Television to-day and to-morrow", 1930, Part 2

Raymond Yates, "ABC of Television or Seeing By Radio", 1929, Part 1
Raymond Yates, "ABC of Television or Seeing By Radio", 1929, Part 2

Sheldon, Griswood, "Television, Present Methods of Picture Transmission", Part 1
Sheldon, Griswood, "Television, Present Methods of Picture Transmission", Part 2
Sheldon, Griswood, "Television, Present Methods of Picture Transmission", Part 3

An interesting book:
The Nervous System and Its Constituent Neurones, 1899
It's interesting when insiders (presumably) decide to tell the history of neurons - which is so immersed in secrecy because of the secret of seeing eyes in 1810 and all that went before and in particular all that followed. Notice "The Nervous System" might be "TNS"="tens"=1810s. Notice use of the word "absorb" - hints that photons are absorbed in molecules in neurons which cause them to fire. I am sure there are more hints. Notice the author skips Galvani which to me seems so important to the history of the nervous system and neurons and of course shasiastafb and remote neuron activation.
Here is an image from 1915:

source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/gallery/2007/dec/04/sleep.exhibition?picture=331440824
Dream Recorder
The Dream Recorder Incredible discoveries and fantastic ideas were the staple content of Science and Invention, a popular science-fiction magazine. In this issue, its editor, Hugo Gernsback, wrote of his theories about dreaming ("If you dream, see your doctor.") and about the supposed possibility of recording dreaming activity in terms of increased heartbeat and accelerated breathing Stiftung Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden

This is a classic view that the brain "waves" are sine shape - completely missing the simple idea of capturing a 2D image from behind the head in a variety of single frequencies of light- in particular radio microwave and infrared longer photons intervals. People we seeing thought perhaps as early as 1810 - but through the 1800s and 1900s and even now they still ramble on about "alpha, beta and gamma waves"...as if the entire think was not this shockingly decrepid scam perpetrated on most of the public.
I don't know where this comes from, but we could be seeing our dreams now, we could be communicating by thought now, we could have robots washing our dishes now, we could have consensual prost, full free info, full democracy where we vote, no drug war, moon stations, ships to centauri, an end to violence now....but all those things wait for a group of humans that is far less terrible than the group in power now.

It looks like there is now very solid evidence that what a brain sees can be seen without ever touching the body. These images of various shapes, and in particular letters show clearly that what a brain sees can be seen - and that this technology should be developed to ease communication, to capture images of dreams, and to fully explore the health benefits and natural scientific benefits that this technology may uncover.
This was published on: 12/10/2008 CE

Scientists in Japan, Miyawaki, et al, in a collaboration of Japanese universities and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, in Kyoto, Japan published: "Visual Image Reconstruction from Human Brain Activity using a Combination of Multiscale Local Image Decoders" in "Neuron" magazine, which shows images that a brain sees using fMRI (
functional magnetic resonance imaging). This is first public publication that shows images seen by a brain that I am aware of, although it very well may be that the first images captured of what a brain sees may date back as far as 200 years ago to William Wollaston and other scientists in England. This is perhaps the best piece of physical evidence that proves that what a brain sees can be seen without having to touch the brain (Yang Dan, et al and others had produced images that a brain sees, however, this requires a physical connection to the brain).
Miyawaki, Y., Uchida, H., Yamashita, O., Sato, M., Morito, Y., Tanabe, H. C., Sadato, N., Kamitani, Y. (2008). Visual image reconstruction from human brain activity using a combination of multi-scale local image decoders. Neuron, 60, 5, 915-929.
Here is a video the authors provided in their publication:
Look at the journal cover for this edition of "Neuron":

This may be an analogy of how sensory information is stored in the brain - similar to a magnetic tape or film - but with neurons. The older the recorded "film" or string of neurons, the less likely it is to be accessed or remembered.

This really is an amazing, and fantastic development and achievement for science. This publication in "Neuron" provides the most solid piece of evidence to date that the images produced by brains can be seen, and will definitely be seen clearly by everybody and anybody very soon, most likely within most of our lifetimes - and that this technology is not one or two hundred years away in the future as some had thought. These images are a major advance and turning point into the future, and I think we will see cameras that can capture the images in the brains of all the species very soon, in a few years. In addition, this opens the scientific questions about capturing the sounds produced and played back in the brains of all the species. Beyond that, the inevitable next examination leads to the idea of remotely stimulating images, sounds and other sensations in brains.

There is not much coverage of this article by the major media. Here are a few bloggers, and others who have commented on it:
The wonderful thing is that these images have been fully published and are public, and that cannot be reversed or denied. So anybody can say "did you know that the images that we see can be seen without ever having to touch the brain? - it's true - researchers in Japan published images of shapes and letters in December 2008 in the science journal 'Neuron'. It simply is a fact that what we see can be seen without having to wear electrodes or anything, and that is amazing, at least I think so."
This is interesting that they publish a video too, which can only be seen in the electronic version. Much of my work detailing and modeling Francesco Grimaldi's so-called "diffraction" experiments are videos, and I don't know how those would be published, because most journals do not contain videos. So that is hopeful.
It is funny, a friend (http://www.biotele.com/mind_readers.html) sent me this link with the "neuron" image, and I only had time to quickly look at it - and I thought....this image looks nice...! ...if true...we may have the first physical images made public of thought...or certainly or what eyes see...I had a feeling that this image was from a major science publication, but it wasn't until I saw Monday morning that this "neuron" image is from a ligitimate science journal and was published in 12/2008. And so now, I fully realize the massive importance of this article and in particular these images.

Just to document some interesting parts in "Ralph 124C41+" by Hugo Gernsback, one of the relatively early whistleblowers about the secret of seeing, hearing and sending images and sounds to and from brains:
the telephot - is a videophone - which must have been invented some time soon after electronics and the finding of the nature of light on selenium and other materials which is 1800s.
This was first published around 1911 by Gernsback in his "Modern Electrics" magazing although I'm not sure which issue:
p.47: "On the prolongation of animal life by pi-Rays" - clearly humans are going to reach a stage where death by aging is stopped genetically - they live for millions of years - potentially - as long as their is a food source and no disease.

Just below this:
"He attached a double leather head-band to his head. At each end of the band was attached a round metal disc that pressed closely on the temples. From each metal disc an insulated wire led to a small square box, the Menograph, or mind-writer.
He then pressed a button and a low humming was heard, simultaneously two small bulbs began to glow with a soft green fluorescent light. Grasping a button connected with a flexible cord to the Menograph, he leaned back in his chair.
After a few minutes' reflection he pressed the button, and at once a wave line, traced in ink, appeared on a narrow white fabric band, the latter resembling a telegraph recorder tape.
The bans which moved rapidly, was unrolled from one reel and rolled up on another. Whenever the inventor wished to "write" down his thoughts, he would press the button, which started the mechanism as well as the recording tracer.
(Below is shown the record of a Menograph, the piece of tape being actual size.

Where the wave line breaks, a new word or sentence commences; the three words shown are the result of the thought which expresses itself in the words, "In olden times." . . .)
The Menograph was one of Ralph 124C 41 +'s earliest inventions, and entirely superseded the pen and pencil. It was only necessary to press the button when an idea was to be recorded and to release the button when one reflected and did not wish the thought-words recorded.
Instead of writing a letter, one sent the recorded Menotape, and inasmuch as the Menolphabet was universal and could be read by anyone -children being taught it at an early age- it was considered that this invention of Ralph's was one of his greatest gifts to humanityL Twenty times as much work could be done by means of the Menograph as could be done by the old-fashioned writing, which required considerable physical effort. Typewriters soon disappeared after its invention. Nor was there any use for stenographers, as the thoughts were written down direct on the tape, which was sent out as a letter was sent centuries ago."

Immediately after this is the idea of sending an image back to the brain:
"As was his custom in the evening he worked for some hours in the laboratory, and retired at midnight. Before he fell asleep he attached to his head a double leather head-band with metal temple plates, similar to the one used in connection with the Menograph.
He then called for his man, Peter, and told him to 'put on' Homer's Odyssey for the night.
Peter went down to the library on the 15th floor, and took down from a shelf a narrow box, labeled Odyssey, Homer. From this he extracted a large but thin reel on which was wound a long narrow film. THis film was entirely black but for a white transparent waveline running through the center of it.
Peter returning to Ralph's bedroom placed the reel containing the film in a rack and interoduced the end of the film into the Hypnobioscope. This wonderful instrument, invented by Ralph, trasmitted the impulses of the wave-line direct to the brain of the sleeping inventor, who thus was made to 'dream' the Odyssey.
It had been known for centuries that the brain could be affected during sleep by certain processes. Thus one could be forced to dream that a heavy object was placed on the sleeper's chest. Or one could be forced to dream that one's hand was being burnt or frozen, simply by heating or cooling the sleeper's hand.
It reamined to Ralph, however, to perfect the Hypnobioscope, which transmitted words direct to the sleeping brain, in such a manner that everything could be remembered in detail the next morning.
This was made possible by having the impulses act directly and steadily on the brain. In other words, it was the Menograph reversed, with certain additions.
Thus, while in a passive state, the mind absorbed the impressions quite readily and mechanically and a story 'read' by means of the Hypnobioscope left a much stronger impression than if the same story had been read while conscious.
For thousands of years humanity had wasted half of its life during sleep- the negative life. Since Ralph's invention, all this was changed. Not one night was lost by anyone if anywhere possible, conditions permitting. All books were read while one slept. Most of the studying was done while one slept. Some people mastered ten languages, during their sleep-life. Children who could not be successfully taught in school during their hours of consciousness, became good scholars if the lessons were repeated during their sleep-life.
The morning 'newspapers' were transmitted to the sleeping subscribers by wire at about 5 a.m. The great newspaper offices had hundreds of Hypnobioscopes in operation, the subscriber's wire leading to them. The newspaper office, notified by each subscriber what kind of news is desirable, furnished only such news. Consequently, when the subscriber woke up for breakdast he already knew the latest news, and could discuss it with his family, the members of which were also connected with the newspaper Hypnobioscope."

Possibly the "+" represents at one level, those outsided excluded who figured out that thought can be seen, heard and/or sent to and from brains - in particular a major achievement would go to those outsiders who re-invented a device to see eyes, if not to remote muscle move, etc. the DIY SHASIASTAFB and RMM. It requires serious electronic skills, and an ability to mentally reject the constant beams.
Another part of interest:
p.162 "Ralph had struck him senseless with his Radioperforer. " (a beam device).
and then later on p176:
"It would be useless to try the Radioperforer as he probably would carry a Silonium armor, proof against all Radium emanations." - there may be a large secret industry of defense against beams.
Finally on p195:
"Suddenly an electric thrill seemed to pass through his body and his clouded mental vision cleared. A picture flashed upon his mind. He saw himself in his laboratory on Earth, bending over a "dead" dog. And there came to him a memory of the words of that Dean of scientists:
"What you have done with a dog, you can do with a human being."
In that instant Ralph was galvanized.". Notice the image appears in his mind, and he is "Galvanized" - clearly Luigi Galvani is a major link in this technology, and "galvanize" may have come to meant secretly "murdered by remote muscle movement".

update- I got a copy of the May 1919 "The Thought Recorder" article by Gernsback. This is in the public domain so distribute as freely as you like - that is maybe one good thing about this secret being so old, that much of the talk about it is in the public domain by now:
The full text of Gernsback's May 1919 "Electrical Experimenter" story with comments from 3 scientists about the possibility of thought transmission:
It ends on pott - the ott is usually at&t, but pott is clearly something...I don't know what - in Fahrenheit 451 there is a coffee pot near the end - the Harry Potter phenomenon may relate to this unknown person - perhaps his name is Peter, or Potter, Potterson, Petterson, or maybe this relates to insiders thretening to arrest them for pot if they say too much about hearing thought. The "pot" is a mystery. Probably much of these clues relate to the initials of people who have gone uncredited for their secret inventions - but we can only guess.

This, I thought, was somewhat funny. I was looking through a very tough to find "Modern Electrics" for 1911, which contains the first or earliest known, to my knowledge, public suggestion that 1) hearing thought might be possible with a machine, and 2) sending sound back to the brain to be heard in thought might be possible, and I saw this cartoon which I think is very interesting. This cartoon may reflect a period of history on earth when the victims of the particle beams zap back, a zap back period at their assaulters and molestors, the itchers, and muscle-movers, etc. So take a look in 1911 this cartoon was printed and distributed by Hugo Gernsback:

Pretty amazing that 130 years after Galvani, and 100 years before now, somebody was talking publicly about this Galvani principle. Later in June Galvani published the first suggestion that hearing and playing back sounds to and from thought might be possible with a machine:

In one of the 1911 issues (there are 12, 1 each month), is this cartoon which may be a double meaning, not only of a future where people where metal suits to stop the x-particles (we thought they were xrays all this time - or who knows what they are - we outsiders are still trying to figure it out) and a second meaning possibly that a walking robot is already invented - or a visualization of the likeliness of a walking robot. That people can see and hear thought and have kept it a secret for 200 years potentially, and from a variety of other hints, it seems likely that walking robots were in action certainly by the 1900s, even before the transistor was public - but it certainly is not clear.

Here is the entire year of "Modern Electronics" which I scanned using my Canon SD1200 digital camera in under an hour. The scanned copies of these volumes are not yet made public by Google's books.google.com project. Gernsback_Modern_Electrics_1911.pdf
This includes the 2 above cartoons, most of Ralph 124c41+, in particular the first public record, at least that I am aware of, that suggests clearly that a machine could capture and playback sounds to and from the thought of a brain. Beyond that, there is a article about Galvani's work. There is a short interview with Thomas Edison - the Edison interview doesn't seem at first glance to me to be very helpful or interesting, but it's nice that Edison took the time to let a person from Modern Electrics interview him. Why didn't they talk about the future of technology? It seems like a wasted opportunity. There are probably many other helpful suggestions in these 12 issues- I don't have the time to read through it right now.

I've added my circuit diagrams for the beginnings of DIY seeing thought at my electronics page so check that out if you are into electronics or just wondering about how such a thing might work. I am thinking that using an array of photocells and transistors using a PIC and 8-bit latches wired sequentially - to make a digital 8x8 camera might be a very useful learning experience and might not be too difficult. For 1) possibly these sensors can see far into the infrared, 2) it's 1000x easier to work with than the dreaded Nipkow Disk camera -although more than one sensor are needed 3) it opens up the door to high speed image capture - using the FX2 an 8x8 image at possibly as fast as 50ns*64pixels=3.2us which is 312,500 frame a second. Possibly, for an electric spark, even just a row of 8 sensors could indicate the start and end position of a spark produced between two electrodes, by, for example, a Wimshurst static electricity generator. And then at at least 100ns*8=.8us which is 1.25 million frames a second - I can't imagine that a spark moves faster than 1mm in 800ns - but this would indicate how fast that chemical/photonical reaction takes place. People used high speed movies in the 1950s to examine spark formation, but re-examining it is helpful and very interesting.

In the interest of giving "outsiders" (people denied the right to see and hear thought), a better understanding I am printing some of the contents of my email communication with Yuki Kamitani (notice the sentence that Kamitani has not released to the public yet). In addition, I think a simple and precise way of describing this technology is simply "reading from and writing to neurons"...like a hard drive.

On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 10:02:33 +0900, Yukiyasu Kamitani  wrote:

    Dear Ted, Decoding of tones is definitely an interesting question, which someone might be trying already. I'm fine my comments are on the web or somewhere, except the following

       *****SENTENCE DELETED***********

    since curious journalists would want to come to my lab to see our ongoing experiments but I want to have our results public only after we get solid evidence. 
	Best, Yuki 
	On 2009/04/20, at 18:41, ted@tedhuntington.com wrote:

        Dear Yukiyasu, Thank you for your very prompt reply. I have found Jack Gallant's 03/20/2008 Nature paper, and peered at some of the papers Gallant, et al, cite. I am documenting a history of science, and it appears so far that your 2008 paper may be the first to actually show a recognizable image captured by fMRI. I promise not to pester you, except to add for question 1) an interesting experiment might involve trying to decode various tones such as A 440 Hertz, etc, and one more request: is it ok for me to share your responses with the public? Very much looking forward to seeing how this fMRI technology evolves, Ted Quoting Yukiyasu Kamitani :

            Dear Ted, Thanks for your interest in our paper. I'll answer to your questions on behalf of the authors.

                1) Do you plan next to try to capture and reproduce the sounds a brain hears from outside their body? For example, perhaps you will try to make a loud sound and detect a change in the MRI image? 

            We do not have a specific plan for reconstructing sounds, but it's an interesting direction for future research.

                2) Are you able to use fMRI to see not just the images from the outside universe that enter the eye, but images produced internally by the brain? For example dreams, or perhaps people can be told to visual shapes such as squares and triangles in their minds and the fMRI camera can record the image. Is this one of your research goals? 

            ****DELETED SENTENCE: NOT ALLOWED FOR THE PUBLIC YET IN HONORING THE REQUEST OF YUKIYASU KAMITANI******** In theory, I believe there is a possibility, as the perception of external objects and internal imagery should share some common neural processes.

                3) Similarly, are their plans to try and capture and reproduce the sounds produced internally by a brain - such as a song a person might remember in their mind? Do you think this will one day be possible if not already possible? 

            we have done a preliminary study in which we tried to classify brain activity pattens by the syllables (e.g., 'po' vs 'go') the subject utters and just imagines. It was possible to some extent, but this is just to classy measured brain activity into a few classes according the syllables, and not reconstruction of sound.

                4) Are you aware of any other people researching and making advances in this technology? 

            Jack Gallant's group at Berkeley is working on a related topic using a different method.

                5) Do you see a future mass market for portable MRI cameras that people can use to see each others eyes - and the eyes of their pets? 

            Well, I would not deny the possibility. Big advances in MR or other technology would be necessary though.

                6) Are you able to see the shapes and letters, such as those that spell the word "neuron" in the brain of every species that has a nervous system? Do you plan on testing to see "the eyes" of different species? 

            In theory it should be possible if you can have an animal laid still in an MR scanner. It also matters how big the animal's brain is (it is easier to analyze a large brain). We do not have a plan for animal experiments, but some people might train monkeys to do a similar fMRI experiment in near future.

                7) Are people required to take any chemical substance, such as barium sulfate, to allow the fMRI to see what eyes see, or does this work without having to take any material? 

            no need for chemical agent generally fMRI. Best, Yuki ------------------------------------------ Yukiyasu Kamitani, Ph.D. ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories Email: kmtn@atr.jp URL: http://www.cns.atr.jp/dni/ ------------------------------------------ On 2009/04/20, at 6:48, ted@tedhuntington.com wrote:

                To authors of: "Visual Image Reconstruction from Human Brain Activity using a Combination of Multiscale Local Image Decoders" Miyawaki, Yoichi; Uchida, Hajime; Yamashita, Okito; Sato, Masa- aki; Morito, Yusuke; Tanabe, Hiroki C.; Sadato, Norihiro; Kamitani, Yukiyasu doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2008.11.004 (volume 60 issue 5 pp.915 - 929) Forgive me for taking up your time, I understand how precious time is. But a friend pointed me to your above paper in the Neuron journal of 12/10/2008, and I find this work very interesting and somewhat amazing. I have a few brief questions I want to ask the authors of this paper (Miyawaki, et al.): 1) Do you plan next to try to capture and reproduce the sounds a brain hears from outside their body? For example, perhaps you will try to make a loud sound and detect a change in the MRI image? 2) Are you able to use fMRI to see not just the images from the outside universe that enter the eye, but images produced internally by the brain? For example dreams, or perhaps people can be told to visual shapes such as squares and triangles in their minds and the fMRI camera can record the image. Is this one of your research goals? 3) Similarly, are their plans to try and capture and reproduce the sounds produced internally by a brain - such as a song a person might remember in their mind? Do you think this will one day be possible if not already possible? 4) Are you aware of any other people researching and making advances in this technology? 5) Do you see a future mass market for portable MRI cameras that people can use to see each others eyes - and the eyes of their pets? 6) Are you able to see the shapes and letters, such as those that spell the word "neuron" in the brain of every species that has a nervous system? Do you plan on testing to see "the eyes" of different species? 7) Are people required to take any chemical substance, such as barium sulfate, to allow the fMRI to see what eyes see, or does this work without having to take any material? Thanks and I look forward to seeing how this "seeing eyes" technology improves and becomes more minature and low cost for consumers to use and buy. I think that this opens the door to an entire new market for camera and robot devices to make life safer, easier and more fun. Ted Huntington 

Here is a tentative schematic for getting started on a digital camera that uses light sensor devices (resistors). I am currently trying to use a PIC to send the correct signals - which are very simple - just basically turning on one transistor at a time while the analog voltage is on the wire to be read by an A2D USB oscilloscope.

Here is the PIC chip:

and a PIC programmer circuit:

and the PIC ASM (assembler) code:

Here is an initial poster that explains how neuron reading and writing might work. I want to make a much better "school-room" poster that explains how neuron reading and neuron writing might work and the implications (sending images directly to the mind and in front of the eyes, remotely moving muscles, etc) when I have more free time.
Poster: poster_2_to_3_neuron.jpg

posterbrain.com can quickly make this a 2' x 3' poster for $20

Here is a very simple circuit to transmit sound or various frequency square wave oscillations from a PIC through an LED or headphone output:

The PIC Code is here (I use a Microchip Pickit 2 or Pickit 3 programmer and free version of MPLAB to program):
Here is the other half: A very simple circuit to receive (or detect) the light pulses of the LED from the audio or PIC variable square wave:

This principle is exactly the same as hearing thought - and how simple that is. Clearly the brain and neurons emit photons with distinct frequencies, and those frequencies around the ear must emit more photons with the same exact frequency as the sound exiting them. So those light particles must be able to be translated back from light into the original sound, which may even include the sounds of thought.

Amazingly the AP and even the LATimes took money to tell the public about an article that the New England Journal of Medicine has published showing that fMRI can be used to allow people thought to be brain-dead to answer yes or no questions. So aren't those doctors rats for showing how outsiders might be able to determine if their loved-one's are actually brain dead or not?
Here is the free paper:
The AP story:
The LA Times story:
Added "Suddenly I see" to Neuron song list - I love the song, but it's stomach turning to think about the injustice and idiocy of how so many are denied seeing videos in their eyes - so I love the song, but also experience nausia upon hearing it - but it's healthy I'm sure.

An interesting note is that there actually are outsiders out there - its tough to know besides you who they are. But asking "do you see" is a good way to determine who can see thought - although it's tough - its best for the insider to say something that is clear - perhaps just when the outsider thinks of asking 'do you see' say 'yeah' - but even with this - the outsider can not rule out that the "yeah" was not neuron written to make the outsider appear like an insider. Insiders - you can't rule out might have a relationship with you - at least a friendship - as an outsider - but it's not as likely as another outsider having a relationship with you - but then - they will be neuron written on to not like you unless the neuron writing group decide that it is better to neuron write some person to become attached to you in order to end any talk of including you, or those who are seeking a relationship with you from the inside. For example, a poor deparate foreign male or female might be neuron written to become attached to some lonely popular outsider in order to remove the outsider from having to be included because of insider demmand to include the outsider in order for a relationship and to make a family with.

It may be that hearing and seeing thought is simply Gigahertz and/or terahertz Amplitude Modulation radio. Is that unbelievable? It seems unlikely, but yet - look at the people with their arms out in what may be a 30cm photon interval or wavelength - there must be some reason they make that gesture. Perhaps people can hear thought by making a simple GHz or THz AM radio receiver - this is what I am trying to do now. If I were you, presuming you are excluded, I would start to learn about oscillators - like the Colpitts oscillator - which are easy circuits to put together, and you will need an oscilloscope - I would get a USB like the DSO-2250 on ebay. I use kicad to make PCBS. Here are my latest project files: kicad_projects-20100328.tar.bz2

Using a thermopile, or array of thermopiles may be a way to hear and see thought - or even just hear what the ear hears and what the eye sees from outside the head. Here is an image of a circuit which does work - a soldering iron passed about 2 inches over the thermopile will cause a change in voltage of about 2 volts.

ll be neuron written on to not like you unless the neuron writing group decide that it is better to neuron write some person to become attached to you in order to end any talk of including you, or those who are seeking a relationship with you from the inside. For example, a poor deparate foreign male or female might be neuron written to become attached to some lonely popular outsider in order to remove the outsider from having to be included because of insider demmand to include the outsider in order for a relationship and to make a family with.

It may be that hearing and seeing thought is simply Gigahertz and/or terahertz Amplitude Modulation radio. Is that unbelievable? It seems unlikely, but yet - look at the people with their arms out in what may be a 30cm photon interval or wavelength - there must be some reason they make that gesture. Perhaps people can hear thought by making a simple GHz or THz AM radio receiver - this is what I am trying to do now. If I were you, presuming you are excluded, I would start to learn about oscillators - like the Colpitts oscillator - which are easy circuits to put together, and you will need an oscilloscope - I would get a USB like the DSO-2250 on ebay. I use kicad to make PCBS. Here are my latest project files: kicad_projects-20100328.tar.bz2

Using a thermopile, or array of thermopiles may be a way to hear and see thought - or even just hear what the ear hears and what the eye sees from outside the head. Here is an image of a circuit which does work - a soldering iron passed about 2 inches over the thermopile will cause a change in voltage of about 2 volts.

Images from the 2008 Disney-Pixar movie "W.A.L.L.E.":

This raises an interesting issue of when the same video is sent to the eyes of thousands of people at the same time. If such videos are voluntarily requested by the viewer then that is an interesting coinsensual phenomenon, but if imposed onto thousands of people's minds, unknowingly, and/or unwillingly that is a completely different phenomenon and society.

Recommended Reading: "The Invention of Telepathy", Roger Luckhurst.
This book contains some useful historical information on telepathy, including the very notable quote by Crookes which I also had identified as being a very special paragragh before finding it in this book too- specifically mentioning x-rays as a possible method of telepathy.
also: "Hans Berger on the electroencephalogram of man.", if only for the introduction and first, second and last reports. The last report talks about Cazzamalli and the idea of alpha and beta brain waves emitting and detected remotely.
Remote neuron writing (remote neuron activation) can be done by connecting a radio controlled ~100V device to an arm - basically a wireless Duchenne device. You can then continue to imagine this radio controlled transceiver high voltage device becoming smaller and smaller - until it's like a micro-meter or dust sized trasmitter-receiver voltage producing device. A small device like this can enter a body and be remotely located and then activate various parts of the nervous and muscular system.

Adding William Byrd poem, and a comment in the Norton book on music. William Byrd's "Songs of Sundrie Natures" is the earliest evidence I have yet found for neuron reading.
Byrd writes: "Your minde is light", and "the Sunne with his beames", "we were out and he was in"
One version
Music of song
Another version with typos
All I can say is that it becomes somewhat easier over time to recognize the language of those who receive direct-to-brain windows- even though the excluded never actually hear it out loud. 1500 or even 1200 for that matter seem like a ridiculously long time ago, and are viewed as a stone age to most people - but knowing that remote neuron reading and writing is easily 200 years old - you can see that wealthy people who developed this technology could have simply kept it to themselves - and viewed poor people with very little concern. So poor people, from an excluded view, are "the public", that is people for whom everthing they know is from published works: newspapers, television, scientific journals, books, etc. without anything known from the realm of thought-image or thought-sounds.
One funny thing about WIlliam Byrd's lyrics is that - they may reflect a kind of insider smart person comedy - like the words have two and three meanings - one which is a very naked and funny kind of meaning, and then a second which has a very or somewhat conservative meaning and is a well-worn phrase so that nobody except people with a sense of humor would notice.

Possibly good thought-audio and thought-images to think of when somebody is bothering you with remote neuron writing or particle beams:
1) The Thought-Audio "out"
2) The Thought-Audio "no call list, please"
3) The Thought-Audio "fire" (to de-employ from the phone company, and then if not successful at stopping the beamer, "fire at")
4) The Thought-Audio "jail" (to jail the wayward particle beamer)
5) The Thought-Audio or Thought-Image "all money to the victim" or "direct-to-victim, then", which means that any money paid for the molestation must go directly to you the victim, with a minimum fine of $100 per second.
6) The Thought-Audio or Thought-Image "Eye for an Eye" - spend a second or two of your life to request that the same exact molestation be inflicted upon the molestor.
7) The Thought-Audio or Thought-Image "Laser Taser": Simply think of using a laser as a taser to ward off the particle beamer/neuron writer. A few zaps with a nice nanometer CO2 laser might knock some manners and civility into the errant beamer.

Your vote may be recorded and these votes may add up to actually make a person that bothers people remotely with a particle beam become punished somehow.

There really is a caste-like, class system with typical class-based differences that has arisen because of the hording of neuron reading and writing technology in addition to keeping it secret to even talk about openly. There are serious differences between insiders and outsiders- although they are not physical as much as they are societal.
Important differences between those who do not receive direct-to-brain windows and those that do:
Do not receive direct-to-brain windows Do receive direct-to-brain windows
Do not receive direct-to-brain windows (see no windows or video squares in front of their eyes) Do receive direct-to-brain windows (can see windows and video squares in front of their eyes)
Can't see and hear video of people inside their houses Can see and hear video of people inside their houses
Can't remotely move the muscles of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely move the muscles of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't hear ears (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains hear) Can hear ears (sounds of what people, dogs, birds, cats, lizards, fish, and other species with brains hear)
Can't see eyes (video of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains see) Can see eyes (video of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains see)
Can't hear thoughts (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) Can hear thoughts (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think)
Can't see thoughts (images of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) Can see thoughts (images of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think)
Can't remotely send sounds to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send sounds to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't remotely send images to the eyes of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send images to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't remotely send sounds to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send sounds to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't remotely send images to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send images to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Have to masturbate Never have to masturbate
Probably have no sexual partner Definitely have at least one sexual partner
Probably will not reproduce Probably will reproduce
Last to be hired, first to be fired First to be hired, last to be fired
Earn low wages Earn high wages
Probably are poor Probably are wealthy
Don't get to receive dream videos while sleeping Do get to receive dream videos while sleeping
Have their muscles remotely moved by unseen insiders Don't have their muscles remotely moved by unseen insiders
Are made to itch by unseen insiders using particles Are made to itch by unseen insiders using particles
Are remotely sexually and nonsexually molested by unseen insiders using particles Are not remotely sexually and nonsexually molested by unseen insiders using particles
Can't buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net Can buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net
Can't get extra money through money-windows Can get extra money through money-windows
Can't be published Can be published
Can't be film, television, music or radio stars Can be film, television, music or radio stars
Can't buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net Can buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net
Outsiders Insiders
Excluded Included
Out In
Prey Predators
Tutsi Hutu
Watched Watchers
Stalked Stalkers
book readers Neuron rapers
Mostly tell the truth Mostly have to lie
Can talk about remote and direct neuron reading and writing Mostly can't talk about remote or direct neuron reading or writing
Watch television and cable Don't watch television and cable
Have to use Google and the Internet Don't have to use Google and the Internet
Will be sent terrible suggestions to do violence, sexually inappropriate actions Will not be sent terrible suggestions to do violence, sexually inappropriate actions
Will have no defense against suggestions written to their brain, probably will conclude voice is from God, not from wealthy to poor evil idiot neuron rape-writers Will know that voice in head is not from God or naturally occurring, but is from neuron rape-writer

And this caste system is set in stone - because the differences are so stark. It's hard for an excluded person to remember this truth. There simply are too many differences between those who get direct-to-brain windows and those who are excluded for there ever to be any mixing. It seems, not out of the realm of the possible that an excluded and included could have a lasting relationship, but it must be extremely rare. Mostly an included is never going to choose to even befriend an excluded- the analogy is like a Jewish human and non-Jewish human in Nazi Germany, and a black person and a white person in a slave state during slavory - there might be mixing, but it mostly doesn't happen. So as an excluded, you have an uphill battle of trying to find another excluded, all the while, receiving thought-audio from included who you probably never will see, who are definitely already in relationships- ans for many - more than one- with other included people.